Club 600


Well-Known Member
Anyone else no longer able to see the list of forums?
I don't venture too far from the ol' 600, but now all I get is a stupid "Activity Stream" that shows every ridiculous post on this waning website... more reason to not show up.


Well-Known Member
On a slightly different note... anyone ever try an 13/11 light cycle, giving an extra hour to the day time? Would this help in plant growth ya think? Larger yields? Thoughts? A lot of plants will start to flower at 10.5 to 11 hours of darkness... just thinking out loud here.
i don't know much about 13/11 but D.J. Short claims to run on a 11/13 cycle on his grows. I haven't been growing but i'm curious to give that a try on one of his strains. He had logic behind it, but the interview was so long ago ...i forget the reasons.


Well-Known Member
that happened to me a while back but now I log onto riu/usercp.....

... more reason to not show up.
I have come to the conclusion that if you believe the site is crap you will look for reasons for it to be crap, however it's us that make the site (or our corner of the site) what it is.

I have also come to the conclusion that if you plan a BBQ/Braai in Europe, it WILL RAIN! No need for dances at all.


Well-Known Member
While that might be true for others, I don't look for reasons for riu to be crap.
I only wish it was closer to being a functional website.
I did occasionally venture out to see what others are doing in other parts of riu.
Can't really do it now until it's fixed (if it will be).

And you're surprised it rains in Europe?


Well-Known Member
Do you not have New Posts Doobie? If I feel like a bit of adventure I go click on that....I probably read about 2 or 3 threads (skim reading) and then realise I should probably just stick to the old faves. There's some wacky wacky's out there.

Just as you posted that the rain came down again, wtf Doobs, lol.


Well-Known Member
Had to post this up here as well took a plant down a lil early u know had one thats been lagging behind the whole time been tired of looking at it gotta take them cuts uniform and consistent always in a hurry tho!:wall:

Anyhow am curious how u guys are doing on yield with ur 6hundos if ya care to share? anyone hitting a GPW?


Well-Known Member
dog looking sweet as always dst, looks very sativa compared to my 2 dogs, did you notice a difference when you backcrossed it?

haven't posted pron in an age, i'll have to show you what i have been doing with these lovely creations.

stay strong 600

edit: just went to your thread and it is quiet to say the least, you finally given up double posting? lol

i just wanted to see the dog plant you grew last, i went back a few pages but as we know it moves really quickly in here


Well-Known Member
I've got such wonderful comments about my fogger cloner I figured I should mention that same unit could fog a much larger tank if you wanted.