Club 600


Well-Known Member
Yeah im really in Denmark :) Happy.. Well thats a tough one.. Cause i really dont see danish people as being more happy. I believe it was something that somehow got blown up in a talkshow with Oprah. LOL
We pay A LOT of taxes to make our society somewhat equal, and have things like free healthcare. But as economy is getting worse so is the "equalness" of society. And i hope i dont overstep something here, but them border crossers have made a great deal of bad for the danish society :( (I grew up in "Ghetto Denmark", dealing with 2.generation crossers daily)
I can only speak for myself and i must say for me im going strong on a great family and just being me, myself and the girlfriend, the two dogs. As for the weather.. Its allover and you get all seasons the good and the bad. I like that. Hot summers on the beach, and dogpulling the sled at winter :)


Well-Known Member
Heh, heh... sorry about that WD :-)

Well guys, I got some things to attend to.

Chocolate Rain:
must go and drop off the rent check.
Chocolate Rain:
must go to the fabric store.
Chocolate Rain:
needs supplies to re-upholster chair.
Chocolate Rain:
then goes to the UPS Store.
Chocolate Rain:
checks for mail received last week, and then,
Chocolate Rain:
returns home to heat some food up, now,
Chocolate Rain:
eats the chow just like a prisoner, then,
Chocolate Rain:
washes dishes gets them squeaky clean, now.
Chocolate Rain:
loads fat bowls and smokes them down, then,
Chocolate Rain:
smokes two joints then smokes two more, now,
Chocolate Rain....


Well-Known Member
heads up i have had my house dun off the pigs so cant do it in here so can only have 1 flowering room now so thats all i can do hah


Well-Known Member
Hey hydroGp. When I visited sweden my friend felt the same way as you. I can't even imagine what it would be like to be in a country that is so insular and homogeneous for so long, then to have things change very quickly. I think it's very hard for us in america to understand because the only people 'from' here have been minimalized and sent to reservations. The other 99% of us are immigrants. I'm not really trying to make a point about anything. Only that I can't even imagine what it would feel like to be a Dane and watch what is going on in the past few years.


Well-Known Member
Right now Obama's meeting with the President of Mexico and Prime Minister of Canada to speak about, amongst other things, security, but drug legalization is the elephant in the room. In a couple of weeks is a big summit of South American leaders and the big topic is legalization. The pressure cookers building up. Our problem is that our leader is an extreme Evangelical, but will never admit it, that believes that God controls the economy and if we ruin the earth he will fix it. And, that marijuana should never be legal.

"The old hypocrite was a man whose aims were really worldly and practical, while he pretended that they were religious," the radical Catholic once observed. "The new hypocrite is one whose aims are really religious, while he pretends that they are worldly and practical."


Well-Known Member
You put it so well Jigfresh. Its so mentally hard for me trying to put down my words in a way i would like. I really wish i had followed up on my English from school.
OMG ive been stuck like this 10min. You do not have permission to perform this action. Please refresh the page and login before trying again. I wish i could contribute but im just to stoned after a hard day at work. Nothing beats coming home from work and just enjoy a bong hit.
I hope you all are happy! Im Happy Stoned and wanna surf some music before its bedtime. Have a great night.
whodatnation is a awesome name. Makes me think of people like Chris Rock and Chuck Norris!


Well-Known Member
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Chuck Norris doesn't have April 1st on his calendar, because no one fools Chuck Norris.[/FONT]