Active Member
How much longer would you guys say I have left? I'm checking the trichs every day but I haven't noticed any amber yet.

You can get a hygrometer / temp gauge at home depot or wallmart ect for like 2 bucks, I highly recommend getting one... I also wouldnt try to adjust the rh without knowing what it is first.hahah nice entry jig,
thanks for the replies lads, so i am gonna dry in the grow room
another silly question to ask, would you guys trim up before its dry or after???
thanks again in advance
EDIT: whoodat i have no humidity tester thing havent had one all grow ....(should i put hot bowl of water in there or something??)
Peeps are on 40 posts per page... You can change this in your personal settings I come everyone sees it as page 700 odd???
so far i can see its at page 2795?? lol
woot woot! looking good paperhouseHow much longer would you guys say I have left? I'm checking the trichs every day but I haven't noticed any amber yet.
Hmmm? Never thought of it that way. Was just trying to depict a bit of what the 600 is to me and playing around with some lighting and stuff.duchie man thats a nice little 600 sanctuary, do you sit in front of that indian style and smoke bowls?
I'm not a quitter, but I damn near conceded.TMS... make sure there is no fan blowing onto the buds... it could dry them out too quick on the outside. Air movement is good, but direct wind isn't so much.
Here's my last minute entry. Hope you guys and gals enjoy. hehehe
Just trying to not hog up the final hand full of posts before the end of page 700.Mwahahahahahahaaha, J, you are killing me lad. I can just see the conversation.
Mrs Jig:"So Jig, it's 14:35 and I am ovulating mofo, get your skinny ass up here and do what you do (or perhaps in more romantic tomes, lol)"
Mr Jig: "Oh, honey, remember that thing we talked about?"
Mrs Jig: "What thing, dam, it's 14:36 and my ovaries are itching! (or other such romantic utterings, lol)
Mr Jig: "Well that competition thing, you know, the 600 comp....."
Mrs Jig "the fuk...6......" slap bosh slap, karate chop.
Mr Jig: "ok, ok, lets do it, well talk later...."
You obviously have the touch Mr Jig!!! lol, Glad it's not me judging things. hehe.
So anyone got something to trump that??? This competition could last forever the way we seem to be stuck on page 699, lmao.
Peace, DST
EDIT: Doobie Brother, what the fek is this creation you are working on, where have you been bro????? Pleae don't do anything naked, lol.
Break a leg..but don't hurt yourself.Just trying to not hog up the final hand full of posts before the end of page 700.
Plus, my camera battery sucks a$$ and keeps dying during my repeated attempts tp get the song recorded.
I could have let well enough alone and gotten done a couple of days ago but I found a neat trick in Ableton Live that allows me to drop most of the bass part from the original recording.
But that means I can't hide behind the original if my playing is weak.
So had to step up my game.
Battery has a fresh charge on it again, and am taking a break to get my head right with a tasty Doobie Snaxxx of Northern Berry.
Still hopeful of making the deadline, but it's going to be real close!
Wish me luck!!
Uploading my final entry to youtube as we type, oh Fearless Leader!
Just about killed me.
I guess I won't have to be exiled to Toke & Talk for a fortnight, praise be to Flying Spaghetti Monster!
I'll post the link here in this post so I won't waste someone else's last minute entry.
*40-minutes past the hour and it looks like it will take about 10 minutes for it to upload and process. It's 9m33s long, so whom so ever actually takes the time to watch it from beginning to end best be having some toke-age and a cool beverage at hand. And blaze up before you watch it if you're able to, for Pete's sake: that's what this vid is all about!
***official final entry of mine for Sticker-mageddon 2011
(Eternally) Smokin'
By Boston and DoobieBrother
HEY WHO DAT remember this runt SHES BLEW UP lol this is the one that needed a transplant really bad
LOOK AT HER NOW lol Grape Soda 30 Days