Closet growing project... with a timelimit!


Active Member
So I have about 13 weeks on my hands before I go to school and I want to do a little marijuana growing in my closet.

First off... is this enough time?

I'm working with 2' x 2' x 6' (WxDxH) space with in a white-walled closet.

The plan is to grow between 4-6 plants using two 2' cool white floro bulbs (is that enough space and light for the plants?).

I was considering putting the germinated seeds directly into their final 8" pots (is that large enough?) to begin with to save time used for transplanting. Is it necessary to start in a smaller pot?

I plan on using scotts soil as recommended by Widow and keeping a fan lightly blowing on the plants at all times.

How long should I leave for flowering? 7 weeks? 8?

And I'm guessing I should remove the males once I know which sex the plants are?

What is the minimum height needed to begin flowering?

Sorry for being a noob.


Active Member
And would it be a good idea to use a single 70 watt HPS? i don't have ventilation, so I'm not sure that is a possibility.


Well-Known Member
(1) 13 weeks is enough time to fulfill a life cycle of these plants... but they are going to be so small it's probably not worth it. 8-9 weeks of flowering on avg leaves you less than a month to complete germination, seedling, and veg stages

(2) the grow room is big enough but 6 plants is too many. Within the first month of development mine were over 12" wide. 6 plants in that space will be fighting too hard with each other over light

(3) you mentioned cool white tubes... but what kind? T12 furoescent? T10, T5HO, ect? 4' T5HO give out 5,000k each while the other fluro's give much less. 2 2' T12 for example will not be enough light...

(3b-8) read up on the FAQ

... if you decide to go for it, good luck! A little experience can go a long way.


Active Member
Yeah, I'm not looking to make any money or produce "dank bud" or anything... this is more just for fun. =)

Yeah, I was planning on buying T5 tubes, as I had heard T12's were trash for growing.

Thanks for your advice. =)