Club 600

Good day 600. Hello Epic, welcome to the 600. Fellow Canucker here who was just where you are only a year ago and I'll tell ya, you lucked out stumbling across this place, as you can probably already tell. Anyways lots of questions to answer and a lot have already been answered for you so I don't want to get redundant. If I were you, and this is only opinion based on my experience, and like you've been told, there are many ways to go about it. Some guys will grow 2 huge plants with lots of veg time and topping and some guys will pack in 20 smaller pots and grow 12/12 from seed. Anyway, for soil I would probably just go get a good organic potting mix from a local garden supply. If you plan on using live culture in your grow, it has to be organic. I know Heads Up used Sotts Premium soil and you can get that at home depot. Then amend it with your perlite and what not. I also know the challenges of getting some grow materials in Canada. A lot of the stuff you hear about on here you can't get here and the shipping from down south just prices it out of consideration. So far I have gotten away with typical stuff you get at garden centers and such. As far as myco, again there's online grow/hydro retailers here but they're pricey. There is a product in garden centers called Mykes. It has a product with myco in it that you add at transplant. As far as lighting, there's a guy on ebay, who's out of Burlington, that I bought my stuff from and I'm happy with it. Here's some links for you that I've dug up. Are you ok with sayin what province our in? Oh and just thought of this. I would suggest that you start with femmed seed and not fool around with regular until you have a good reserve and the time to screw with the males. I'm not a fan of femm seed in general because of the path it takes in evolution but, it is good if you want to "git er done"! Hic.

I just went here for the first time in a bit and it looks like he's growing. He now has tent, inline fans and filters and more.

Any questions just ask. Also for seeds you may want to check out Vancouver Seed Bank.

As you already know this site and the many friendly people here have helped more than any video or website ive visited thus far. No problem saying what province, im in Ontario, glad to hear from a fellow Canadian! I wanna start by saying thanks for the links! So for seeds im down for trying Femm'd seeds but i read that there a good chance of Hermaphrodite plants but those i assume you just separate from the females and grow and still smoke where as a male you just destroy. My grow cycle was going to be 18/6 for a long Veg period which im not sure how long, i figure ill veg them till they get to 3 feet tall and then 12/12 for Flowering for another 8-10 weeks . Now ive come to the conclusion that a maximum of 2-4 taller plants for that grow cycle would be good, please correct me if im wrong. As for a large amount (10-20) plants, this 12/12 cycle sounds interesting, got any more information on that way of growing? Then there the Scrog which really interests me but would that grow on the same 18/6 and 12/12 growth for a shorter period of time. I hate asking all these questions hah feel like im just over killing it. Dont wanna overwhelm you guys with questions either but all this is really appreciated. If i think of anything else ill keep em commin lol!
Theres a few 12/12 examples in the thread if you look around. Probably easier to search through google, just put rollitup club-600 and whatever you want to search for.......

Anyways, my wife has got off earlier than she thought from her job (in fact has also been to the pub, lol) so I need to go and stick the kellte on like the bitch I am, hahaha. Take it easy guys and peace and cuppa's to all.


p.s not to forget the biscuits!
Theres a few 12/12 examples in the thread if you look around. Probably easier to search through google, just put rollitup club-600 and whatever you want to search for.......

Anyways, my wife has got off earlier than she thought from her job (in fact has also been to the pub, lol) so I need to go and stick the kellte on like the bitch I am, hahaha. Take it easy guys and peace and cuppa's to all.


p.s not to forget the biscuits!
Ha ha, we all know who the boss really is eh? I do the same. Sometimes I'll laze around a bit too long though and then I jumping up last minute to vacuum and do dishes so I look like I've done something at least. Mine likes it when I have a doobie rolled for her and ready.
What a downer to the evening. Somethings still leaking after a week without me shower, the whole bathroom is one big tiled work, whole things going to have to be ripped up, think i might need to buy a wholesale bunch of ona blocks pronto. Although this rather does go hand in hand with my rather silly igore the system let people know you're a lovely hap yet a pot farmer wha wha whaaaat? :) positive thinking!
Same room unfortunately this is all i have to work with, is that going to be an issue :S
I have a 600w MH that i plan to use from sprout-ling through Veg then the HPS for Budding or am i sadly mistaken?
No, not really an issue, just that it dictates a bit, and limits, how you can grow. Either you do a single run, starting 18/6, or whatever veg schedule you choose, and then you switch to 12/12 or, if you want to do perpetual, you will have to do 12/12 from seed. My veg cabinet is under a table/bench, that I enclosed and put some 26W CFL's in. Not much room needed really and gives a bit more flexibility. Also, 3ft of vegging I wouldn't recommend. Once you switch to 12/12 they may stretch quite a bit. I go by nodes and will start after the 3rd or 4th have come in good. Again, that's my way and is subject to change anytime I feel like it. LOL
Good luck with that mess, TTT.
Hate having to hide our girls for maintenance calls (and inspections).
And a big job like that is going to take some time to get sorted out proper.
I hate having strangers in my place, especially with the gardens we grow...
Ona, and a freshly brewed pot of coffee (offered to the workers so they know it's just coffee that they're smelling ;-) ) usually saves the day. :-)
Fire up a pan with some oil, onions and garlic and eventually a can of tomatoes, some spice and not only will you hide the smell but dinner will be ready by the time they leave.
Fire up a pan with some oil, onions and garlic and eventually a can of tomatoes, some spice and not only will you hide the smell but dinner will be ready by the time they leave.

Add in some bacon, and they'll bust their fingers to get the job done faster so they can go get something to eat. ;-)
Jig, I do one grow at a time and this time I have to to make sure I kill the little mite bastards running all over the place. It's bombs away again after this grow finishes. I do however also have a tent which I will be using to start my next batch a couple of weeks before this one finishes. I used to use silica religiously and never had pest problems, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to go back to making sure I use it religiously.

Epic, vegging your plants to three feet, in my humble opinion, will not increase your harvest. Basically allowing your plants to grow straight up, only the top third of the plant will receive good lighting and everything underneath will be popcorn buds. Look into supercropping on youtube. I personally don't like my plants getting over thirty inches tall. I just pulled two ounces dry from a plant fourteen inches high and eighteen inches wide grown in a three gallon smart pot. If you veg for three weeks you shouldn't have huge plants when finished and using female seeds to start I also agree is a good idea. I grown more than a few and have never had a problem with hermies at all. If you look at the pics I posted earlier today, the plants on the outsides are both 12/12 from seed in two gallon smart pots and both of the main stems have been supercropped and tied down to restrict their height and allow the lower branching to grow higher and be exposed to more light with the main cola off to the side of the plant.
No, not really an issue, just that it dictates a bit, and limits, how you can grow. Either you do a single run, starting 18/6, or whatever veg schedule you choose, and then you switch to 12/12 or, if you want to do perpetual, you will have to do 12/12 from seed. My veg cabinet is under a table/bench, that I enclosed and put some 26W CFL's in. Not much room needed really and gives a bit more flexibility. Also, 3ft of vegging I wouldn't recommend. Once you switch to 12/12 they may stretch quite a bit. I go by nodes and will start after the 3rd or 4th have come in good. Again, that's my way and is subject to change anytime I feel like it. LOL

Thanks for the height tips. Have my mind set on the 18/6 then 12/12. Also im not planning on cloning, no room so one crop at a time :)
Damned right! Cause they ain't getting any of mine.

Damn it, duchie!
I'm just now in the middle of my afternoon libations (the Northern Berry) and you go bring up food (this Northern Berry is a monster when it comes to getting hunger jumpstarted).
what is in the refrigerator... :-)
Ill certainly look into Super cropping and get myself some femm'd seeds :D
I am looking for high yields, dont care how long it takes just end game result. Which grows more 18/6 then 12/12 or straight 12/12? Again appreciate all the help you guys are giving me, hope im not asking to much, if i am tell me to shut up and start growing already and stop obsessing over it :P
Oh if your talking about me having to hide my precious plants, only people i gotta worry bout is the poe poe's. I do all my maintenance, roof was redone last year and i just put in all new hard wood floors, the house is free of bugs and were mid summer here. I think i have optimum conditions to grow but who knows i could bomb shell the whole thing :(