Club 600 Breeding Showcase

the two bigger leafed larger plants, aye One of them is a sus male but the one with conker leafs may be galish
So I have started my Blue Pit adventure. Blue Pit are F1's which is a cross of Jake Blue (our Deep Blue male) and the DOG.

We have three late comers (4, but ones just popped it's head up) but all 25 seeds germinated. There's only 24 tubs in the pic but I just added the 25th as that seed was late germinating due to it not being in the paper towel properly.



Anyway, that's it for the now. Will update you all when it's started to get a bit more exciting:eyesmoke:

Peace, DST
Well animals can eat DE, am not sure what the effects on us would be, but it's used as a Worm control for animals. Might be a bit jaggy on the way out!!!:shock:
cheers fella, it's not actually smelly cherry, that's the branch i spluffed with smelly cherry pollen. the male was a reet purple stinker so am hoping for good tings out the other end.

the missus will be a happy lass come xmas. i'll probably keep an oz till the next lot.
Looking damn good gents. D I'm. Really intersted in the Blue Pit. If all goes well can you give me a guessimate of when that could hit the market? 8 know I've said this enough, but big thanks for bringing the DOG to the masses. I'm curing my OD right now and that DOG is going to make a lot of people very happy.

Cheers 600 (lifts a glass of Maui Coconut Porter)
I finally collected all of the items I needed to make some CS solution. I went with silver coated wire, a DC 12 volt power supply, some aligator clips and an ink pen. I can see it working as soon as I plug it in! Pretty stoked to start making some crosses and getting some fem seeds. Thanks for this post, it def helped me build this basic yet valuable little contraption :D

So just wanted to show you the process for Feminised seeds. There have been a few posts that I have seen about making Colloidal Silver but not seen pics, so I have put a few together over the last few weeks as I prep up a DOG for some weird shexy action.

This is a previous pic from last year but will give you the idea of the set up.

Most importantly you need to make sure your 3 x 9v batteries are set up as in the pic and not just connected in a line, otherwise the charge will not be sufficient.

You can see the reaction starting. For the best results do this process overnight in a dark place (i put it inside a cardboard box). 24 hours later you get a solution that should contain enough ppms for you to work the magic. You can also make yellow silver by slowly applying heat to the water but this is not necessary imo.

You can end up with some scum on the silver rods, I just made sure I kept this out of the solution I was putting into the spray bottle.

Now comes the frustrating part. WAITING!!!!!!! The process takes around 10-14days for you to see the sex changing. I used a small clone as I don't see the point in reversing a huge mofo plant.

Basically before putting the plant in the 12/12 cab I soaked with the silver solution, then on a daily basis for a about a week I kept giving the plant a soaking.

Once pistils has started forming I laid back on the spray and for the last week have let it be. The sacs can be seen in the pics below.




Will update further as the process continues.


i have 2 x 600 but only use one at a time as the heat's a bit much with both on sadly

Winter is comin! I'm able to eliminate AC and run Co2 in the winter where I'm at on the 45th parallel. My cab with 1 x 600 + 1 x 400 runs nicely in the winter, although I think I'm going to drop a 1000 in there this winter for deeper penetration and a wider footprint. I got my 9999 silver rods yesterday and FINALLY have a batch of homemade CS spray ready to go, going to pop some clones into flower the next couple days and get some fem seeds going! Haven't been so stoked in awhile, its time to cross some of my fav strains :D
Headband was tradtionally seen as having a high tollerance towards mould. The dog is 50% headband but due to it's density and resin production falls short of what I would call a super resistant mould strain (although I have never lost any dog to mould). The Southern charm is quite heavy on the indica side so should also be resistant, (the breeder never reported any mould problems with his). Is it for indoors or outdoors? For outdoors in your area of the world I would be temped to go for something like the Engineers DReam which has got some Thai in it.
Headband was tradtionally seen as having a high tollerance towards mould. The dog is 50% headband but due to it's density and resin production falls short of what I would call a super resistant mould strain (although I have never lost any dog to mould). The Southern charm is quite heavy on the indica side so should also be resistant, (the breeder never reported any mould problems with his). Is it for indoors or outdoors? For outdoors in your area of the world I would be temped to go for something like the Engineers DReam which has got some Thai in it.

yea its for outdoors
thanks mate