Closet temps too high !!!


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

i have 3 girls - all papaya and all growing really strong (soil)- all healthy and no issues thus far ..

So far, I've been growing in a decent sized closet with a 400w light. The problem is, the temp is like 90 at the bottoms of the plant !! I know this is too high. I have a fan on during light times to help but the high temps are still an issue. I think it is slowing the flowering process down a bit, it's been 8 days since 12/12 and I only have small white hairs at the nodes etc.... I can't exhausted air, I just keep the door open when I can. I did this with a cfl grow and it worked fine but the HPS temps are slowing things down I think?

Anyone got ideas or thoughts on this? How could I keep temps down and what effect are these temps likely to be having on my crop?

Thx for reading.image.jpgimage.jpg


Well-Known Member
Yeah, there is absolutely no way you can grow with a 400w HPS and not have ventilation. Go back to the CFLs if you cannot exhaust, or buy a portable AC!


Active Member
exhaust as much as possible and do your best to bring in fresh cold air...high temps will really hurt your girls!

does your light have an enclosure?


Well-Known Member
Jesus - I didn't realise it was this bad... I really don't want to go back to cfl.

My theory was, if the fan is circulating air and bringing it in from the outside of the room, with the closet door a little open, then hot air would be pushed out - its been working but as summer temps get higher, the closet is getting really hot. AC is a good idea tho !

its just a light with a reflecting wing.... I could go maybe a foot higher but it won't change much.

Im really stuck here guys !!

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
If you want a cheapish fix in the meantime, buy a bathroom extractor fan cheap as you can for like 20 dollars or 15 pounds, wire a cable into it and cut a 100mm or 4 inch hole up into your attic if the grow has an attic above that is and use the extractor to vent up into the attic, the hole can be used for a proper extractor when you get it.


Active Member
Buy or rent a portable room AC.

If you don't get temps down , your pretty much wasting your time.

I have one in my grow.

Once you get over sticker shock, it will pay for itself in no time.


Well-Known Member
It's a rented property so I can't go drilling holes in doors etc - I knew the closet would get warm but I didn't anticipate this heat. The temps at the bottom are now at like 84 ... Is this still way over? They are stretching so much at the moment and it would be a huge shame to stop as I've been going well for 5 weeks.


Active Member
Yea I'm doing a closet grow too and cannot build the extra exhaust. Best thing u can do is have at least 3 fans running in somewhat a triangular pattern but at differ heights. Remember heat rises and cool air settles. Also I'm about to go 36hr dark just so I can convert my 12/12 period of light, to be at night when temps are lower. ATM in my room temps are at 90°f and I do a cfl grow. At night it is about 78-82°f. Big ass difference. I also cut fans off at night.


Well-Known Member
You cant drill a hole in their doors, but if it is a standard closet door you could buy a cheap temp replacement and drill the hell out of that and mount an exhaust on the top to pull air out, then just store the original door so you can replace when you are not growing. You will also need to build in passive intakes with a light trap so you dont get hermies from leaking light.


Active Member
patching a hole in sheet rock is way cheaper the buying a new door......use you imagination...if theres a will theres a way


Well-Known Member
1st.) Obviously like hbbum said, Have a fan exhausting air from the closet to your room located at the top of the grow where the heat is concentrated. another option for doors, if its an open close door, not sure how you could do it without drilling a 4in hole, so just do it and pay the guy for a door when you move out, who cares. If you have a sliding door, just slide it open a bit, and put the fan at top and mount it to the wall, then tape some plastic and hang it from the top down or a piece of 2x4 that goes up from the floor just far enough to hit the fan, glue it or tape it, nail it.
So you can't have an exhaust out your window or something because the smell would be too much but you can have a fan exhausting mixed room air out. I saw this the other day and it looked interesting to me,
If that actually worked and you got an air conditioning, can you put one in the window? Maybe the room wouldn't smell too bad and it will be real cool and dry which would be great. The portable ones are expensive :( If you can get an AC you could also put the carbon filter pad from this to help with any other smell there could be left
I like to use that with my AC anyway.
If that's not possible or working out...
Go back to CFL's which I use and buy some LED Panels, they have cheap 6 band ones on eBay that don't give out much light but they don't give out heat so it can cut down the ammount of CFL's you need. If you use CFL's use a nice UV bulb that you can buy at a pet store for lizards. Get the strong one, I use it. When I added that my crystals did so much better and I think it may help kill mites, not sure though. some people say leave it on for 5 hours a day, but i leave it on all day, works great.

Honestly the 400w Lights make me nervous. Especially if you're in an apt the risk of fire is too high. If your grow legal or not is the cause of a fire let alone if someone dies because of it, just do the math there... One thing I can feel pretty safe about is my fairly cool 26w CFL's and LED's.


New Member
90 is not so bad. Run silica and get a co2 bag.

I live in a rented apartment and am not allowed to make modifications or punch holes in the wall or anything.

So what I did, was put my grow in a closet and punch a 4" hole in the wall to the next bathroom to exhaust my inline fan, carbon filter, and cooltube. I installed a vent in the bathroom over the hole which cost me $8 and 10 minutes. I also put a good solid lock on the closet door.

When I move out, I could easily fix the hole. But in my case, residents do not get a security deposit back when they move out, so fuck it.



Well-Known Member
I would imagine they wouldnt want you growing weed on their property. Might as well cut a hole somewhere. Just make sure to patch it before you move out. What they don't know won't hurt them. I would do like one of the above posters said and mount a bathroom CFM fan at the top sucking the hot air from the bottom up, right off into the attic. When you get ready to move, just patch up that 6 inch hole and all is good.


Well-Known Member
Photo02210810_2.jpgproblem solved for me.I made my closet light tight when I shut the doors.The fan sucks colder air in under the door and when lights are off I put a blanket their to block the light from the room or I just keep the bedroom light off.Without the fan in the ceiling it would be 95,with fan, 85 during the summer.I own my house but keep your cutout hole from the ceiling and re-use it for an easy repair when you move or are done growing.GL.peace