Club 600


Well-Known Member
very nice jig,this one looks to be like the mom(ny purp diesel)
she did not like a lot of light,i had to keep her off to the side,or else she would do that samething.
you getting more sweet? or funk/fuel?


Well-Known Member
It's pure sweet. Like crazy sweet. Almost like perfume... it's actually the first smell my wife has liked. As Mrs. DST, Mrs. Jig thinks the smell of MJ is disgusting and offensive. With this smell, she loves it. It's a strong smell.


Well-Known Member
It's pure sweet. Like crazy sweet. Almost like perfume... it's actually the first smell my wife has liked. As Mrs. DST, Mrs. Jig thinks the smell of MJ is disgusting and offensive. With this smell, she loves it. It's a strong smell.
nice,sounding good,im thinking that is the candy drop male.


Well-Known Member
Sweet exotic sounding strains man, hope you get a grin from you'r urkle. Ive grew B.B's Deep Purp Querkle which was a joy, but these two the temp's make no diff. its Pink and Purple from pre-flower on the bud. Leave's stay green onthe bsb and the Purple frost covers most of the Calizhar :)

I got 2 diff phenos of the bsb, both very similar with one more dense like rock hard!! greener, with the color through the haze of frost :) Think the Pic of the top, is the other one from the Nug shot if that make's sense haha. Would be a great commercial strain with that added Dankness and heap's of flav we all crave!
I also have a Querkle outside in midflower...I love flavor!!


Well-Known Member
It's pure sweet. Like crazy sweet. Almost like perfume... it's actually the first smell my wife has liked. As Mrs. DST, Mrs. Jig thinks the smell of MJ is disgusting and offensive. With this smell, she loves it. It's a strong smell.
That is how the wife and my daughter feel about the Grape ape, doesnt smell like weed at all, smells like a fruity perfume or cotton candy. They also hate the smell of weed flowering drying cured or as smoke just hate it!


Well-Known Member
It's pure sweet. Like crazy sweet. Almost like perfume... it's actually the first smell my wife has liked. As Mrs. DST, Mrs. Jig thinks the smell of MJ is disgusting and offensive. With this smell, she loves it. It's a strong smell.
mrs sunnyboy loves LOVES the smells, thank jah :peace:


Well-Known Member
It's pure sweet. Like crazy sweet. Almost like perfume... it's actually the first smell my wife has liked. As Mrs. DST, Mrs. Jig thinks the smell of MJ is disgusting and offensive. With this smell, she loves it. It's a strong smell.
Ahahah, the small of dank makes my GF gag. As if its a steaming pile of something lol. Weird how it can be one of my favorite smells in this world and its repulsive to her.


Well-Known Member
My wife does the same thing.
You'd think it was somehow the most disgusting, putrid thing you could ever smell.
But it's just the dig-dank-ity we all know and love!
I still break open buds before smoking them to whiiff (emphasis on the "h") it up for a bit before loading the bowl.
And then rub my fingers under my nose until the smell is gone while I find my lighter.
Speaking of which, I am enjoying some Bleezeberry Kush, and I swear it smells like #2 stove oil (kerosene)!
Which is a good thing.
Hope everyone is having a good Friday!
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mr west

Well-Known Member
Just finished the last lil bit of compassionate dog kush and it was lovely, long live the dog. Hope every one is having a blissful weekend.


Well-Known Member
Mine was also compassionate.
I thought about the love & attention over a 4-month long period of time from sprout or clipping to harvest time, and all the light cycles it took to grow such fine herb.
Think I'll play the bass for a bit before doing the dishes.
Will try for a vid, if the camera batteries hold out.
Don't know how many takes it will need, since this will be the first bass playing session of the day for me, and I am now officially buzzing, so expect a few of the usual mistakes.
Might be an hour, might be 2 hours.
Just an old favorite of mine.


Well-Known Member
My wife does the same thing.
You'd think it was somehow the most disgusting, putrid thing you could ever smell.
But it's just the dig-dank-ity we all know and love!
I still break open buds before smoking them to whiiff (emphasis on the "h") it up for a bit before loading the bowl.
And then rub my fingers under my nose until the smell is gone while I find my lighter.
Speaking of which, I am enjoying some Bleezeberry Kush, and I swear it smells like #2 stove oil (kerosene)!
Which is a good thing.
Hope everyone is having a good Friday!


Well-Known Member
lol, no soil grow^^.

Going to get more soil, nutes, and a new 600w hps bulb
Soil in a Coffee Can??? I grew a plant in a Coffee Can DWC!!! I use those Coffee Cans as part of my arsenal! LOL

@jig: dont forget about the Dirty Water Dogs. Got to eat some Sabrett Hot Dogs and those huge ass Hot Pretzels! Be safe and have a blast. Post lots of pics jig!




Well-Known Member
Hey fellow tokers hows it going!! :bigjoint:

How many plants can one fit under a 600w hps in 18 litre pots? I have been growing a while, but would love some real insight on this considering its the Club 600 thread!!:-P


Well-Known Member
Hey fellow tokers hows it going!! :bigjoint:

How many plants can one fit under a 600w hps in 18 litre pots? I have been growing a while, but would love some real insight on this considering its the Club 600 thread!!:-P
I wouldnt use a 600 over more than 20ft2 or roughly a 4x5 ft area, and that is pushing it.