Closet Upgrade Time Question!


Active Member
Hey guys,

I have a small closet, 44" wide x 23" deep and 66" tall. Ive been using just a small 150w HPS that has been working fine for wuite some time, but of course like everyone id like to go slightly bigger, so my question is, given the dimensions i have 44" wide x 23" deep and 66" tall what would be the biggest light i could go without heat problems? i have been using my 150W hps with just a fan blowing air out on the plants aimed out the door, i could go for a ventilation setup if needed too which im thinking i wil have to do. any input is appreciated!!!


Well-Known Member
I think a 400 watter would be just about perfect for your room, you might be able to pull off a 600 watter, either way you want an air cooled hood, a decent centrifugal fan and a good carbon filter to take care of the smell, you could go with a 600 watt dimable ballast and if the heat becomes to much of an issue you could knock it back to 400.


Active Member
id go with a 400w with a aircooled hood and fan

i had a 300 watter with no fan jist sitting in my tent with my ac on 77 for the house and with the light on it would get about 81.
if u got a 400 and a fan then id think ud be fine with heat issues. check craigslist for that gear. hydro shops tax off that shit. alota gear on their and for the right price. i wouldbt get bulbs from them tho.


Active Member
alright sounds good i may just go with the 400 watt as that was what i was thinking before and fits my buget bettter, just wasnt sure if it would be to much heat, for fans what all do i need exactly if i get a air cooled hood, i know i would need to exhaust it to my attic from the hood but what fan size and fan would i need for it to be sufficent, and to get fresh air would i need another fan getting fresh air from outside running into the room, or would the negative air pressure from the exhuast fan be enough with my door cracked and a fan blowing air around inside like what i have currently.


Well-Known Member
Negative air pressure in the room with passive intakes would be enough, you would not need an intake fan and you should be able to leave the door closed as long as the crack under the door is not to restrictive. As far as the fan and filter go, you could probably get away with 4 inch but with ventilation its always better to have more than you need when you need it than not enough so i would go with 6 inch.

Also leaving the door open could compromise the negative air pressure and cause odor to leak.


Active Member
okay sounds good, yeah ive been leaving the door cracked now with the setup i have, and where i live the odor is not much of an issue. i think i will still go with a 6" ducting venting to the attic and a filter. What would be the best size fan to vent that size room and still be strong enough to extract it to the attic.