Club 600


Well-Known Member
I know I cant get rid of it. The docs wont say if it is why we all get bronchitis and my oldest daughter has a brain tumor....I have sanded it...repainted it used mold sprays used I am gonna paint over it with killz. I wish we had money to move....oh well....
Are you renting????


Well-Known Member
Yeah Bassman, what 3eyes said. That's what I'd do. A crock pot works great, too. Water is very helpful as it keeps the butter/plant matter from burning. Plus, I've found it's much easier to finish off. The plant matter sinks to the bottom with all the water, and the hardened butter floats to the top. No cheesecloth screening or anything.

Dude, that mold is DEFINITELY making you sick.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. Just caught up quick on the last couple of pages and glad to see everyone is doing well, other than Bobo. Sorry bro, but you've got the right meds so that's good. I also agree about Ambers art. Amber, you are a very creative lady, and a very good gardener too.

Hey bassman, hope you get that worked out soon. That can't be good over time. Good luck.

I started my first tea this morning. I let the water aerate overnight first and just added worm castings, kelp, molasses and a bit of EM's. Afterwards I sat down and started reading more and found this site here with good info. I did not know about bacterial vs fungal teas and their different functions. Like endo and ecto myco's bacterial is for leafy plants and fungal benefits shrubs and trees. Also some good expert tips on the bottom. This one stuck out.

Give fungi a head start

We can't claim this last tip to be our own. It comes from the incredible book, Teaming with Microbes, by authors, Jeff Lowenfels and Wayne Lewis. In it, Lowenfels and Lewis suggest you "give fungi a head start." Since it can be difficult to get fungi to multiple (they do grow in size, just rarely in number) during the compost tea brewing process, the authors recommend growing them prior to the brewing process.To do this, you'll want to moisten a couple cups of compost (just damp, not dripping wet), and then put it in a light-resistant container. Then grind up some simple proteins (fungal foods), such as oatmeal, and mix them in with the moist compost. Cover partially with a lid, and then place in a warm, dark area. We typically put ours under our sink, or above our fridge in a cupboard. After about 3 days, you'll remove the lid, and find a bunch of fungal mycelia throughout the compost. You can now use this compost to brew your fungal tea.

Here's the link

Also, I soaked a dozen peat pellets in a light kelp and molasses mixture, placed a touch of myco in each hole and planted seeds. I used mostly seeds I pulled off previous plants for this trial. Once they sprout I'll let them go a week or so, then I'll transplant with myco again. I've also noticed that I made some amendments to my soil mix by simply mixing 50/50 with fresh coir and that lightened up the mix quite a bit, and the new seedlings in that mix are doing well. I now believe that my current mix is too heavy and not draining properly and probably not providing much oxygen. I have a half dozen in 2 gallon pots that I'm going to repot in this lighter mix while I have the chance.

Anyway, got a couple of other things to share, including pics, but that'll have to be later. Have a great day all.

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Well-Known Member
Question. I'm using AMS right now because they came through, but I haven't tried many others. Which is your favorite?

(Votes for best seed bank)

Consistent genetics, reliable, Etc.


Well-Known Member
We had mold in the bathroom we had to install a vent fan take out walls and insulation redo everything and we got rid of it tried all the sprays and shit didn't work


Well-Known Member
my walla are wood, will be hard to do, but a fan is in the works right now actually, gonna be a 11" axial fan 115 volt made by Papst (not the beer a German fan company very good quality too). I am gonna wire it to the light switch so you cant forget to use it.


Well-Known Member
You must spread some more Reputation around before giving it to billcollector99 again.



Well-Known Member
Great stuff everyone!!! 600 Rocks.

Much Green love from the Dam.


Hi fella's

Here's where im at 2 weeks into 12/12 (first grow)..thoughts?

Thought i'd throw a pic up of m new hood with my 600 in it :-P
update peoples, day 24 veg, 100% perlite hydro 600 watt HPS

View attachment 2043809

feel free to sub to my grow no.3 link :)
Good Morning sixers, I hope your feeling better Bobo.:-P
DEEP BLUE on a muffin and DEEP BLUE in the WATERFARM
have a sunshiney day

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after the trip to the groomer

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I filled a 5 gallon bucket with the trimmings and still have more...what to do with it???


Well-Known Member
Howdy all!!!!

One of these days before I die I want to do this.

"Every Day's is a Fucking Holiday's" -Juan

[video=youtube;ZxEzCPcx3tc] 5dV90oCuwd_lo[/video]


Well-Known Member
@ bigWORM - Have you ever gone down there to prerun the Baja courses? I was fortunate enough to go a few times and it's a blast!

Thanks peeps for the kind words and guestimates on my harvest. I'm really happy with it this time around, quality and quantity ;)


Well-Known Member
@ bigWORM - Have you ever gone down there to prerun the Baja courses? I was fortunate enough to go a few times and it's a blast!

Thanks peeps for the kind words and guestimates on my harvest. I'm really happy with it this time around, quality and quantity ;)
Never ridden my bike past Pismo Beach. I will some day though. My in laws live in Mexico so at least i have a destination.