Closet TENT - First Organic Grow - 2 Bagseed - PICS


Active Member
It looks like that would be fine... or you could wait one more node to grow out before doing that.

Grow it Organic

Well-Known Member
It looks like that would be fine... or you could wait one more node to grow out before doing that.
Cool, im a little hesitant to do it still, because i've read that yields dont really become increased THAT much for the difference. I am aware that it creates a much bushier plant, but i'd hate to stress these guys. Since my grow tent is fairly limited in size, would FIMMING be a bad idea? I think maybe topping would be a better choice? Im not sure! Do the FIM / TOP technique lower the height of the plant overall?

I will have a PICS update tomorrow.

Grow it Organic

Well-Known Member
day 20 update:

We can start with the photos i suppose!

Is there something wrong with the plant shown up close? Its minor and only appears on 1-2 leaves but also on both plants. Cant seem to find out where its coming from. It could be nute burn, since i had 1/2 strength added 3 days ago, and could have fed em just water instead.

I thought i'd top/fim, but since i dont know the strains, and my space is limited, I will just grow these guys to 1.5-2' and then throw them in to flower.

Hope you enjoy the photos...i know i cant wait to start taking photos of BUD :)

Grow it Organic

Well-Known Member
I decided to FIM 1 of the plants. I've shown both tops so you can see the difference. I hope this works!!!

They both look great I almost couldnt :)

Temps are 75-80 and humidity 35%...i have a cup of water sitting in there because humidity was in 20's...


Grow it Organic

Well-Known Member
Yeah.... wait for the pots to dry out a little and then transplant.
I suppose i'll transplant then after next watering because i forgot to water with B1 vitamin.... Should be in about 2-3 days max!

My babies are in darkness atm and i cant wait to see how the fimming worked out and if new tops are already developing!!!!


Active Member
Plants are looking gr8 u should lst next time for max yield and they don't grow very tall and u have a lot of main colas and lil to no pop corn buds

Grow it Organic

Well-Known Member
Day 25

The fimmed plant has several tiny growth shoots appearing. I read it takes 3 days to see real growth, so by tomorrow i should be able to see something :)

Enjoy the photos, they are getting BUSHY :) awesome for random bagseeds



Grow it Organic

Well-Known Member
Big changes in the works. Transplanted to 3gallon pots and have begun LST on both. Also, dont forget 1 of the girls (i hope) has been fimmed as well. Im very curious to open up the cab to check em.. I have to wait another few hours :(

I will post pics soon as i can

Grow it Organic

Well-Known Member
My counting is starting to suck. I am just under 4 weeks of veg.

My rope is ultra thick and kinda stupid. I'll buy something else soon to replace it

I've been scouring for signs of sex.. Still nothing :(

The purple striped stalks are AWESOME :):joint::joint::joint::peace::mrgreen:


Grow it Organic

Well-Known Member
oh man!!! the fimmed plant has all kinds of growth coming out of the top...Really really weird growth. Theres like a bulge with fan leaves emerging all around it..

this is going to be interesting :) I wish i had a hi-def cam to zoom in but i'll just wait until it grows out a bit