Cloudy to Amber Trichs? How long?


Well-Known Member
I know it's going to vary from strain to strain... but from everyone's personal experience, how long to I have from when the trics turn cloudy till they are turning amber?

I am trying to plan my flush accordingly... getting down to the last few weeks here... :joint::mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
took forever to go from clear to milky but from there it was just a matter of little more than a week or so and they went cloudy/opaque. Picked some at that point(indica's) and they are terrific. Great buzz...lotsa body and head but energetic as well. Have 5 more still under hps....wanna let them go as amber as possible to explore that "couchlock" buzz. Only problem so far is the fans start to degrade right at the end so you may have to harvest parts of individual plants. If you're already milky i would go ahead and flush. Better too dry before harvest as opposed to too wet. Read somewhere that if you leave em in a "night" cycle for an extended period just prior to harvesting it helps the trich production. Good luck my friend and enjoy. Just finished my first grow with quality seed and it has exceeded all expectations. Scour this site ...lots of good info and advice in here.


Well-Known Member
Lights just came on and I checked them again... still got some clear ones so I'm holding off a week or so to flush...