Club 600


Well-Known Member
Holy Bajesus i cant read fast enough lol. Pages literally adding on as one im reading is done. I love this club:bigjoint:

Thanks for all the pats on the back guys and gals.

DST i want some of what your puffin lol. Just messin wit ya bra.

Headsup Hells yeah bra cant wait to see that bud porn and smoke reports. Kick ass. Also ive read that there is really no best way to get a higher yeild. Other than a sog with alot more plants. In the long run you harvest more in a years time or so the theory goes. But in the states we have to watch the #s or its fed time. Still only a slap on the wrist though. I cant speek from exp cause im still wet behind the ears. Interesting topic though.:idea:

MCP nice pic post. Im no expert by any means but i thought the same as Integra when i saw your pics. This i know from Exp is that i was feeding some veg nutes ever other watering on the ff chart. I know that doesn't help much but maybe they do need a little N boost.

Bender420 sweet, I was super stoked when i seen that blue widow bean. I dont think id even heard of it before today. I think the widows are gonna be my winter 2010-11 grow. Just because ive heard the WW is very pungent. Its a little easier to control the smell when its cold i believe.

Yup im off to the cave. with my scwag joint:-( Better than none i guess. Laters peeps. 1BMM.


Well-Known Member
Well, 4 autos under 1 600, I accidentally put the MH bulb in, I'll switch it out tomorrow.
do u go to budbook also i think i just saw the same pics

no, the small fluctuation shouldnt be the problem, i think it's more the ph you plant wants might be a little different than most. I would try to get it at the 6.8-6.8 range and watch how she reacts. If it looks better after a couple of day, keep going that route, if it looks the same or worse, go the other direction and try the 5.3 side out. Its really just trying a few different levels and seeing how she reacts. But dont make big changes at once. If the 5.8-5.9 side isnt wqorking, next water set it at 5.5 before droping to 5.3 on the next water/feed. If you keep messing with the food and nothing seems to ever help, it is almost always a ph problem.
i was told never to water with ph that low in soil.only between 6-7 but i dont know. i will raise the ph up to to start out next watering and see if any thig happens. thank you:weed:

mcpurple, take this with a grain of salt, this is from my experience after three grows and into my fourth, all in soil. My last grow I was very aware of my ph, after I mixed my nutes I would adjust, always down for me because of my high ph tap water to 6.5, as my babies went into flower, I lowered it to about 6.3 because I've noticed as time passes my soil would naturally drift up to around seven by the end of the grow. Personally, I don't think it's a ph problem, I agree it looks like a lack of nitrogen. I feed my girls an occasional shot of grow big even when they start flowering until they are done. Sometimes it's only quarter strength sometimes half strength. I also use cal-mag when my girls start flowering...anyway I'm drifting, depending on how much time you have left, I don't think adjusting your liquid ph is going to have much effect on your soil's ph in a short period of time. I would feed them quarter strength grow big with every watering for a few waterings, along with whatever other additives you use and see if that helps. I really don't think several light doses of N will have a negative effect on your baby as far as flowering, I actually think it will help. Good luck and try not to worry to much, it's only a weed and you can grow many, many more of them. I said I drift. I don't ph my liquids any more. I just add two and a half eye dropper squeezes worth of ph down and water away. Maybe I'm just lucky, my girls are budding like crazy and I couldn't be happier with their color. I fed them some grow big this morning and will again tomorrow morning along with my flower nutes and other additives.
i to use cal/mag. also all my nutes drop the ph of the water way lowe almost to 4 so i always have to raise my ph with nutes but my tap water comes out at 6.8. so i think i should water with a bit higher ph mabye the water with nutes over time drops the soil ph. thank s for the info:weed:

Holy Bajesus i cant read fast enough lol. Pages literally adding on as one im reading is done. I love this club:bigjoint:

MCP nice pic post. Im no expert by any means but i thought the same as Integra when i saw your pics. This i know from Exp is that i was feeding some veg nutes ever other watering on the ff chart. I know that doesn't help much but maybe they do need a little N boost.

. 1BMM.
i have decide to give them some more nitro on the next feed think 1 tsp should be good or a lil more:weed:

eager apprentice

Well-Known Member
So i was just reading about these new pots called air pots. Heres the link.

These look like the ultimate mother pots. May have to give it a try. Also if your worried about getting root bound in a long flower period these could be the answer. check it out folks. Peace 1BMM:bigjoint:
i want some - they look ace, just what i need for some faster growth.
im looking for the fast growth of hydro with the quality of soil, these might help get the better growth rate.

cheers bro.


eager apprentice

Well-Known Member
HELP FOLKS........

got my Big Bang girl yellowing after just over 3.5wks flowering, now she's in a 10litre pot and is 22" tall, i have been feeding her biobizz grow and bloom in 2ml per litre for each on every third day at 1.5litres worth - please check the end pages of my journal thread (in my sig) for pics. Now could the yellowing be the plants rootbound? if so can a flowering plant be transplanted?

thanks guys.



Well-Known Member
well i use this soil in veg to and they are always really healthy in veg watering with a ph of -6-7 and they are healthy for the first few weeks of flower and then the third week hits and bam yellowing starts. its been like this now for three grows i will be watering with a ph of 6 now like u say to see if it helps i wont go lower though cuz if thats not the prob it will be if i go lower im gonna go talk to the owner of the grow shop here and see what he has to say about the ph cuz he has been usin the same stuff for years with no probs so i am gonna ask him later today thanks for all the help WW420:weed:
Yea thats the best idea to ask the guy who grows with the same stuff how he feeds them. Im not really too familiar with coco but everybody seems to waters it a low ph (6). I had problems too with leaves falling off and yellowing too fast early in flower. I had to play around with my ph and it seems they take better flowering with a slightly higher ph. I usually aim for a 6.0 well vegging and 6.2-6.3 in flower also It would help to give them a shot of extra nitrigen from your veg fertilizer. I usually give them 1 last water at full dose of veg fertilizer the first week of 12/12


Well-Known Member
Good evening friends. Mr clean face just stopped by with the beans. Very excited. I got a nice suprise with my order too. Some UFO Dinafem freebies. Here a list of the newly aquired strains.

1 Great White Shark
2 Lemon Skunk
3 White Rhino
4 Train Wreck
5 Cheese
6 Church
7 Arjan's Stawberry Haze
8 Hawaiian Snow
9 UFO Dinafem White Widow
10 UFO Dinafem Blue Widow

And withoud further ado the pics.

As you can see my camera is a piece of shit. I cant seem to get a decent close up shot out of it.

Now im not going to be growing all these at once. I am gonna have to decide on 2 for now being im in to far on this hydro setup. If i where in soil id prolly go for 4-5. Still not to late i guess. but id need a hella soil for 15 5 gal buckets. I like soil growing. Weel see how work pans outr for me this year. Hydro is by far more expensive. Well thats it for now my friends. Still aint been down to the cave yet. Got some work to do in there. Will update the Bonsai mum pruning tech a bit later. Peace out my friends. 1BMM.:weed:
Hey badmasonman a buddy of mine had the same combo mix pack from greenhouse seeds. The cheese, trainwreck and lemon skunk were my personal favorites. The trainwreck is a high yielder :D


Well-Known Member
Yea thats the best idea to ask the guy who grows with the same stuff how he feeds them. Im not really too familiar with coco but everybody seems to waters it a low ph (6). I had problems too with leaves falling off and yellowing too fast early in flower. I had to play around with my ph and it seems they take better flowering with a slightly higher ph. I usually aim for a 6.0 well vegging and 6.2-6.3 in flower also It would help to give them a shot of extra nitrigen from your veg fertilizer. I usually give them 1 last water at full dose of veg fertilizer the first week of 12/12
i talked to him and he said no dont water with a ph lower than 6 cuz its not coco it cocblend it just has coir fibers in it


Well-Known Member
u guys think that the strain i have is just a really fast finisher or no
Mcpurps I saw your plant. Those buds look good for 29 days. Yea she's a fast flower, probably will finish at 7 weeks. Make sure those calyx are swollen and stacked up tho. She looks hungry give her some nitrogen


Well-Known Member
HELP FOLKS........

got my Big Bang girl yellowing after just over 3.5wks flowering, now she's in a 10litre pot and is 22" tall, i have been feeding her biobizz grow and bloom in 2ml per litre for each on every third day at 1.5litres worth - please check the end pages of my journal thread (in my sig) for pics. Now could the yellowing be the plants rootbound? if so can a flowering plant be transplanted?

thanks guys.

Just some helpful advise for you...I notice you grow your clones in the jiffy pellets. I was having some problems with a few of my plants and I couldnt figure out what was wrong with them,was driving me nuts. I took one out of the pot and was checking the roots out. It turned out that the net on the on the jiffy pellets was choking and killing the roots. So for now on I always peel the net off the cube once the clones start showing roots


Well-Known Member
Mcpurps I saw your plant. Those buds look good for 29 days. Yea she's a fast flower, probably will finish at 7 weeks. Make sure those calyx are swollen and stacked up tho. She looks hungry give her some nitrogen

well the calyxs im sure will be swoll. unfortanitly these plants hermied on me about a week ago. so their will be seeds im sure ive been picking most sacks off only a few haveopened. but their still gonna be dank. and i am gonna be feeding it some N. on the next feed. i think i am gonna use 1tsp grow big. and hope for the best


Well-Known Member
Hey 1BMM, nice seed list! I too ordered recently - oooh I can't wait for them to get here, here's what's on the menu:
15 feminized Dinafem Blue Widow
3 TGA Subcool Jack The Ripper
3 TGA Subcool The Third Dimension
1 feminized Dinafem Cloud #9
1 feminized Dinafem Sweet Deep Grapefruit
1 feminized Dinafem Fruit Automatic
1 feminized Dinafem Moby Dick #2
1 pair funky contact lenses
Ok I can't grow those, but When I plant again, I'll be alternating feminized Chronic with the feminized Blue Widow. Anyone else grown out Blue Widow before? To top or not to top - that is the question.
So which two strains do you think you'll start with? I can tell you from experience, the TW and WW will take at least 10+ weeks to finish, if that helps at all. The Lemon Skunk (GHS right?) are probably the bushiest plants I've grown thus far.


Well-Known Member
It amazes me how much coverage I get with a 600 compared to a 1000, there's really not a lot of diference. I'm sold on 600s.


Well-Known Member
alright guys who wants to play guess-the-mystery-strain-about-to-600fied?

i have no idea im pretty sure that their sativas but i dont know anybody willin to take a stab at it

plus a pic of my growroom security in case anybodies feeling



Well-Known Member
HELP FOLKS........

got my Big Bang girl yellowing after just over 3.5wks flowering, now she's in a 10litre pot and is 22" tall, i have been feeding her biobizz grow and bloom in 2ml per litre for each on every third day at 1.5litres worth - please check the end pages of my journal thread (in my sig) for pics. Now could the yellowing be the plants rootbound? if so can a flowering plant be transplanted?

thanks guys.

Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels:

"Could everybody please STOP getting yellow leaves". I am really begining to think this is just strain dependant...

Mcpurps I saw your plant. Those buds look good for 29 days. Yea she's a fast flower, probably will finish at 7 weeks. Make sure those calyx are swollen and stacked up tho. She looks hungry give her some nitrogen
SEE^^^^^ someone else agree's

Hey 1BMM, nice seed list! I too ordered recently - oooh I can't wait for them to get here, here's what's on the menu:
15 feminized Dinafem Blue Widow
3 TGA Subcool Jack The Ripper
3 TGA Subcool The Third Dimension
1 feminized Dinafem Cloud #9
1 feminized Dinafem Sweet Deep Grapefruit
1 feminized Dinafem Fruit Automatic
1 feminized Dinafem Moby Dick #2
1 pair funky contact lenses
Ok I can't grow those, but When I plant again, I'll be alternating feminized Chronic with the feminized Blue Widow. Anyone else grown out Blue Widow before? To top or not to top - that is the question.
So which two strains do you think you'll start with? I can tell you from experience, the TW and WW will take at least 10+ weeks to finish, if that helps at all. The Lemon Skunk (GHS right?) are probably the bushiest plants I've grown thus far.
I was like, cool strains, then I got to....
funky contact lenses, and I was like, wtf, hehehe..

My white rhino agrees good sir
You can tell the difference between a White Rhino and a Black Rhino because of the fact that the White Rhino lets it's baby walk in front of it, and the Black rhino lets it's baby walk behind it...similar to White and Black people. (ok, a bit of a genralisation, but most African nations carry their babies on their backs...most white people puish their babies in buggies.....

This may sound strange, but it's also to do with the rhinos living conditions. The white is a field/grass dweller, whereas the Black is more in the bush or tree areas (hence why they have their children in front or behind respectively...savey?

alright guys who wants to play guess-the-mystery-strain-about-to-600fied?

i have no idea im pretty sure that their sativas but i dont know anybody willin to take a stab at it

plus a pic of my growroom security in case anybodies feeling
Def a cross of something, and I guess a Sativa dominant, although it's still quite stout.....I am assuming you don't know either Solcyn?

Em,:wall: Brain is stuck, will think and come back on it.......



Well-Known Member
1. The Cape Times ( Cape Town )

"I have promised to keep his identity confidential,' said Jack Maxim, a spokeswoman for the Sandton Sun Hotel, Johannesburg , "but I can confirm that he is no longer in our employment.
We asked him to clean the lifts and he spent four days on the job. When I asked him why, he replied: 'Well, there are forty of them, two on each floor, and sometimes some of them aren't there'. Eventually, we realised that he thought each floor had a different lift, and he'd cleaned the same two twelve times. "We had to let him go. It seemed best all round. I understand he is now working for Escom."

2. The Star ( Johannesburg ):

"The situation is absolutely under control," Transport Minister Ephraem Magagula told the Swaziland Parliament in Mbabane . "Our nation's merchant navy is perfectly safe. We just don't know where it is, that's all."
Replying to an MP's question, Minister Magagula admitted that the landlocked country had completely lost track of its only ship, the Swazimar: "We believe it is in a sea somewhere. At one time, we sent a team of men to look for it, but there was a problem with drink and they failed to find it, and so, technically, yes, we've lost it a bit. But I categorically reject all suggestions of incompetence on the part of this government. The Swazimar is a big ship painted in the sort of nice bright colours you can see at night. Mark my words, it will turn up. The right honourable gentleman opposite is a very naughty man, and he will laugh on the other side of his face when my ship comes in."

3. The Standard ( Kenya ):

"What is all the fuss about?" Weseka Sambu asked a hastily convened news conference at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport . "A technical hitch like this could have happened anywhere in the world. You people are not patriots. You just want to cause trouble." Sambu, a spokesman for Kenya Airways, was speaking after the cancellation of a through flight from Kisumu, via Jomo Kenyatta, to Berlin . "The forty-two passengers had boarded the plane ready for take-off, when the pilot noticed one of the tyres was flat. Kenya Airways did not possess a spare tyre, and unfortunately the airport nitrogen canister was empty. A passenger suggested taking the tyre to a petrol station for inflation, but unluckily the jack had gone missing so we couldn't get the wheel off. Our engineers tried heroically to re-inflate the tyre with a bicycle pump, but had no luck, and the pilot even blew into the valve with his mouth, but he passed out. "When I announced that the flight had to be abandoned, one of the passengers, Mr Mutu, suddenly struck me about the face with a life-jacket whistle and said we were a national disgrace. I told him he was being ridiculous, and that there was to be another flight in a fortnight. And, in the meantime, he would be able to enjoy the scenery around Kisumu, albeit at his own expense."

4. From a Zimbabwean newspaper:

While transporting mental patients from Harare to Bulawayo , the bus Driver stopped at a roadside shebeen (beerhall) for a few beers. When he got back to his vehicle, he found it empty, with the 20 patients nowhere to be seen. Realizing the trouble he was in if the truth were uncovered, he halted his bus at the next bus stop and offered lifts to those in the queue. Letting 20 people board, he then shut the doors and drove straight to the Bulawayo mental hospital, where he hastily handed over his 'charges', warning the nurses that they were particularly excitable. Staff removed the furious passengers; it was three days later that suspicions were roused by the consistency of stories from the 20. As for the real patients: nothing more has been heard of them and they have apparently blended comfortably back into Zimbabwean society. .