Well-Known Member
For some reason I keep thinking of the herbal push-up pops from "Nice Dreams"

For some reason I keep thinking of the herbal push-up pops from "Nice Dreams"
We all bow down to the ScrogKingNice buds G, she's a frosty bitch. I love me some chemdog. Looks like she makes some good crosses.
You too 80degrees, nice buds... how long till harvest?
I gotta get some pics up of my closet. I think I may have the greatest buds on earth in there. Quite possibly the best buds that have ever been grown by human kind!!! I am so fucking awesome it hurts. I hope you guys can deal with how awesome I am. Wouldn't want to rub anyone the wrong way by being so superior to you all. It's not my fault... I'm just fucking amazing!!!!
Be back in a bit with some pics. Hope everyone can stand the wait. I bet it will be tough.
that's what she said.Lmao, what a penis.......
I'm going to name one of my swords & sorcery characters "Scrog".We all bow down to the ScrogKing
Looking good bobby big bollocks.that's what she said.
So, I had a look around in the grow room and figured you guys wouldn't actually be able to handle all the awesomeness in there, so I clipped a little stem off to give you a taste. Fuckin lucky bunch you all are getting to see my buds. You should definitely feel special I don't just keep it to my own thread. Count your blessings.
You like the remote control in the background D?
Dog Kush:
View attachment 2092683
Very nice color on the hash farmer.pulled 9 grams of bubble off the last run with the outdoor Kandy kush trim. 1 gallon bags, 220,160,120,90,73,45, and 25 at the end. letting the trim condense 24 hours before putting in a bag in the freezer helps keep alot of plant matter out of the hash, and after straining every bag i spray the outside of the mesh and inside the bag to work the hash right into the corner of the bag, and it helps push any plant matter through each of the bags. i use subcools hash methods, except i layer my ice and material more, and i do a longer stir. clean bags are a must, and letting your mix chill for 20 minutes prior to stir is a big step, and letting it sit for 20-30 after the stir. I find It takes about 2-2.5 hours to do a full run properly. The 120 is pretty much full melt, and the 90 and 73 are full melt clear dome. the 45 bubbles, but then coals up. still really nice. i smoked two little pieces of the 90 yesterday and i was so high it took me about 2 hours to come back to earth. could barely breathe after each hit. shit is nasty and tastes so good. the 90 is ridiculously smooth. that 90 weighs 3.8g.,the 73 was 1.6, the 120 was1.2, and the 45 was 1.8, and the 25 was .6.
pictures from left to right is the 120µi ,90µi ,90µi ,90µi ,73µi ,45µi
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that's what she said.
So, I had a look around in the grow room and figured you guys wouldn't actually be able to handle all the awesomeness in there, so I clipped a little stem off to give you a taste. Fuckin lucky bunch you all are getting to see my buds. You should definitely feel special I don't just keep it to my own thread. Count your blessings.
You like the remote control in the background D?
Dog Kush:
View attachment 2092683
Wish my iso oil looked like that. fing beautiful
Trade you some of my black tar for some of your amber bubble
thanks tanker,the only thing i do is,use trim from the same plant/strain.Wish my iso oil looked like that. fing beautiful