hahaha, trying to squeeze them into that pipe in a onier whodat....good luck.....
Thats what samples are for D!
Iv taken a few
?purp on top
Space bomb on bottom
In soviet russia weed smokes pipe!
I absolutely HAVE to add this next vid.
The significance of this performance is that everyone is playing on instruments that were being used by musicians back when Mozart composed this music.
To put that in perspective.
You can go to modern concerts and hear wonderfully beautiful music.
There might even be a Stradavarius in the orchestra if you're lucky.
But what this does is let you hear exactly what was heard 230 years ago when it was new and people were hearing it for the first time.
Wood that was used in many instruments of the time had tighter and more uniform grain and rings due to a mini ice age that had went through northern Europe. And it was old growth timber, too.
The trees were harvested, and luthiers bought what they thought was the best wood for their purposes.
Some got amazing tonal qualities out of the wood they bought, others got average.
But there were many more that had outstanding tone when played by a master.
So This is a concert using nothing but some of the finest instruments of their time, playing music they were built to play when the music was new.
The only better thing could be if Mozart himself was conducting, or in the orchestra playing along.
I'm kind of blown away.
Hey there whodat..... man I just got back from Houma and Dulac..down the Bayou. Only place I have ever been in life that I saw a sign that said halliburton welcomes you to homua, well fuck I thought Houma welcomed me to homua.....LOLOLThat conductor sure can boogy! he's jerkin lol he even did the dougie!
Look what the ferry did for my pics
ugg Im gonna figure this out tomorrow. zzzzzzz puff puff zzz pass
Thanks jig, they look great and are big on my comp but still having tech difficulties
nite folks Im baked,, I mean beat. Hope you are too.
@Bobo, hey lad, I missed your post about your man in the Dam. I did get an email from him and replied with my number, and also a couple of invites out where my friend was DJ'ing at one of the local smoke houses, and also to hook up at the GA (I mean, does he want introduced to the people who sell the best weed in the Dam, or is he happy smoking Barneys Farm? lol)...anyway, I either ended up in his spam folder or the email went on deaf ears. I would feel a bit weird emailing him again but I have no objection to him contacting me at all. I thought, well it would be cool to meet up, I could also introduce him to a whole load of other advertising people here since he is in that business. So yeh, tell him to stop being such a shy boy and to extract his digit from his rear end, lol. Saying that, I am sure he is busy working 24/7 like most people in advertising. What a strange industry that is.
Peace, DST
In soviet russia weed smokes pipe!