@shimbob Nice, tasmota made my configuration sooo soooo much easier to implement. Mycodo is a great piece of software. The maker is super diligent about updates and killing bugs. He implemented VPD option for us within 10 hrs of us mentioning it!
Good guy. I ended up going node red because at the time Mycodo wasn't flexible enough for my needs. It may have changed since but once I found node red and a way to implement stock sonoffs as well as tasmotized sonoffs I was hooked!
@craggin Glad to hear I'm not a hijacker
Yeah tasmota is definitely worth looking into. The amazing flexibility, customizability, and number of devices it can run on (basically anything w/ a esp chip) makes it a must have for me.
Fan hack update. A PC817 works just fine. Have it on the bench w/ a tasmotized sonoff basic r2.
I attached the 817 to the - and + of the blue element of the status led in the sonoff and the output to the - of the fan - and the + to the pwm input for the fan (see pics), am also hijacking 110V from the fan to power the sonoff (white n black wires).
Only configured GPIO13(the blue led) for pwm.
Been creeping along at 3% speed for about 2 hrs now and doin fine.
The only issue I see is that 50% on the slider is 3% but 100% is full speed.
Not really a big deal since I have the full speed range and plenty of step points between to ramp up and down the fan speed.
I'm sure there's settings to change the hz of the pwm signal (which I is 4K) or the slider range so am sure it could be fixed.
As a plus if you toggle it off in tasmota the fan 100% stops so I didn't even need to use the sonoffs inbuilt relay to control the 110v.
EDIT:Turns out if you use "LedTable 0" under console it will turn off LED gamma correct which gives you 3% speed at 20% slider position.
So about 80% slider use for ramp up/down. At this point it looks like it may be more a fan range limitation, like the sonoffs pwm range is wider than the fans "running" range.