Club 600


Active Member
lol from one seed i kept the bubblelicious going for just over two yrs, through cloning and revegging, out of all the bl i grew i only ever got one pip from it, that got popped tonight :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Is there a one vid per post limit? How duh??? Sorry, one more. One of my favorites.



Well-Known Member
Ok, ok, ok, I'm sorry!, but I'm rocking out here and I want to share.

My baby does the Grind



Well-Known Member
Hey, duchie, thanks for sharing that one!
I downloaded that with the YTD youtube downloader and bookmarked the URL so I can check out the rest of the vids of him playing.
Love that boogie-woogie style, and he makes it look so easy!
Way back when, I had a stratocaster knockoff that was fairly decent, and loved to play slide on it. Not the same sound as a telecaster, but it was all I had in the way of an electric 6-string.
*edit: I also had a pickup insert for my acoustic that was pretty sweet, too.
Man, I wish my fingers worked like they did back then.

**edit #420: Heh, heh, just noticed I posted at 4:20pm.... I still got it!!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, right on, glad you liked it. I'd suggest you start with anything from 60 Minutes with...David Wilcox. They're album tracks from the earlier days.


Active Member
Man, I wish my fingers worked like they did back then.
I hear that. I can't hardly hold a chord on my guitar anymore. I still try and plink at it for fun and I've been watching some youtube instructional stuff, but I'm really struggling with fingers that won't do what they did even 6 months ago. It sucks!!!


Well-Known Member
I don't actually "Like" that, 4x4, just that I hear ya. :-(
If all of us decrepit musicians ever got together to jam we could call ourselves "Roger 600 Watters and The Crapiest Band In The World"!


Well-Known Member
Haha! While I was listening to that I was looking for that Final Countown video to make you watch it, to get ya back, and then there it is in your montage. Issa fyno cowdooooooow


Well-Known Member
Nah, it's probably best that you don't.
Might ruin you on live bands for a while.
The sad thing is that there are much worse out there than the ones featured.


Well-Known Member
Well, got to give them credit for taking the stage, I guess.
I can't remember how long it's been since I played for anyone but the one cat we have that doesn't run away when I strap on my bass.


Active Member
Last live band I saw (mistakenly) was a 3 piece irish pub song thrash band that had a drummer, a bass player, and a bagpipe/accordian player. SCARY doesn't even begin to describe the sounds they made!!!!! Every song was at hyperspeed and was done in under a minute.


Well-Known Member
Never get tire watching this guy.
