Club 600


Well-Known Member
Hope everyone's weekend went well.
(*apparently my banner privilege has been restored, or the riu server finally caught up with itself and updated the new banner I'd previously uploaded)

"Rasta Jungle"



Well-Known Member
Thanks, COF :-)
I got most of it back. ;-)
Felt kind of naked without it.

(*edit: turned off the adblocker for, in case any were wondering. Walletblocker 5000™, however, is still activated. ;-) )


Well-Known Member
Ach well, I am not going anywhere too soon (I hope), lol.
Man i was hoping this year. I really miss it. I was just looking at my pics the other day. My tax return wasnt what i thought it would be so I will have to settle on some beans.
Brilliant blue skies in the land of flat ground and cheese today. Hope you are all doing well, Bill, look forward to hearing about your coconut oil adventure!

peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Mornin 600'rs. Was just wondering,if anyone hadd experience poppin the BB Dog seeds av been at it with 1 since fri and its bot lookin promising :-(


Well-Known Member
My current grow has a DOG in it and it took 4 or 5 days to start arching up out of the soil.
What are your temperatures, and are you using an electric seed starter heat mat to keep the soil in the proper temperature range?
Cooler soil will slow down the whole process.


Well-Known Member
Hope it comes up for you Scotia. Seeds for me pop up around 3-5 days normally. Don't know what experience anyone else has had.


Well-Known Member
I usually soak for a few hrs in a cup of water then in my little iphone box between damp tissue then into my boiler cupboard. This keeps the temps around 22-24 depending on how cold outside. Usually 24 - 48 hrs the tap root is showin,i must b one lucky sod but this i.the first one for me thats taken so long n the one am desperate to get cracked on with lol


Well-Known Member
I just poke a 10mm deep hole in moist soil in a party cup and drop the dry seed in, cover it up and keep it spritzed with a spray bottle of water until it pops.
On day 4 I was worried so I excavated some of the soil away from the seed area to see if I could note any life.
As soon as I found it, I saw it had sprouted and was sending it's taproot down.
I put the bit of soil back on top of the seed, and a day later it was out.
Fingers are crossed for you!


Well-Known Member
An oldie but a goody:


To get the blood pumping a little:



Well-Known Member
I did get the other two plants chopped last night so it's all drying in a tent at the moment. I should be putting some of my rooted clones into the buckets in the next few days. All BBK :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Happy Monday, wakey-bakey!
Took some pics when the lights went off just now.
Makes a huge difference in color quality, eh?
11 days since turning lights to 12/12.
They look kind of wonky from being LST'd during the first week of their flowering stretch, but are developing on schedule.



Well-Known Member
Yup, I agree with farmer, looking mighty green Doobster.

Hey guys and gals.

COF and I have been messaging and we are wondering who is interested in helping out FDD with his plight. RIU are trying to help raise some money for bail/lawyers so if you didn't already see the thread that has been posted and want to contribute, please PM either curious or myself for info.