Club 600


Well-Known Member
Here you go DST the next day, I didnt forget about you asking. Not much but in a week I am sure she will be through again.

P6250095.jpgView attachment 2228659

Jig we need to have a Concentrate Party one day!!! Maybe after I harvest this thing!!


Well-Known Member
maaaaaaaaaaayne! i need a piece of that! i been smoking this bland ass weed for like ages it feels like. had to get it off the market. boo!


Well-Known Member
its just weird, i dont understand why people grow large quatities of boo boo, again and again. i almost wana give my guy some seeds and say send these up the ladder. but he doesnt know shit bout growing and doesnt seem to want to even think about it. i dont talk to nobody about growing so thats what the 6 double 0 is for.

but your right, i still appreciate it as bud, bud i need some diffferent bud!


Well-Known Member
three buds make a bowl.

* honestly i just need some indica in my life.
wich is going down.. in october. when its harvest time. cant wait.


Well-Known Member
As long as you get high is whats important IMO, we are spoiled with all this beautiful bud we grow!!!
its just weird, i dont understand why people grow large quatities of boo boo, again and again. i almost wana give my guy some seeds and say send these up the ladder. but he doesnt know shit bout growing and doesnt seem to want to even think about it. i dont talk to nobody about growing so thats what the 6 double 0 is for.

but your right, i still appreciate it as bud, bud i need some diffferent bud!
Some ppl just wanna make money and some ppl appreciate quality weed!


Well-Known Member
What!!!!!!!!!!! you guys don't have Smell-o-Vision yet????? ffs, get with the times, lol. Looking fat in there!! Thanks for sharing the pics. Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Before the hizznay shizznit hit the mizznaimnstrizeam....RIP Seagram