Club 600


Well-Known Member
I don't know if any of you have Twitter but, I just found this guy, his account is shitmydadsays, and he's a guy who's 29 who just writes down what his 74 year old dad says and I got to tell ya, it's hilarious. Here's a taste.

"See, you think I give a shit. Wrong. In fact, while you talk, I'm thinking; How can I give less of shit? That's why I look interested."

Found the website too. I'm going back for more.
lmao this is great must be looking for some monster plants.
MMMM yes Im gonna go bigger this time... Might run some monster space bombs but I also want to do some big durbans in it!!! I gotta gets to vegging asap!
Oh no, my JH is proof of your pots. She's real close to being done. I figure she's about 70 to 80% cloudy right now but this last week or so the colas are swelling nice. Some is me too, being experimental and all. I've got a nice round of stuff vegging now that's looking nice. It seems that I took a couple of unintentional steps back but we're workin it out.

Ok, so this shit is way too funny. I can hardly keep myself from bursting out and waking up the whole house but I have to post one more.

"Everybody's broke, so here's the rule for Christmas this year; if you still shit your pants, you get a present. Otherwise tough shit."
haha Iv thought about following a few unique people iv met with a recorder llol

oh and yeah man those bc pots seem to work very well ;-)


Well-Known Member
I don't know if any of you have Twitter but, I just found this guy, his account is shitmydadsays, and he's a guy who's 29 who just writes down what his 74 year old dad says and I got to tell ya, it's hilarious. Here's a taste.

"See, you think I give a shit. Wrong. In fact, while you talk, I'm thinking; How can I give less of shit? That's why I look interested."

Found the website too. I'm going back for more.
i missed this one, this is better although i didnt laugh out loud. granit they all make a lil more sence now that im pictureing a 74 year old man saying them.


Well-Known Member
I just love the attitude. I'm gonna show these to my daughter tomorrow and she'll probably say, oh my got there's someone as cynical as you?


Well-Known Member
its not intelligence, because i "get" them. maturity, naahhhh. age? idk maybe.
well, if i sound like a pessimist, atleast im not an idiot.


Well-Known Member
does cheap coco come from coco nut trees that live in poor areas? I guess it's all in the preperation and wha they use from the plant. Do you re-use your coco del?

just using some cheapo coco.........
Morning 600, some right shit laughs on the board last night/today...sorry, couldn't resist.

Happy Friday to you all, peace, DST


Well-Known Member
does cheap coco come from coco nut trees that live in poor areas? I guess it's all in the preperation and wha they use from the plant. Do you re-use your coco del?

Morning 600, some right shit laughs on the board last night/today...sorry, couldn't resist.

Happy Friday to you all, peace, DST
just meant i dont use canna just cheap garden store type........only use a second time for garden plants......


Well-Known Member
just ignore me, I also buy whatever coco I can get my hands on, lol. you can take the boy out of Scotland, but you can't take the Scottish out the boy! Okay, so I am using mine like 2 or 3 times on my grow. I also just throw my old coco into my compost heap and re-use it that way (although my compost heap is now down to nadda)


Well-Known Member
So I empyt my whole pot out and hold the plant by the stem giving it a shake which releases most of the coco. Then just give it a harder shake in the pot it was growing in until I am left with the root ball and most of what is attached to it....the worms eat the decaying roots to create nutes in the composting coco. I also add veg peels and other bits and bobs in there as the year progresses. The branch and other roots then gets put on one side of my compost heap to compost down as well.


Active Member
New to the 600, that's the problem. I have a small box that i use a 250 hps in and it works great, but I made a bigger box and put a 600 hps in. Well I had about 20 days to go in the 250 so I put them in the 600 for the last 20 figured id get bigger nuggs. Now im 7 days past my normal grow time and I have alot of trichs but only cloudy at best, no amber. I'd like about 40% amber. The only difference is the light and the 600 is air conditioned. I'm worried they " peaked " and all they wont get anymore potent. I've smoked some and it's nowhere near it's potential. I dont know if I should just harvest know cut my losses and get the next ladies ready or hang tight and wait and see if they resin up?
Wondering if anyone has had a similar experience. Thanks for any and all reply's
I had a chronic grow that well outgrew the 9 weeks i had planned for it. I think it went baout 12 weeks before i noticed a decent amount of amber. I did smoke it at week 7 and it fucked me up but more like a sativa.
come week 12 dried and cured it put me on my ass big time. i gave a sample joint to a few friends and myself. the room went quiet for about an hour. everyone slumped into the couches.
I tend no to go off the trchs now, I know i should, but i just look at her and think yeah your done. usually in week 8, they can usually go another week but im not a fan of a couchlock high anyway.

What im trying to say is. I have no idea what i did to make an 8 week strain go 12 weeks. I did add another 600 in the last few weeks though. maybe that has something to do with it much like yours did. Maybe it caused new growth on the buds which covers the ripe areas??? i just dont know.


Active Member
just using some cheapo coco.........
I ask because this is my first coco grow. all of my previous soil grows turned out good but the buds did not look like yours, yours look like my hydro grow, very swollen and fresh looking. my soil buds looked very compact and had smaller calyx.
I remember the difference when trimming them side by side. the hydro buds looked so fresh, it felt like some fresh veg and the smell was so fruity. the soil always looks like a let down (still great but in comparison not so good)
i mean its all the same after curing. the hydro just shrink down a hell of lot more than the soil. What im trying to say is i hope my coco buds look like yours and ill be happy. nice job.