Club 600

Hi, duchie!
Just scouring the 'net to see if there is a way to get bassman's eReader upgraded or hacked to a newer version of Android, but it's not looking like it.
Other than that just watching "Get Him To The Greek" again while sparking up bowls of some JTR/DB/and?.
Then will do some work with Ableton Live and the keyboard.
Finally figured out what I needed to do to get the keyboard fully communicating & controlling Ableton Live, so now I can move forward with doing stuff.
How's your Sunday morning going so far?
Just getting ready to hit the sack. Nice and quiet year this year. Just the three of us with no big hype or nothing. We're just happy to be where we are and excited to be going where we're going. Besides I've been getting myself little gifts for the past few months now getting me to the Ultimate Christmas gift a smoker could want. My very own harvest! Speaking of, I've potted up all my plants today and identified 3 males. Both of my ? X Romulans, and a C4/CB, all of which I'm happy about actually, so they got the royal treatment just like the girls.

Cool little gift to get bassman. Good luck with getting it upgraded.

Have a good one guys. I'll probably be hanging around tomorrow so maybe I catch ya's then.
Hi, duchie!
Just scouring the 'net to see if there is a way to get bassman's eReader upgraded or hacked to a newer version of Android, but it's not looking like it.
Other than that just watching "Get Him To The Greek" again while sparking up bowls of some JTR/DB/and?.
Then will do some work with Ableton Live and the keyboard.
Finally figured out what I needed to do to get the keyboard fully communicating & controlling Ableton Live, so now I can move forward with doing stuff.
How's your Sunday morning going so far?

Just getting ready to hit the sack. Nice and quiet year this year. Just the three of us with no big hype or nothing. We're just happy to be where we are and excited to be going where we're going. Besides I've been getting myself little gifts for the past few months now getting me to the Ultimate Christmas gift a smoker could want. My very own harvest! Speaking of, I've potted up all my plants today and identified 3 males. Both of my ? X Romulans, and a C4/CB, all of which I'm happy about actually, so they got the royal treatment just like the girls.

Cool little gift to get bassman. Good luck with getting it upgraded.

Have a good one guys. I'll probably be hanging around tomorrow so maybe I catch ya's then.
Thanx Doobie and Duchie!!
You da bassman!Right on!Sleep well :-)bongsmilie
Just getting ready to hit the sack. Nice and quiet year this year. Just the three of us with no big hype or nothing. We're just happy to be where we are and excited to be going where we're going. Besides I've been getting myself little gifts for the past few months now getting me to the Ultimate Christmas gift a smoker could want. My very own harvest! Speaking of, I've potted up all my plants today and identified 3 males. Both of my ? X Romulans, and a C4/CB, all of which I'm happy about actually, so they got the royal treatment just like the girls. Cool little gift to get bassman. Good luck with getting it upgraded. Have a good one guys. I'll probably be hanging around tomorrow so maybe I catch ya's then.

Sounds like the day the wife & I plan on.
Might take in a movie if we can find one worth the tickets.
You got yourself some real nice looking x-mas nugs, buds & kolas!
I'm going to be potting up on the first 6 plants either before I go to bed, or when I get up.
Nice to have a decent stash while awaiting new ones that are well under way!
Weird how things change, eh?
Used to hate getting males, now I keep my fingers crossed so I get the chance to make with some hot plant-on-plant nookie action. :-)
Well, time to snackify my belly (this JTR/DB/and? is a hunger-maker!).
I lost a lot of weight on my emergency trip but am now up to 160, which I haven't been in a long time, and it was from beer back then, not food (had a little popeye-style beer belly & everything).
With my exercises, it's mostly muscle, so need to stay active and work my legs & back more now to keep making some progress.
The extra food has sure strengthened my fore arm muscles, that's for sure!
Making it much easier to play than in a long time.
Oh! I also strapped on the bass and played two songs standing up before my back started hurting. But felt good to play on my feet, as it were.

Anyways, rambling on here.

I'm a ramblin' guyyyy...

and one more:

effin' Buddy Rich vs Animal:

and, holy CRAP!
Two drumming masters. I hate the "vs." aspect of it, but it's a pretty awesome display of drumming prowess by two legendary skinsmen.
Buddy Rich vs Neil Peart:
Happy Christmas everyone! Whether you care or not about the reason for the holiday, may you have a wonderful day and a great finish to the year (blah, blah, lol).

I just wanted to share a funny story that got my day off to a funny start. Me and my wife went to midnight mass last night (actually started 11:30). Anyways, the first thing I thought was a bit odd, which I am getting used to here... is that everyone seems to drink alcohol for everything. And last night they announced after the service there was coffee, minced pies, and mulled wine. Now if you are English I'm sure you see nothing odd about that at all. But where I'm from the idea of a church serving alcohol to the peeps after service, at 1am mind you, is not a normal occurance.

That's not the funny story. The preacher was just too much (in a good way). He spoke very deliberately with a nice thick accent. He reminded me a bit of the Princess bride character who performed the wedding. Maaawidge, lol. So this guy was being a bit of a ham during the service and I was getting a kick out of it. At the end of service after he danced down the aisle, I got myself together.... put my scarf back on my neck for the walk home. My scarf is a Tottenham Hotspur team scarf. They are a football team here in London that I support. And a scarf from what I can tell is like wearing a baseball teams cap in the US. It's how you represent.

Where we stay is Queens Park Rangers territory (another london team).My wife wanted to tell the guy she enjoyed things... she gets a few words out before the preachers turns to me, totally ignoring what's being said to him and he says "Hey!!! What's that scarf?" I say Tottenham and he says "Are we near Tottenham? Huh?" (you fuckin wanker he must have wanted to say). Well the answer is no... we aren't that close. "You know this is QPR territory right? You are lucky I gave you communion. If you woulda been wearing that scarf up to the front I woulda turned you down. Two weeks ago a guy wore a Man U scarf and I wouldn't bless him. The queue was 20 people long as we discussed it. We mix sports and religion here. I don't beleive in that whole 'God in Heaven' stuff. Jesus was sent to earth, and here we are. You are real lucky you took that scarf off."

I was laughing pretty hard. Then a group of 3 aussies pulled into the mix to tell the guy they had a good time and he starts in on them. "You know this guy is wearing a Tottenham scarf? You don't support Tottenham do you (to the aussies)?" The aussie said no, we are from austrailia. To which the preacher said "Well it's a good thing it's not cricket season. We would have thrown you right out the church."

It continued for a few more minutes. Was pretty funny. Maybe you had to be there, lol.

So far the presents are great. I got a little one from the wife and a little one from myself. Here's the pics:

Poster from wife

Grinder from me. 2 different size screens for two grades of keif. Much nicer than mine at home. Even came with a little plastic squigee (sp?) tool for collecting it

I don't think I'll get a chance to smoke at all today, so have a little for your boy jig.

Have a good one sixers.

EDIT: Carrying a christmas tree on a bus at mid-day is quite an exciting adventure in itself. You should all try it someday, hehe.
Just getting ready to hit the sack. Nice and quiet year this year. Just the three of us with no big hype or nothing. We're just happy to be where we are and excited to be going where we're going. Besides I've been getting myself little gifts for the past few months now getting me to the Ultimate Christmas gift a smoker could want. My very own harvest! Speaking of, I've potted up all my plants today and identified 3 males. Both of my ? X Romulans, and a C4/CB, all of which I'm happy about actually, so they got the royal treatment just like the girls.

Cool little gift to get bassman. Good luck with getting it upgraded.

Have a good one guys. I'll probably be hanging around tomorrow so maybe I catch ya's then.

Me too I have got to get some sleep!!!!! I have just been out of green for the first time for this long in ever!!!!! LMFAO!!!!!! gonna take my xanax and pass out, I just hate taking pills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey... what the hell are you two doing up? Shit... you too Hotsause. It's like 3:15 and 4:15 for you guys. Konagirl has an excuse, she's outa weed. Haha... time for bed children. Santa is going to pass over the house if you stay up too long, lol.

That's a super sweet note Hotsause. Appreciate the love. Plushberry looking lush.
Hey... what the hell are you two doing up? Shit... you too Hotsause. It's like 3:15 and 4:15 for you guys. Konagirl has an excuse, she's outa weed. Haha... time for bed children. Santa is going to pass over the house if you stay up too long, lol.

That's a super sweet note Hotsause. Appreciate the love. Plushberry looking lush.

I know I really want to sleep too, just can't :(((((((((!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was supossed to get a plushberry clone up north, guess I gotta wait a lil longer lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Been mostly lurking around and quite enjoying the 600. I sort of gravitate here pretty regularly; old santa took notice and was good to Dobby by bringing him a spanking new HiLux 600 HPS bulb - YAY :clap:

Merry Christmas 600!
Merry Christmas my six hundred brethren...and sister. I'm waiting on some coffee from Maui, one of my buddies from forty years ago lives there now and tells me he's found the best coffee on earth. I wonder if it's brewed with wowie bud?

Anyway I took the rest of my trim from my last harvest and made some dry ice kief last night. I didn't really have all that much trim, maybe an ounce or so and now I have a huge pile of kief. Packed up two small vials last night and I still have a pile left. It looks like somebodies are going to have a nice christmas. I already gave one away and have one or two more to gift out. I love sharing my stuff with some close friends. I'm going to have to stop by and give my vietnam vets buddies wife a vial. I haven't forgotten you ken, you're gone in life but not in spirit, may you rest in peace buddy.

I have a nice batch of mycorrhizae brewing with a little maxicrop mixed in, the girls are getting a nice drink of root juice this morning. I moved my two og18 clones into the flower room this morning with the other girls. I'm hoping to get my one gallon smart pots in the morning so I can take cuttings from my hericules and put her into flower too. I also need to transplant my herijuana and the two kandy kush x chemD-og x purps? into bigger containers. I want to get a couple of new seeds started next week and get them going for when the other girls are finished. I'm going to start a green poison and and ak47 x white widow. As I've mentioned before I like to let my seed plants get to five or six weeks before taking cuttings so they should be ready to clone and then flower when the others are finished. I'm trying to keep my down time to a minimum.

Peace to you all and don't forget to pay it forward when possible.

Merry Christmas to all.