Club 600 Breeding Showcase

mr west

Well-Known Member
cheers bill, its starting to be less stress and more dread, i mean excitement lol. Im looking forward to the bit when we leave the reception to consummate hehehe. All contraception has been stopped cuz theres not enough babys round here mwahahahaha!

mr west

Well-Known Member
She's fantastic, a proper little character, u can tell shes gonna be trouble but as of yet shes been perfect. Shes 20 months old now and her back molars are coming through atm but shes like "meh". We had a day of her falling over ans smashing her face in yesterday but shes been good today lol.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the offer droman, but Im good on it.

Hey crew bongsmilie I gots me a question. When flowering males for pollen collection how long does it take before you can get a quality collection << key word quality not quantity :-) I cant remember exactly when I did it last time but it was quite viable pollen. I started a gang of ?p x sb1 and plan on sexing when they get about 7 inches, then continuing to flower the males and collect from my fave while the females veg for maybe 5 more weeks before 12/12 and spluffing a few select ladies at around 3 weeks. <<<< sound like a plan? What would you suggest?

Thanks :peace:


Well-Known Member
I think the best quality pollen also comes at the time when there's the most quantity which is gonna be just days before they open.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I guess that is true. So a better question would be~ on average how many weeks 12/12 until you can collect a good load? Am I wrong at thinking somewhere around 4 weeks? Because the males gotta be able to produce early enough to pollenate with enough time for seed to develop before the season is over, right? And in a natural environment males and females would germ and start growing and flowering at the same time...


Well-Known Member
my opinion is that it really doesn't matter. lol. but the one positive thing is you get to see more of how the pheno actually looks before you choose witch one you want to use.


Well-Known Member
Yeah great point. Mo time is better to see whats really going on. These should just be for me and friends so not any kind of pressure to make the best of the best. One day I'll sell some beans.


Well-Known Member
yea sellin some beans would be cool one day. or simply just create a strain that everybody loves around the world! so many strains though..


Well-Known Member
^^^that is so true,its all the same in some way or another...its so many sites that sell beans,and so many more poping up.which means more people(pollen chuck),and send them beans to these bean stores,to feed off of the "new guy",starting out,or some one who calls them self a "seed collector",who must have the next best thing,and has some $$coin$$ to do the game is changing,right in front of us,(bean auction)=bid wars.this means a single pack of beans can go for unlimted amout of money,,,,hell,i did a few my self,just to see whats up,if the beans would be any better,than what I run,and I still do not know,do to all the other seeds that drop all the time...they just sit in the bean box.......IDK what i'm trying to say here,but...........not talking shit to anyone,,,you know how intreweb post can get miscrewed<<<word?[video=youtube;lCc_c6fKoXc][/video]<<<<2:17>>>thats me all day.


Well-Known Member
yea soon everything will be crossed with everything, seems like. i guess only time will tell where this will all go. im glad i got enough genetics to make a few quite diff strains though, i would say. hopefully i can like pass down my "life strain" to my kids (that i dont have yet) or something one day. iv been growing for a few years but im still getting my feet wet. haven't grown enough to know what i actually want to work on. iv made numerous crosses already though. its like half of the hobby to me.


Well-Known Member
damn actually 5 years, time flys. have made crosses each year. my first two plants i had, pollinated a branch towards the end. and i still mess with those seeds and have made more hybrids from them through the years. i did a lot of reading. already knew i had to make more own seeds. especialy cause i didn't have all these cool genes all i have was my trusty bagseeds that i had been selectively picking for a year. and knew i had to get some stock going. love it.


Well-Known Member
Good males will produce pollen throughout the entire cycle, IME. Even when cloned and revegged males seem to continue to produce pods, almost like pre flowers.