Club 600

Tried to hit you back, but I need to spread the love elsewhere before The Repbot 5000 resets my mojo for me ;-)
Time to go drift off to sleep for a few hours :-)
Great vid Doob! Really makes me want to run down to the glass shop and replace the broken bowl on my bong. Again very cool!

Hey guys, my son rodied last night for 3 Doors Down and Sick Puppies....that was cool! He's pretty tight in the local music scene and knows the guys from sick puppies. Later!
Well guys i feel much older today as yesterday i traded my girlfriend in and took out a new wife lol

Wow mate. Congrats! I hope you got good trade in value, lol. In Oct it'll be 5 years for me and mine... best time of me life. It definitely has chilled me out. I haven't been arrested since I met her. :-P

EDIT: It's a bad ass little amp, huh. I just can't believe I got such a good deal. Speaking of wives... one reason mine is awesome is she's always right, lol. What I mean in this case is the other day I was having a grey one. Wife was out of town for a few days and we were talking on the phone. She said to drive to guitar center and spend some time there. Her feeling was I would get a notion as to what I should do about a new amp (it's been an ongoing thing for almost 2 months now). I went, stayed a few hours, played about 12 amps and found the super champs little brother, the vibro champ (nice name huh). So anyways, I really liked it and I really liked the price $175. Then I go home, check craigslist and what do you know... there is a guy in the next town over selling the exact amp I want at a great price. Not only that but there is a guy selling the footswitch for it, along with upgraded tubes... and he's one town over from where I grew up/ a bunch of my friends are. So within 4 days I went from clueless to owning a perfect amp becuase I listened to wifeys intuition.

The coolest part is both the guys selling the stuff of CL were really really great guys. We just hit it off on the phone talking about all kinds of shit. Me and the amp guy talked for about 30 minutes about a lot. I ask her about what to do with my gorw a lot, and she always seems to have the perfect advice, even though she doesn't grow or smoke a thing.
Wow mate. Congrats! I hope you got good trade in value, lol. In Oct it'll be 5 years for me and mine... best time of me life. It definitely has chilled me out. I haven't been arrested since I met her. :-P

Man I can't say that. It took alittle longer for the wild child in me to die, it definitely was'nt immediate. I can say that I would'nt trade mine in for two twenty year olds and I have'nt been arrested in ten years. lol
Great news 3eyes, congratz! I hope yours is as good as mine. I got mine almost 18 years ago and she's still working great. I think I can easily retire with this one.

Congrats bro..rhats Mines got a hot ass younger looking to trade my girl in for the newer model...jk...but she is a smoker
Great news 3eyes, congratz! I hope yours is as good as mine. I got mine almost 18 years ago and she's still working great. I think I can easily retire with this one.


I married in forty five days man and fifteen years later it's still going great. Been bumps for sure, but the good has always outweighed the bad.
I married in forty five days man and fifteen years later it's still going great. Been bumps for sure, but the good has always outweighed the bad.

I've been with her for 9 years and engaged for 8 of them so it was only fair that i make an honest woman out of her after all we've got 2 beautiful girls and she's an awesome mam to my other 2 girls (yes i know 4 girls how lucky/unlucky can i be lol) also as i was told on more than 1 occasion yesterday your punching above your weight with her fella and how did you manage to pull that off lol i'm just happy that i could make 1 of her dreams come true and thank you all for your kind words.
Nice one 3Eyes, hope you had a fantastic day my man!!!! Good darts old chumly whumly.

I got some nice Silver Bubble ice today from may mate, proper props is this, very bubbly upon contact, super duper I would say old beans. Just going to load a bongowongo.

Peace, DST
Good man!!!! Always nice to punch above ones weight.
I've been with her for 9 years and engaged for 8 of them so it was only fair that i make an honest woman out of her after all we've got 2 beautiful girls and she's an awesome mam to my other 2 girls (yes i know 4 girls how lucky/unlucky can i be lol) also as i was told on more than 1 occasion yesterday your punching above your weight with her fella and how did you manage to pull that off lol i'm just happy that i could make 1 of her dreams come true and thank you all for your kind words.
i was told on more than 1 occasion yesterday your punching above your weight with her fella and how did you manage to pull that off

That's the way to do it. People say the same to me, "how did your stupid ass get such a nice girl"... I have no idea, but I'm not questioning it. Really stoked for you two. Specially her cause she finally got her big day.

Big saturday at the ranch here. Wife's painting the trim on the house and I'm putting the roof on the cat house... lol, you guys are going to laugh when you see the 'cat house'... it's a fucking person house. I really can't do things small. Call it the whodat syndrome. If it gives you any idea we bought 50+ 2x4's and 250 pounds of roof shingles.

EDIT: slonez... they look good. Nothing better than happy little babies, just busting to grow up into fine ladies.
That's the way to do it. People say the same to me, "how did your stupid ass get such a nice girl"... I have no idea, but I'm not questioning it. Really stoked for you two. Specially her cause she finally got her big day.

Big saturday at the ranch here. Wife's painting the trim on the house and I'm putting the roof on the cat house... lol, you guys are going to laugh when you see the 'cat house'... it's a fucking person house. I really can't do things small. Call it the whodat syndrome. If it gives you any idea we bought 50+ 2x4's and 250 pounds of roof shingles.

EDIT: slonez... they look good. Nothing better than happy little babies, just busting to grow up into fine ladies.

Thanks jig. When it comes to relationships, I'm damn happy that opposites attract. I'd hate to wake up next to a dude. lol Will the cat house have a deck and pool?
went to the hydro store today to buy a 15 dollar bag of coco and walked away with a free $100 set of 5 gallon bubble bags!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice score bro. You gonna use all of them? ;)

lol Will the cat house have a deck and pool?

How did you know? haha. I does have nicer windows than the human house we stay in. Again, gotta love craigslist and shady cash only deals. I mean it's totally normal to sell windows out of your garage late at night, right?
Nice score bro. You gonna use all of them? ;)

How did you know? haha. I does have nicer windows than the human house we stay in. Again, gotta love craigslist and shady cash only deals. I mean it's totally normal to sell windows out of your garage late at night, right?

Completely normal. Don't mind the guy behind the curtain. lol ;)