Club 600


Well-Known Member
how is anybody going to learn if they be immature like that!? the other websites are there to help, its not competition. the more I'm learning about this, it seems as though some strains, even really good strains, can carry hermie traits without producing seeds, like they want to, but don't know how, as i said, they sometimes pop up, but dissapear. and i have never had a seed in my 3 indoor grows. i will leave things, and see what happens, ​maybe someone may learn something instead of being a dick
do you think i got this far sticking with 1 website? and its not like you've never visited them. whateva


Well-Known Member
That website is a Head shop disguised as a forum. I choose not to go there. That makes me a Dick?

Enjoy the Seed Fest.


Last comment on the subject.


Well-Known Member
ok, maybe dick was a strong word, easily passed around where i'm from, all was saying that it had useful info.
and if worse comes to worst, i can turn the whole lot into hash or whatever, i got enough smoke to last me a couple of years, so im all good, whatever good comes from this will be a massive bonus. but i'm happy with me new batch of outdoor, and got my bubble bags coming, so im set for a while......
when this grow is done, a different strain will be going in, i'm 95% happy with it at this present time. shes producing huge amounts of resin, i'm thinking the UVB lamp is doing something different, causing some strange reactions, with the added stress of UVB.
Hey wouldnt it be awesome if it turned out insane!!!!??? i mean, if it doesnt have seeds and has a few hermie sacs on top, fuk, i can just nip them off at harvest. all good

sorry bout before, guess i got my back up for my green girl goddess


Well-Known Member
I don't know the strain, but I have never come across any strain that has completely sterile pollum. I have used pollum and got shitty seeds but I think that was more down to how I treated the development.

What I do know, is that when a plant herms like this it may not even open it's pollen sac, but you can bet you will still have seeds inside your bud. If they are growing stigma's out of the pollen sac then it is classic herm trait imo (total plant confusion). I saw the very same thing just happen with the MTF and this was pushing sacs out early.

Personally I would remove them, even though you only have 3 weeks left, there is nothing worse than getting loads of immature undeveloped seed in your bud, it tastes like toilet, or what I would imagine toilet to taste like, lol. I know that the Casey Jones also Selfs itself starting around week 8. I tend to pull anything I see on it in the last week.

Each to heir own. I am sure you'll still get fire Flow.

what is this please help? it doesnt seem to be a seed i picked it off and it was soft and full of white pistils

I agree with Jig, good video Worm. At least I didn't get car sick like with some videos, people swooping around like they Spiderman with a cam!


Well-Known Member
ok, i'll post some pics of the pistils coming out of some of the pods, shortly, got a visitor, thanx DST, i know the pic i showed didnt show pistils but i have them, so that could mean its confused!!?? anyway i'll cut open a head after week 6, to be sure


Well-Known Member
hey peoples, had to share a d=few pics of those weird yellow things poppin up, had my mentor over tonight, cause i was freakin, and i was sayin there's fukin hermie flowers on this strain!! and he had a real good look and told me. ' what the fuk am i talkin about' theres white hairs comin out of the top, he just said, thats bud, ok, tonight, they look totally different, in 1 night! there is white hairs shooting out everywhere, and those yellow things are turning into calyxs and producing resin. sooooo ok, anybody else tripped out by this!!?? ok here is update pics , day 34, i think i'll be right, 1 more week and i'll chop a head right down, and have a fukin good look, people got me a little freakin, i got myself freakin, and it all could be for nothing!, i pulled a calyx off, no seed, pulled those sacks off, all good, just white hairs, no seed growth, cant look in bud yet....please peoplex your fingers for me, i would love another great harvest! especially with this kind of fat resin glands!



Well-Known Member
Still looks like a Male flower with Female Stigmas. It wouldn't surprise me if some of these freak male/fem calyxes have a seed in them. But I think you'll be okay as far as the rest of the bud is concerned. Keep us posted Flow, keeping fingers crossed.
Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
i squeezed a big fat juicy one that looked solid, but it was just full of stickiness :) but yeah fingers crossed, bigtime, it makes me want to chop right through a tip now, but i know that would severely ruin a head, ive had a good poke around with scissors, and its lookin like my first grow did, shes starting to foxtail i believe now, my first grow did for a while, created some crazy lookin fat colas, with so many tips coming out of them, but it was soooo killa, i miss it