Club 600

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Well-Known Member
What kind of wiring and breakers do you guys like to use for your electrical? I need to make some changes to get ready for some expansion. I'm thinking a 220 for my 600 and then a 2 or 3 runs of 10-2 to accommodate an LED tent and all of the fixins. The breakers will be a good 40-50 feet from my room. Curious how you guys are running your setups as far as wire gauge and breaker amp size.
I run two twenty amp circuits for my grow room, they are dedicated just to my grow room and one other circuit that is a house circuit for the overhead light and wall receptacles. I run both of my lights off of one circuit and an air conditioner, dehumidifier when necessary and my fans off the other circuit. Both circuits have 12/2 with a ground.

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Well-Known Member
Potfarmer, I would say it's normal for tangerine dream for this reason, my buddy has two growing at the moment and they are lagging behind his super skunks and his colombian golds. It took them almost four weeks to really start to flower and one of his dreams lagged behind the other. I also think it's going to take longer for this strain to mature than the breeder indicates. This opinion is based strictly on what I'm seeing from his tangerine dreams.


Active Member
Qucik question fellow 6 hundos!!,

As most of you know , its my first grow in 2 bubble buckets , with 2 'cheese' clones , ie sisters, ......why is one of the ladies a very bright yellow , and her sister is very dark green?? only thing i can think of i ph lockout?(heard u guys talking about it ) due to the fact that this is the only variable in the setup. ( and actually the buds are a little bigger on the yellowy one too if that helps).

Any answers are welcomed ,
Thanks again guys!!

TMS :)


Well-Known Member
Interesting TMS, I think it can only be down to PH, have you checked this in the buckets? Don Gin & Ton is growing a DOG that is also quite yellow and one that is greener but the yellow is producing fantastically as well. Very strange. Got any pics of them?

Well I got my Big Daddy 8inch Cool Tubes today. Looking PHAT.


Active Member
Interesting TMS, I think it can only be down to PH, have you checked this in the buckets? Don Gin & Ton is growing a DOG that is also quite yellow and one that is greener but the yellow is producing fantastically as well. Very strange. Got any pics of them?

Well I got my Big Daddy 8inch Cool Tubes today. Looking PHAT.
will throw some up later D , thanks for the quick response.


Well-Known Member
Qucik question fellow 6 hundos!!,

As most of you know , its my first grow in 2 bubble buckets , with 2 'cheese' clones , ie sisters, ......why is one of the ladies a very bright yellow , and her sister is very dark green?? only thing i can think of i ph lockout?(heard u guys talking about it ) due to the fact that this is the only variable in the setup. ( and actually the buds are a little bigger on the yellowy one too if that helps).

Any answers are welcomed ,
Thanks again guys!!

TMS :)
are they clones from the same plant or no? it almoust sounds like u have two different pheno's. Do you have a way you can check the ph in the water? i have no experience with hydro but i cant see why one bucket would have a different ph than another if they are being treated the same way:?:


Well-Known Member
I don't really think it matter that they are from the same mother. Some clones are simply stronger than others and can grow differently. As I said, Don has two clones form the same mother and one is yellow and one is gree, in soil...???


Well-Known Member
ok so with bigger buds and yellow leaves would say the yellowing one is the stronger, hungrier one. because if it was ph wouldn't the effects be negative to a different effect than N loss?

edit: i am only asking because genetically they are exactly the same, they should react to their environment exactly the same.


Active Member
yeah these bubble buckets have been a bit of a pain really,
to keep an eye on everything i have to take them out the closet , then get the missus to hold it all up in the air whilst i run to the bathroom with the bucket and quickly get rid of that, quick rinse , then back in the room , fill the bucket, check everything , then put the top back on.

Its a bit hectic really, might try a 4 pot wilma.....dya think i would get good results D?? and anyone else for that matter??

Regards TMS :)


Active Member
TGSS i have no idea as i am total newb .lol.

I will post some pics with lights out so u guys can see for yourselves and give me a bit of feedback maybe.

Thanks again everyone.



Well-Known Member
T has a point, if the yellow one is growing larger buds then the root mass may be bigger and just using more feed up. Feed the bitch as much cake as you can mate, she sounds like a cake muncher to me. lol.


Well-Known Member
Bloody hell fellas. Just woke up to thunder that shook the house. We both woke up to it, was insane. She asked what that was, and I said earthquake. 15 seconds later 1/4" hail starts dropping out the sky. It's been hailing and thundering like mad for the past 15 minutes. I think it's gone now... seems quite bright all of a sudden. One of the problems about living in california is never expecting rain. All the tools I own are outside, most of the power tools are just strewn about the deck (as I've been using them a lot the past few days). Never a worry about thieves, nor rain. Always a fun wake up to be outside scurrying around in your underwear trying to put tools away and cover everything with plastic. I probably sound funny talking about a little storm thingy, but it's exiting times for us, so I though I'd share with the 6 double. lol... quite sunny now. Weird little thing.

EDIT: Luscious looking buds G. It's like a little bit of perfection with leaves.


Well-Known Member
Glad the old next door neighbours have moved, you in yer underkegs may have shocked the poor dears into a state, lol.


Active Member
Potfarmer, I would say it's normal for tangerine dream for this reason, my buddy has two growing at the moment and they are lagging behind his super skunks and his colombian golds. It took them almost four weeks to really start to flower and one of his dreams lagged behind the other. I also think it's going to take longer for this strain to mature than the breeder indicates. This opinion is based strictly on what I'm seeing from his tangerine dreams.
well its day 22 today and still nothing.......but i think i'm going to put them outside in bigger pots.......i have them in 5gln pots now........later i'm going to the store to see what size pots i can get my hands on.......set them outside n see how big they get............... :-)


Well-Known Member
We want trees!!! We want trees!! We want trees!
well its day 22 today and still nothing.......but i think i'm going to put them outside in bigger pots.......i have them in 5gln pots now........later i'm going to the store to see what size pots i can get my hands on.......set them outside n see how big they get............... :-)


Well-Known Member
It took Jig so long to share a bowl with him, they thought, "this is a lost cause, lets bust outta here, plus that creepy dude in his underkegs all the time." lol....