Club 600


Well-Known Member
haha,i seen something like that when i was fishing,a few day ago.
On our way to the secret spot you have to walk about 1.5 miles along the side of that canyon you see in the pic. Its about 100-150 feet above the river. As we were walking I spotted a dude on the river bank giving his girl the old Wang Chung from behind so me and the wife stopped for a second to get a good peek. And the Dude sees us, :shock: gives a Big Wave :hump:and never missed a stroke. We waved back and moved on down the trail.


Well-Known Member
Well I don't have a journal or a grow post so ill just post here.

Good Friday is fitting for the occasion.

At 31 days from seed I have topped Connie Chung and Pineapple Express.
The tops became my first clones.
And while I was getting jiggy with it I dropped 1 Kandy Kush and 1 Power Kush.

So my active inventory now contains: 6
From seed: 1 pineapple express and 1 Connie Chung each 31 days old, topped 1 time.
1 Power Kush and 1 Kandy Kush, not popped yet.
From Clone: 1 pineapple express and 1 Connie Chung. fresh cut.

Now for the pics. Pay no attention to the cupcake. It is a prototype "Grass Hopper"
It is one of several recipes we may introduce to our shop.


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On the way home the wife suggested I get a decent mic at guitar center!
So a quick bit of research (already been casually looking into it for an end-of-year purchase), and call my parents to say "howdy", and then I'm off across town to gc!
I'm really starting to wonder if you even have a wife and I'm starting to think you're making it up. Where would anybody even find such a woman, that would just keep letting you have all that you want and isn't your mother?

I think you're going to have to start showing us some proof that such a wife exists.


Well-Known Member

AKG Perception 220:
*have it hooked up just now and it is sweet!

Went from this to that:

I know, I know!
I swear, she exists!


Well-Known Member
Damn Doobs congratz looks like you left the 80's and came into the present :)
See it on!See it on!See it on!See it on! Its not underwear for a girl silly!


Well-Known Member
Actually quit e afew giggles from cereal land this morning. Thanks guys and gals (inc Doobies wife!)


Well-Known Member
Is it all a bunch of long haired/long bearded hippies that grow across the pond. lol

Morning 600's. Good Friday today. Hope everyone enjoys their long weekend


Well-Known Member
Nah lets stay in the spirit of things that might not belong in a grow forum! Check out my lazy BITCH!

IMG_0273.jpg Now that is facial hair! :P

Do you now SNAPS? Can you get snaps outside Denmark? Im getting so drunk today.. 5-6 shots of snaps and the brain starts going auto, im there but im really not in control, good thing my girlfriend is there to control me when things get outta hand :D <-- Okay it is a Danish, Swedish thing.


Well-Known Member
Damn Doobs congratz looks like you left the 80's and came into the present :)
See it on!See it on!See it on!See it on! Its not underwear for a girl silly!
The old Sony looks like a Mr. Microphone, and sounds about as good.
Will hang on to it for when I need low-fi vocals or use it side by side with the new one for stereo vocals (and mixed vocal fx).

Hey, duchie, if my next grow if abundant enough, I'll pull a jigfresh and get the wife's nugs covered with herbal nugs and snap a pic.


Well-Known Member
Is it all a bunch of long haired/long bearded hippies that grow across the pond. lol

Morning 600's. Good Friday today. Hope everyone enjoys their long weekend
Got to have the beard if you want to be a North American Lumberjack:


Wow that looks like a very fine Mic you got there. Can't wait to hear the new tunes.
It's great for my vocal range (baritone to bass. I can hit low C on a good day), and is ultra sensitive!
I'm going to have to make my little padded box recording booth Cone of Silence tomorrow.
I'll do a side by side audio test of it comparing the nasty old mic and the groovy new one and upload it to youtube tomorrow sometime (and post a link here in the 600).
Night and day difference in sound quality!

Have to slow down my posting so I don't hit 2,000 posts before I'm ready.
Tonight will work on the music part of the song some more, and tomorrow I re-do the narration, and other vocal elements.

I hate rationing posts here in the 600, so I am trying to get it done by this weekend.
But I want to put the proper amount of effort and care into it so it doesn't totally suck, too.
Time for some food in my belly, and then some tokes in my lungs.
Then back to work.


Well-Known Member
Nice little girls you got there lokie.

Haha doob. Wife said the other day "I can't believe all your friends have seen my chest" to which I responded "I'm sure no one even remembers that." Guess I was wrong, lol. She's a real modest girl (grew up in amish country for heaven's sake), still can't believe she did that, but she REALLY wanted me/ us to win that contest.

Having written the word 'sake' I can't get over what a weird word that is.

HydroGp... what's Snaps? Some kind of liquor I guess. And just so you know... it's know, not now. Now means this moment in time. I'm seriously amazed when anyone who didn't learn english as a first language can spell anything. We have the craziest rules.

EDIT: Nice pic billy. I guess all you on that side of the pond are short haired fellas. All the one's I seen are at least. Too funny.


Well-Known Member
Nice little girls you got there lokie.

Haha doob. Wife said the other day "I can't believe all your friends have seen my chest" to which I responded "I'm sure no one even remembers that." Guess I was wrong, lol. She's a real modest girl (grew up in amish country for heaven's sake), still can't believe she did that, but she REALLY wanted me/ us to win that contest.

Having written the word 'sake' I can't get over what a weird word that is.

HydroGp... what's Snaps? Some kind of liquor I guess. And just so you know... it's know, not now. Now means this moment in time. I'm seriously amazed when anyone who didn't learn english as a first language can spell anything. We have the craziest rules.

EDIT: Nice pic billy. I guess all you on that side of the pond are short haired fellas. All the one's I seen are at least. Too funny.
Wow wow wow stop right there :D What picture?! :D Did you win? :) It must have been a win win situation, but the contest.

Now i know! :D Yeah Snaps "A group of people are clustered around a table for a typical lunch that will include several courses and a clear, fiery drink. The host pours the ice-cold liquid into frosty, conical glasses with long stems. He raises his glass, at which point the diners turn to one another and make eye contact, making certain not to leave anyone out. &#8220;Skål!&#8221; calls out the host, and everyone takes a sip. Again there is eye contact, and then the glasses are set on the table, not to be lifted again until the host raises his. The liquid is aquavit. The ritual is virtually the same throughout Scandinavia." Sounds fun aye just like smoking with friends :)