Club 600

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Ok I'm back and have barely read a thing. I started and even started to multi-quote and a young lady friend stopped over the doobie got passed back and forth and blah, blah, blah. So before I go and try to catch up on four pages or reading set on max posts per page. The 12/12 from seed thing. These plants were started in peat pellets, then into party cups until a good root system was going and then transplanted into three gallon smart pots. With each transplant I use maxicrop and rhizotonic and mycorrhizae with some molasses in it. One watering they get the maxicrop and rhizo and the next they get the mycorr with molasses. I'm trying to concentrate on root growth and development. If I get that going the rest will take care of itself. I want those containers filled with feeder roots. Anyway, these pics are of the psycho killer. I didn't take any before I supercropped her which was three days ago? Since then I have also had to supercrop a couple of the other branches which were trying to become the terminal leader. I supercrop any branch that I think is trying to become the leader, I want as many branches to hit the canopy as possible so I keep trying to encourage lower growth upwards. I would rather have ten or a dozen really nice 'tops' than one big cola. The main cola is still the largest bud but not outstanding like it would be if you just let it be the terminal leader.

I'll get some up of the deep psycho after I read some posts. Her I just did and then took the before and after pics.


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Wow! Finally caught up, and I've been lurking too! We go through a little bit of a lull here and then all of a sudden, the 600 comes alive again. Like I said, I've been lurking but I'm still up to stuff in the meantime and I'll catch up with you all about that soon. I will say I sprouted 8 new young ones over the past couple of days and they're all up. The main two I was anxious about where Jack Hammers from the seed I made. I figured I better get a couple going and see if the damn things will even grow. Well figures they'd be the last ones up, but they're here and looking great.

Heads Up...Great to see ya again and hearing that your doing good. Sorry bout the job thing. I'm dealing with employment crap too but I'm not getting back on that pulpit right now, but I'll just say, I hear ya brother! I also hear ya on the Amish thing, and yes I knew about that. I seen a documentary on it too and one of the characters had his buggy all powered up with a sound system that would be the envy of many car and stereo buffs. Tunes where loaded on his iPod. At the end, he ended up choosing his faith and community and giving it all up. Love that Killing Fields man.

Doobie...I'm really digging the MC Frontalot. My kinda Nerd.

bassman...thanks for the post of humidity. Had to read the damn thing 10 times or more till it sunk in....damn weed!

And of course, I can't remember who else I wanted to shout out to, like always. This place just moves so fast and I, I move too slow. Anyway, the big thing with me right now is still dealing with heat. Keeping below 32 is tough right now. My DIY cooltube project, the cutting part anyway, went pretty well at first, with only a small peace that didn't cut clean, but I got too fussy and ended up cracking the whole glass. Next step is an window air conditioner to cool the ambient to what it was in the winter (room temperature) or less, and I should be good. I think the heat is hurting some of my garden and stunting growth though. Oh, and I almost forgot, I switched my 12 hr around and left my light off all day today and fired it up this evening to start a night shift cycle.

I'll get some pics up tomorrow guys. Have lots of questions I'd like to shoot out there too, for the class.

Heat in my opinion is the real killer for our hobby, an air conditioner would do you wonders. My ex his plants look like crap, a main stem and one of a couple of side branches. In veg his grows look great, I think the plants can stand more heat at that time but in flower, heat is a killer, it stunts everything.

so when you say 2-3 weeks veg thats not what my plant would look like, i count my veg from the day the seedling opens up and turns green. but my plants grow under 600's from only a few days old so can be a lot bigger than those grown under smaller lights.
at 2 weeks old my plants look like this
View attachment 1639953

so 14 days after breaking the soil my plants have a lot more than 2 nodes. so really everyones plants are going to look very different when they say 4 weeks veg. and when people say flower at 12 inch, that too wil vary depending on the stretch. but yeah they will generally be close neough for it to not matter.... I forgot my point.. I would love to see some photos of plants that are starting their 12/12, not the day they go in because they still "veg for a coupl eof weeks before flowering even in 12/12 right. I would love to see some photos from when they start actually flowering and how much space and yield they roughly produce.

I usually flower at this size
View attachment 1639955

this usually yields around 2 ounces, they may even get a few days older than this photo. but you get the idea. they tend to be about 4 weeks old (i think in the photo its 3.5 weeks from sprouting)

my temps are currently sitting at 88-93F so yeah around 32C. I dont think its had too much of an impact though, they started out at this maybe a 80-85 last month. but they are growing fine, in fact these plants are budding faster than they have in previous grows. hmm
See above, heat is a killer. I posted some pics about the 12/12 from seed and will post more of the deep psycho.

This is a very interesting documentary on Amish kids as they reach that age and they go through what is called (rumspringa) just as you described above. It's been such a long time since I've seen it but there is a part in the film where they have this huge party (and there not uncommon) where different amish come from all over the US to party and go wild. Plus this documentary takes place in my neck of the woods no more than 100 miles from where I live. If y'all get a chance check it out.

That's the one I saw the other night, it was interesting to say the least. Very informative.

i bet its gonna be a helluva couchlock. maybe a brainlock, or does thc degrade?
Yes, thc does degrade. When you look at resin under magnification, amber color, the thc has passed it's peak and is breaking down into cbn? the thing that causes couchlock. So if you want to smoke and let your ass grow roots where it's sitting, I guess amber is for you. I personally like mine to be milky.

And tip top, I do believe you are correct. Our lovely girls do produce new thc every night when the sleep, think of it like your girlfriends honey pot as she sleeps. It's also why you will read the suggestion that you chop your plants as soon as lights on and then trim them under not so bright lights like your hps. I leave mine under the lights right up to their time to be chopped.


Well-Known Member
ultimately, potency is determined by genetics like D said. there are other attributes to growing like conditions, drying, and curing which will contribute to the taste and harshness which would be taken into account by some for potency but its not where the true level of potency will be determined.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I should be clear, by potency i am simply badly referring to the amount of trichs, not the potency, that is to say that hashified you'd get more yield, sorry for being unclear :D

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Lg, I absolutely agree, genetics is everything. You can't turn lead into gold. I've also starting using a hygrometer in my jars while my bud cures. I'm slowly trying to lower it to fifty five percent which is fully cured and no more opening of the jar is required. It was at sixty five when I jarred it and it's at sixty now. I'm guessing cause I didn't write down the date I jarred it, it's been two weeks in jars. Another week and I hope to have it down to fifty five percent and then let it sit and cure for another couple weeks...I hope. A slow dry and cure allows your plants time to let all the thc become psychoactive which takes some time. All the thc is not psychoactive when the plant is first chopped.

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And the malawi99. I too was disappointed by the potency of the smoke. The plant I grew was beautiful, smelled wonderful had nice buds and plenty of them, but not much kick. I too think it is not a very stable strain but that's what gives you that one in a hundred plants, the instability.


Well-Known Member
Wow, almost an hour and I'm the only one posting? Weird.
I know.... it crazy lol

I also think genetics is what will determine if it CAN be dank or not,,, then the environment and root conditions will determine how well the plant will produce on all fronts...

LG you put it nicely.

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And whodat you made the point even clearer with your added info.

This is the deep psycho with the before and right after supercropping. As you can see she wasn't that tall, the supercropping will hopefully slow down the top and allow the bottom branches to grow. Supercropping is really nothing more than forcing the growth downward into the plant rather than the plants natural desire to feed the terminal leader, the main cola.

Edit. For myself, I tie the main stem down. I find if you don't, it will be back up next day. Sometimes they stay tied down and other times I just supercrop them and let them come back up. It all depends on what the side growth is doing.


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Saw this on another thread and was wondering if there was any truth to it??
Who remembers the high times from long, long ago where the cover showed this beautiful redish, purpleish, greenish glistening bud of Sinsemella? Pardon the spelling? All it was was a plant that wasn't pollinated. The sex starved female as it was described. Back in those days everything I smoked was a sativa and everything had seeds.

I tend to think along the lines of once a bud is pollinated, it's going to stop producing thc and turn it's energy into making seed, not thc. It makes thc which is in the resin, so it's really making resin to attract any available pollen. If it's getting none, it just keeps increasing the amount of resin it's making as the plant matures. Hit it with some pollen and whammo, resin production drops and seed formation is now the plants driving force, to create the next generation of healthy offspring. That's my two cents on that issue. I am always open to persuasion with a better line of thought.

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you gotta make yo mind up westy!!
I was thinking the same damn thing genuity. Wasn't our glorious mr west just bitchin' about all his dyslexic reading?

Edit. mr west, I'll have to get back to you on that one at a future date. I'm sure I'll be posting pics, maybe you can help in identifying the type?


Well-Known Member
some preteen shots
TH SEEDS sage 25 days from seed
gsxog 022.jpg
TH SEEDS kushage 25 days from seed
gsxog 024.jpg
this is my sage,very compact growth
gsxog 007.jpg
and a outdoor DOG clone
gsxog 028.jpg
im starting some anesthesia f1's tonite,im going to let them veg outside,till they get to the size i m looking for.