Closet Ventilation Help Needed


my ladies are in a 2x4 closet and are now into week 7 of veg stage. im going to get a 250 watt hps/metal halide light system and dont have any clue on what to do with the circulation. its a two door closet thats split into two sections, one of the sides is where they are.

Any suggestions would help.

Thank you



Active Member
Do you rent or own? I own and just cut a 6 inch hole into the wall to vent (2nd floor, goes to the attic) works great for my closet.. I leave the door cracked (its sealed into a box in the closet)

Can always patch the hole later.. not hard

But i bet you could widen the draft at the bottom of the door..


I rent unfortionatly. there is no way i can drill a hole. could i the right side as the intake side and the left side for the ducting to go out of?


Active Member
oscilating fan will work great in your area with that 250 watter! i woulnt leave your area cracked open continueously, just be sure to let fresh air in there a few times a day....leaving it cracked open during flowering will definitly not be an option unless the room your closet is in, is ALWAYS black. Good luck!

git a oscillation fan and leave the door cracked open and u shood b fine