Club 600 Breeding Showcase


Well-Known Member
i figure if you produce a strain that isnt strictly feminised then you have a very large possibility that others will continue to breed using the genetics that have already been formed. if a company figured this to be wrong or "illegal" than they would need to get a copyright like westy said which i dont really see happening for marijuana seeds. im pretty sure some regular veg brands have made plants to be sexually infertile in order for the customer to continue buying seeds instead of allowing them to grow there own from the first batch of seeds.


Well-Known Member
i figure if you produce a strain that isnt strictly feminised then you have a very large possibility that others will continue to breed using the genetics that have already been formed. if a company figured this to be wrong or "illegal" than they would need to get a copyright like westy said which i dont really see happening for marijuana seeds. im pretty sure some regular veg brands have made plants to be sexually infertile in order for the customer to continue buying seeds instead of allowing them to grow there own from the first batch of seeds.
Yeah, like Whodat told me once, "FUCK MONSANTO"


Well-Known Member
I hate to say it, but there will always be someone who wants to BASH or HATE. I mean, I got seeds from a bag of weed I bought to start off my collection of DOG's etc, and people are still shouting shit at me for it. AS I have said and will maintain, none of these people spliced the MJ gene or are called Mother Nature, so unless someone tells me not to do something with a cut, it's mine to do what I want. All this is doing is creating varied genetics mixes that will ultimately only improve the longevity of the species itself. As I said to Dr Green Dre, do what you want with the dog, just remmber where it comes from. We are certainly not going to not give TGA strains that we use a shout out. And if you mix two strains and come up with a new one to breed, like the DPQ that Westy did for example. (which I would recommend anyone to breed with), then who can claim that is their own line? It's al bullshit to me, there is plenty for everyone and more, just some people cannot help themselves but get annoyed at others for some reason.

And believe me, this topic will repeatedly come up through the life of you breeding. I mean, look at GHS for example. They get hated on, dissed, slagged off and they have been around for years. I guess things will only settle down when everything is legal and perhaps people do trade mark there products, but even then, I don't know how this would work with plants.


Well-Known Member
So how did tga create there strains? Do these people not realise that for tga to dreate a line they first need some breeding stock? They would have had to use someone else's strains just to get the ball rolling.
These folk must think subcool sat in a lab genetically engineering strains or something haha. Everyone is using everyone else's stuff people just need to get over it.


Well-Known Member
Wat's growing down ?? There was me thinking i was a breeder for about a week ! Look's like all the Private jet's are on hold eh ! Ach well, just have to not bother and let everyone else play :)

" Putting you'r name on a strain is like saying, you can look but don't tough! Smell, but dont taste, Taste but dont swallow .... "
I dont want to continue this spam, but c'mon man, its all the same game, pass the ball every now and then ! Keep it moving ! Arjan from ghs has his name on about 3 diff. Plant's WTF.

mr west

Well-Known Member
My name will never get on a strain lol. Its a bit like cooking and being a chef. Anyone can do it, its not hard.

mr west

Well-Known Member
So if anyone remembers i got some seeds out some cheese, its crossed with the deep blues which is deep purple x psychosis x livers/blues. I planted 4 of these and they all have come up and are working on there second leafs now lol. Im just gonna whak em into twelve soon for xmas lol i bet i get 4 males ffs faf ☺☺☺☺☻☻☻♥


Well-Known Member
here hoping for womans a plenty.
So if anyone remembers i got some seeds out some cheese, its crossed with the deep blues which is deep purple x psychosis x livers/blues. I planted 4 of these and they all have come up and are working on there second leafs now lol. Im just gonna whak em into twelve soon for xmas lol i bet i get 4 males ffs faf ☺☺☺☺☻☻☻♥


Well-Known Member
Talking of Fairies, Breeders Boutique NL would like to welcome Mr Wests Jake Blues to the fore. He arrived like a fukkin whirlwind I can tell ya, crack of the sparrow, and he loves his new hareem, infact every time I check he has wood, lol. Seriously, he looks a brute, is vigourous as a mofo, and can survive long dark trips on his own!


Right, well after that I am off to the rub a dub. Laters....woohoo.


mr west

Well-Known Member
That Jake is a hardy plant for sizzle, lovely node spacing. I dont know what to do with the mother jake lol. I dont need any pollen till the new year and hes massive already lol. Might chop fuk out of him and see what he does at half mast lol


Well-Known Member
Well if space is getting a problem just take a clone of it and when it's rooted chop it down....I'll keep this lad going for a while now though.
That Jake is a hardy plant for sizzle, lovely node spacing. I dont know what to do with the mother jake lol. I dont need any pollen till the new year and hes massive already lol. Might chop fuk out of him and see what he does at half mast lol