Closets to humid. Help


Well-Known Member
So my closet was at 70% rh before putting them in yes I know it should be a rh of's at 80% well was...I put a small heater in there at 80degrees faraenheight

Will 80 degree damage the thc? My rh has dropped 5% in 10 mins I'm hoping to get the rh down to atleast 60% but im worried about the 80 Degree closet damaging thc.... My next thought was to go get kitty litter to help drop the rh. It's rained like 3 weeks here nonstop so opening windows won't help.. And I dnt have the money for a dehumidifier.


Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
I'm no expert, but keep in mind weed grows outdoors in the summer in 90+ degree weather. I can't imagine 80 degrees doing any kind of damage whatsoever. Try having a fan blow into the bottom of the closet so it keeps air rotating around so that the air in the closet doesn't just sit and muster. That will help lower humidity, of course the room that the closet is located in factors in as well, what is the humidity of that room?


Well-Known Member
I'm at work but I know it's high, it's been raining for like a month here...I'll set a hygrometer out of it when I get home, didn't think of that to much, I'm hoping the little heater does the trick.. It dropped 13% in 25 mins...but I haven't been able to check it since