Club 600


Well-Known Member
Hi guys and gals, back from my hols and spent 5 hours cleaning my caterpillar ridden greenhouse. Managed to get a crap load of toms, some cucumbers and a single pumpkin. I asked my mate, "did your mum not read you the Big hungry Caterpillar as a kid?", lol. anyway, not all a disaster, needed clearing out. Will get some pics up soon, peace folks, and good to see old friends around.


Active Member
How many years you got madness? I think I'm about in the middle of all you guys at 33. I would guess 33-35 to be average for all us. Seems like there are a bunch of you around 25-27, then another bunch around 38-40, then another group we'll call the learned ones. ;)
im 29........ i guess i dont fit in lol


Well-Known Member
My total cholesterol stays a steady 153.
Half of my genetics come from a tribe who ate lots of candlefish for thousands of years, a fish so oily you could literally light it on fire like a candle. Or render out the oil for use in oil lamps.

;-) :-)
In case anyone needs proof:




Well-Known Member
"If the age doesn't fit, you must Hit, Git & Split!" - J. Cochran


*edit: not calling anyone a Git, it's just the title of the song :-)
**edit x2: nor do I want anyone to split :-)


Well-Known Member
38......... Dude I didn't realize you was that far up there.. You should really keep them grease bombs to a minimum..

Have you had your colonoscopy yet?? :D


Well-Known Member
Pics from the cab.

Cheese exo,


Deep Blues (more pics in my thread)

Mmm, it's dark in there.

Not so dark

Rooftop. (more pics in my thread)

Roasting toms.....

Some veg




Well-Known Member
38......... Dude I didn't realize you was that far up there.. You should really keep them grease bombs to a minimum..

Have you had your colonoscopy yet?? :D
I see several doctors every 3 months (leukemia), so we stay on top of my health as best we can.
And yeah, I get my butt probed & guts snaked once a year.
Except for the occasional burger, I'm mostly vegetarian, so my cholesterol/triglycerides are always low.
I really only make a burger like that once or twice a month, or less, and rarely indulge in fast foods: too expensive, not so tasty, and I love to cook my own meals.
I do drink a little soda pop every day, but only about 8-ounces (the fizziness helps me swallow my chemo meds).
I live a pretty spartan life, unless I'm working physical jobs, and I restrict myself to eating one meal a day, and have a light snack in between.
In the past I've always had manual labor jobs that required me to consume up to 10,000 calories a day to gain muscle mass and keep it on (super fast metabolism), but those days are far behind me. :-(
Until my back problems kicked in a few years ago, I have lead an extremely active life, and take a bit of pride in maintaining good physical conditioning (most would say excellent).
4-minute miles, hiking through the woods in hilly & mountainous terrain with heavy pack and regardless of the weather (born & raised in Alaska), mountaineering, swimming, skiing (cross country and downhill), hardcore bicycling, motorcycle racing (road & dirt), ATV racing, and more than dabbled in various styles of martial arts (aikido, judo, jiujitsu, kempo, boxing).
These days I stay in shape with yoga and isometrics.
If it wasn't for the white hairs in my moustache & beard and a little coming in on the temples, you'd never guess I was coming up on 46.
Most people who meet me think I'm in my low-to-mid 30's.
Was working a job about 10 years ago, and always had to come & go by an Army recruitment center. I always ran from my car way out in the parking lot to the store, and from the store carrying a load out to my car for 10 hours a day.
And always in heavy work boots.
I'd smile & nod to the sergeants inside as I'd pass by the window and one day the senior NCO came out and stopped me and said he noticed my hustle and said "The Army could sure use a man like you. Have you ever thought of enlisting?"
I chuckled and let him know I'd only been out of the Army for 10 years, had served in Desert Shield & Desert Storm, and was on the verge of being too old to enlist, and then added that when I left the service I outranked him.
But thanked him for the compliment and wished him luck in finding others.
He was almost heartbroken, but smiled and said, "Damn! If you ever want to re-enlist, come see me!"
With rare exceptions, most guys I meet who are in their early-mid 30's look as old as I actually am. ;-)
I will admit, though, that even if I look younger than I am, I feel older than my years. :-(
The joys of turning into a walking fossil. ;-)