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Some babies do come from the butt hole; where do you think lawyers come from? I don't know where you're getting your bizarre ideas about religion but nothing you say is truthful about it. There is a huge difference between Biblical and traditions of the 30,000+ denominations of "Christianity", not to mention the thousands of other religions. There are always going to be some groups that have very twisted beliefs.

They are all war cults and splinters of war cults now trying to pretend they are peaceful.

My ideas come from Self. I study, you don't.
Who was talking about degrees, Little Big Man? You said," I don't know where you got....blah blah"

Oh, do you have a degree?....very very good. clap clap.
I swing kettlebell. Just doing the 35# snatches this morning.....trained on Arnie's Encyclopedia
for weren't taking to me....sorry. :)
Once they reach a certain size, they can live independently. Mind your extremities though. cn


I thought I like independent....and then I married I am the dependent, and, then, only as long as I do exactly what she says. :)
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