Cloudy water question


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys .. I need some advise. I have had some issues with algae with light sneaking its way in through My Rubbermaid 14 gallon tote .. I made it toatally light proof now and am having issues with cloudy water
I Think I eliminated the algae with Peroxide 1/6 teaspoon per gallon / ..X8 gallons of water ..

My water is cloudy. It is not algae this time...It just seems to be very cloudy like a greyish color ????

PH is holding at 5.9. I did A Replenish on Monday and today it is cloudy. Is this normal to happen .

I am using GH grow/Micro & bloom Nutes. as per this chart for clones and seedlings... I have mixed now on this chart for 8 gallons of water is 20ml grow/20mil micro/20mil bloom to 8 gallons. Is This normal to have cloudy water after almost 4 days???? Input is greatly needed.. Thanks Guys :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:
Does the water smell? Have you been using a lot of pH down? Do you have feeder tubes in there? How do the airstones look? Clean or yucky? I'm inclines to say go with 2 tablespoons of 3% h2o2 per gallon per day, it won't hurt anything. There might be algae growth that has been there since before you further lightproofed.
I know Rose was talking about root pieces and other stuff getting stuck in your pump, id maybe check that but like Smile pointed out smell of the water can tell you a lot :)
I did have a pump and feed lines I removed them when I replenished on monday thinking that was my problem The same thing happen last week in about 4 days the water turned Cloudy ..

The air stones are clean unlike when I had Algae issues they were covered in algae .. Now they are clean ..

I can not smell anything but I did add peroxide as a preventive 1/6 teaspoon last refill.. I think i did have to add alot of PH down to get my pH down.. I also added 2 tablespoons of bakeing soda to 8 gallons because I had wild PH swings ..

The soda seems to be keeping the PH in check now .. Have not had to adjust since i replenished .. I Am lost ... Thanks guys ..:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:
I have never used your nutrients, but from the sounds of it, that is what is coloring the water. Since it seems you have never used them before, I'm assuming you don't know if this is normal.

From what I have learned, you will learn over trial and error, and a couple of grows how your nutrients work, and react over the cycle of the grow.

If you don't have light in the res. you wont get algae..
I am using tap water .. I also did say it did not smell ..
I was toasted also when I seen it . But Yes it did smell Like a dirty mop .
The messed up thing is I also have a DWC going at the same time .. Same water / no nutes and 5 days now water is crystal clear Ph adjusted a tad but clear ..

Will the rockwool cause bad looking water and smell???if its rotted or something .

The plants look good now after my PH issue and algae I changed waster last night .

I am just going to run it with no nutes and see what happens after 4 days .. Will that harm anything Just running PH balanced water for a few days .

But still have something going on with my water .. Let me know if you can think what the hell is going on ?? Thanks guys:wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:
Did you rinse the rockwool well before using it? Almost any kind of nutes will color the water to some extent. If you can rule out algae and there is no other organic material that could have gotten it, I'd say don't fret over it.
if you raise the amount of h2o2 (hydro peroxide) your using, it will def help. when i have problems with water gettin cloudy, i like to use about 1/4 cup of 3% H2O2 for every 2 gallons of water, or 1/8 cup a gal. ive never had a problem with it burning the plant, and with a higher level of H2O2 you'll find that any part of root system that isn't very healthy with be dissolved and eaten away leaving just healthy roots to start growing again. i found this works best at eradicating algae, cloudy water, and dead roots. its also much better for adding oxygen to the roots. good luck!
Did you ever figure put the problem I'm having the same thing but I just got one baby and it's my first time doing dwc seems like every second day with nutrition it gets murky white and its like I see salts as well as a stinky foot or mop smell