CLOSET IN A CLOSET 400w 4 x 2 tent in 4 x 6 closet


Active Member
Figure I'd post this before the action actually begins, ha.

Anyway, like the title says, I'll be using a 4 x 2 tent I found on Amazon, (still waiting)
400w dimmable HPS/MH cool tube,
FF Ocean Forest soil
and 6 bagseeds (Hoping for 4 to grow into healthy females, if not, I'll have to settle for less, or take some clones)
Though I was only planning on vegging for a month at most, so I just have to hope for the best!
I need this operation to be over by Autumn so I have no time to waste!

I started germing the bagseeds a few days ago, I've got 2 sprouts!

I plan on moving them into peat pots,
and then 3 - 5 gallon pot 'bags', depending how many work out.

I plan on topping and lst'ing to keep my plants as short and bushy as possible, (I only have 5 feet of height)

For ventilation, I'll be getting a 450 (?) CFM exhaust fan and maybe a 200CFM as another exhaust, probably passive intake
Carbon Filter

For nutes, I've got "Jacks Classic" or something like that, cheap and perfect portions of N-P-K for vegging and another for flowering.

I'm not sure what quality of water I should be using, as the tap water around here is too bad for drinking, so I germed with filtered bottled water.
Not sure if it really matters at this point...

Anyway, any suggestions? Details I left out?
Stay tuned!


Active Member
If you can test your taps ph and ppm, it may be good enough. Vegging for a month, thought about 12/12 from seed? A plant takes about a month to reach sexual maturity, so it would be ready for flower right away. That will keep them small. The trade off is yield though.


Active Member
So I had a week-long delay due to poor seeds, and the tent taking longer than expected to ship.
So the tent is now coming in the mail tomorrow,
and I have some seeds coming in the mail within a few days.
Now, like Grumpy suggested, I'll be getting a ph and ppm meter,
then all I need is a good inline fan and some ducting,
and I should be good to go!

Stay tuned!


Active Member
Okay so it's been a while since I've started this, but things are finally happening.
My order from WWMS took a bit longer than expected but I got the following:

2x Seedsman - Northern Lights - Regular
1x Female - White Widow x Big Bud - Feminized
2x Nirvana - Blue Mystic - Regular
4x Nirvana - AK-48 - Regular
1x FREE KANNABIA - Gnomo Automatic -
1x FREE KANNABIA - Aphrodite - Feminized

WW x BB is my major weapon, along with the mass producer AK-48 and Northern Lights.
Anything else was either free or just an add in for a variety.

Started germ 5 days ago, and within 48 hours I had 8/11 sprouts, so I planted them all in peat pots (OceanForest).

As of July 4th, 10/11 have grown to actual seedlings! Woo!
The first to pop soil was my WW x BB, and the last (yet to pop...) is one of the northern lights

Temps are ranging from 75 - 83 F and humidity ranges from 40 - 60%.
As of right now, I'm using a simple 26w CFL and 4 inch fan until they are big enough for the MH.
I spray with distilled water 3 - 4 times a day.
Bought a PPM and Ph meter, everything is looking spot on!
Temps with HID are still a bit of an issue, but shouldnt be much of a problem when I get a window A/C.

I want to water with superthrive soon to jump start them, when should I do that?


Active Member
Also, does anyone have any experience with these particular strains from the exact breeder?


Active Member
Day 2 of seedling life, all are looking fine except for the blue mystic, which seem to be a more sensitive strain and less resilient to the strong Ocean Forest soil. The 2 have some signs of nute burn, but nothing I'm too worried about.
Ph and PPM meters are looking great.
Currently using 3 26w CFL before I turn on the 400 watter.View attachment 2243431View attachment 2243432View attachment 2243433

The 2 close up shots are to show the nute burn.
Ive readU should wait three weeks till u should give nutes or third of 4th set of true leaves i almost killed mine feeding too early


Active Member
Ive readU should wait three weeks till u should give nutes or third of 4th set of true leaves i almost killed mine feeding too early
I didn't actually feed any nutes, my soil has nutrients in it.
I couldn't find a soilless mix.


Active Member
thats pretty cool man but if u dont mind me asking y did u pik soil?
Because I am already so familiar with soil, I don't want to jump into hydro until I have the space and money.
Plus this is a medium-grade stealth operation, so I don't want to take up a bunch of space with hydro equipment.


Active Member
okay, officially day 4 aaaand....well, they certainly aren't growing as fast as I want them to, I feel like they should be more developed than just the first pair of true leaves.
I fed some superthrive last night (very small amount, 016 PPM in 002 PPM water) which will be one of the FEW times I'll use the stuff, but it seems like the yellowing on the blue mystic faded a lot overnight.
I also gave them their first night cycle since germ, a whole 6 hours.

I put them under the MH yesterday, as it's a dimmable ballast, my wattage ranges from 200w to 400w depending how hot it is. Temps can range from 78 to 88 if I leave the 400w on too long during the day.
Since it's a cool tube, I've been putting all the seedlings 1 - 2 ft away from the bulb without any heat stress. It's cool enough for my hand, cool enough for the plants :)


Active Member
So that Northern Lights that never came up....well, how do I say...WON'T come up?
It had an inch long root and it has for a week now,
so I decided to scrap the faulty seed.
On to ten!


Active Member
So I decided to make my veg dark cycle 12 pm to 6 pm and when I switch to flower I will knock it back 6 hours.
So....6 to 6 OFF to beat the heat.
Not to mention it goes with my nocturnal schedule.


Well-Known Member
when you do .. do it a littel at the time .. a hour a day or so .. a cut that drastic can stress the plants ..


Well-Known Member
Puck .. what are your temps ?

I see 81F on that termometer ? thats allmost spot on .. can you keep it ther ? mine often get 82-84F and dont seems to mind much .. and its only them two months a year wher temps is high here .. I guess I could be vegging now with my T5HO .. but Im 3 weeks away from haverst with my 600W HPS .. then its done with high temps for this year ..


Active Member
Puck .. what are your temps ?

I see 81F on that termometer ? thats allmost spot on .. can you keep it ther ? mine often get 82-84F and dont seems to mind much .. and its only them two months a year wher temps is high here .. I guess I could be vegging now with my T5HO .. but Im 3 weeks away from haverst with my 600W HPS .. then its done with high temps for this year ..
Yeah, mine can range from 78 to 86 but about an 82 average.
I can only maintain that temp with my closet door open but i'm surprised I can maintain THAT compared to the weather outside.
As you saw in my other thread, I am going to get some t5 bulb fixtures to hang vertically and some 42w CFL on top to use while I'm not home.


Well-Known Member
yea well we seems to share the same problem .. as Im sure many share with us .. heat .. high temps around this time a year ..atlest in my part of the world (Denmark)

I had 90ish in my room when I just build it ..

when I got my ventilator (125mm/285M3/hr) it make it drop to 85F or so ..

running it at night made it drop a few more so I had 80-82F

but then summer hit us ..

and I was up on 85F agin ..

so I made a tube from my passiv intake over my window and to my grow room .. also provide fresh air/co2 ..

so now I can keep it around 82F .. maybe 78-80 fist hour then 82F untill last few hrs when if can go up to 84- 86F

but plants dont seems to mind and now I have it more or less in place and know what to expect .. I bet 8 months a year I can keep 78F ..

winther I might have to cut the tube to the outdoor ..

summer I have to plan .. so I veg with T5HO ..

but I will actualy .. next month is usealy the hottest and most humid so it will be perfect for my small seedlings Im about to start ..

just hope them last 3 weeks of flowering wont get any hotter now ..
next weeks actualy look nice .. lol .. did`t expect myself to sais so .. they prommise cold wether and rain :D


Active Member
Today marks the 1st week of life!
Thus, as a celebration, transplanted to ....2(?) gallon pots?
HOWEVER, I ran out of soil (How embarrassing) 8 pots in, so 2 the weakest ones stayed behind in the peat pots.
The 2 both have some sort of nute burn or defiency (Most likely not, but I thought yellowing leaves indicated N defiency..Hmm...)
Pics below.

Will pay a visit to hydro shop soon.

So after I sex, I plan on transplanting to 4 to 5 gallon size bags depending on the quantity.
In general,they look very happy, and I think they'll take off after the transplant stress.

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