Club 600


Well-Known Member
haha,you are never lieing about haveing more than bag full of useless celebrations,its been flower weekend around here,it all crazy
everybody outside planting things,that they know nothing about,telling me i need to put some colorful flowers out in my front yard...yea,i got some flowers for ya alright!!


Well-Known Member
Glenlivet for me lad.......just off to make me a jernt too....its EARTH DAY!!!!
I'd love to have a scotch right now, but its only 2:30 PM lol. Ahhh eff it, I'm gonna hit this SLH roach and have me a cpl fingers! Some nice sunshine today, should probably do some yard work.


Well-Known Member
Rick Rolled, lol......everyone is getting quite obsessed with Mr Astley, lol.

Lovely scrog action FM!!!