Club 600

Thanks, D :-)

The wife was sleeping in the room next to the grow room, and I had about 20 minutes before lights out in the box, so I hurried more than I wanted.
Then I completely forgot to add captions so the plants could be identified!
Next time... :-)

And I'm worried about having enough room!
I figured the laws of probability would be around the usual 50/50 male-to-female but only 2 males so far, so it's a wee bit cramped.
I've got a little more pruning to do of the undergrowth, but that will be tomorrow.
Then I need a little clip on fan for some better air flow under the canopy before it gets worse.

Looks nice & white & chilly over there!
I think I'd opt for a sled. ;-)

*as for humorous: you should have heard the goofy commentary I was making while filming it ;-)
lol I love the music too, really liked the moogy synth bass lines in there. And yes, your garden is Rocking Doobie! Looks like your doing things right.
Thanks, duchie :-)
Lots & lots yet to learn about Ableton Live, but I am in love (digitally speaking).
And after I do the upgrade to the mega-version of it, I'll have all kinds of extra tools at my disposal. :-)
There just aren't enough hours in the day for me... ;-)
Schist & basalt!
I forgot about your potato sprouts, D !
Spud Buds!!! (*as in they kind of look like our cannabis sprouts with the roots coming out of a rapid rooter or some such)
That's so cool that it happened, and that you noticed it!

So I was doing some weeding in the cab yesterday, lol. My compost heap must pick up grass seeds (of the non MJ variety) and what not up when they are out cutting the grass, trimming trees etc around my house. Anyhoo, I found these two little things poking out of one of my trays so I hauled it out and lo and behold, it was a little bit of potatoe skin, lol. Don't you just love nature, it finds a way, yesh! SO I replanted it in it's onw little pot and stuck it next to my tomato clones I have been keeping indoors.


So when it snows, some peeps in Holland take laternative mens of transport, like a sledge. Others however, just keep on riding them god dam bikes, lol. (me incs when physically able, lol).

And just to finish off this crazy snowy day. Just finished clearing a fair few inches off the top of the greenhouse. Here's the holiday worm my wife made for 30 celcius in Cape Town today, woohoo, please stay that warm for me, nice breeze from the Table Mountain....can't wait.

Peace and warm sun rays to all....


I am like that too. If something really wants to grow, I let it. Unless of course it is a weed,,,the unwanted kinda I have a tree outside my bedroom window that started on its own. I have no idea what the hell it is. I never watered it after seeing it for like 5 months and it kept growing. I was gonna pull it out but was curious. After one yr it is over 10 ft tall now. I water it very rarely, but it was always strong looking. It has no leaves now though, but I think it will come back in March or thereabouts.
hey everyone,View attachment 2036471View attachment 2036472View attachment 2036473View attachment 2036474100_2642.jpgView attachment 2036476View attachment 2036478 79 degrees here but a little frostie as well. here's the ex cheese final (24gs) and the main cola from the first brasil girl to go (20gs) all dried. and then we have the next brasil girl to be chopped, i'm thinking soon as there are plenty of amber in there for my liking. not bad for cfls huh? i am trying :-) gonna get the a/c in sunday and start up the 600hund. just been so dang busy. be back soon, you hold the fort down while i'm gone :peace: sunny
Well my butter adventure came out good put in 4 oz of butter one stick and got back3.6 ounces back of butter making some cookies today hope they get people high first time doing butter .... Don't c how they wnt work 3 ounces of buds and a zip of Kief they better work lol
Looks like you figured things out sunnyboy. That brazil plant is looking lush. Definitely not bad with cfl's. can't wait to see what you do with a 600.

@method. I'm guessing either that is the strongest butter ever made... or you wasted a lot of bud and keif trying to pack it into one stick of butter.
Looks like you figured things out sunnyboy. That brazil plant is looking lush. Definitely not bad with cfl's. can't wait to see what you do with a 600.

@method. I'm guessing either that is the strongest butter ever made... or you wasted a lot of bud and keif trying to pack it into one stick of butter.
Hoping it will put u on ur ass and nothing u can do about it type of cookie ha haha
Not crazy... Willing ;)

I love my edibles strong.

I think maybe I have a high edible tolerance. Stuff that makes me feel ok gets other people stupified.
LOL... Trust me bassman... it's not that fun to feel that fucked up off a cookie. Don't get me wrong... it was definitely an experience, but I wouldn't call it fun.

Do you remember the hash to butter ratio you used BC?