You can get a hygrometer / temp gauge at home depot or wallmart ect for like 2 bucks, I highly recommend getting one... I also wouldnt try to adjust the rh without knowing what it is first.
Peeps are on 40 posts per page... You can change this in your personal settings I think.
where do i change it to 40 posts per page guys???/
Go to "My Rollitup" on the left there is a "My Settings" list. About halfway down is "General Settings", then a little more than halfway down the general settings page is dropdown box for "Number of Posts to Show Per Page" choices are Default, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40.Peeps are on 40 posts per page... You can change this in your personal settings I think.
where do i change it to 40 posts per page guys???/
cannazyme is goodHey 600, I'm growing in coco and need something to make my root system grow thick and fast. Anyone any ideas?
i thought cannazyme broke down dead roots...cannazyme is good
lol yh it does its this one you can use rhitzotonic sorry about the mess up lol stonedi thought cannazyme broke down dead roots...
Go to "My Rollitup" on the left there is a "My Settings" list. About halfway down is "General Settings", then a little more than halfway down the general settings page is dropdown box for "Number of Posts to Show Per Page" choices are Default, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40.
A couple of sections below that is the "DST Correction Option", but no matter what I select, DST still uses strange spellings for words, lol. I guess that setting is broken or something.
Sorry about the news Antweed. I'm glad they didn't do any more to you.
lol i met my wife at my brothers friends party. We hit it off from there here we are 3 years strongCraiglist FTW, lol. So where did you guys meet your wifes/partners?
I met my wife in a night clubon St Patricks night. She called me "Scottish" for a while which she later admited was because she couldn't remember my name, lol.
dont know mate there was a knock at the door police with warrant for misuse of drugs act come to search so had to show em my babies they even smashed my bulbs left the reflector and smashed my box up with a sledge hammer and took my fans and ballasts and pourd all my nutes on the floor !!!! not good at all i only got a coution at the station tho
i asked them who told em about it and they said they have got a nose
Fuck tha feds, too.hope the feds dont bust me for this, but fuck the police!