Closet growing- Need help


Hi there guys.
I want to grow in my closet,
Height-8 feet
-length-6 feet
-width-2-3 feet.
First off how many plants can i get away with growing in this space, im thinking 2 ?
So say i go with 2 plants, I will be using CFL bulbs to start, how many lights should i be using with what wattage ?
Can i stick with CFL throughout the whole grow?
Thanks in advance!


Active Member
you could get away with at least two large plants in that space or 4 smaller autos. you can absolutely use cfls throughout the whole grow. i would recommend at least 100 watt per plant. dont make the mistake i did and buy one big 125w bulb, you should buy multiple of the smaller 40 and 60 watt bulbs and spread them around the plant. you'll want to use a mixed spectrum 1 2700k to every 2-3 6500k bulbs for vegging and the opposite for flowering.



  • I went out and bought 2 100w 5500k cfls and 2 60w 3000k cfls
    Ill use this for the begging stage. When I first plant my seed I have a few questions
    How deep do I plant it ?
    When do I water after planting?
    do I have the light on right after planting ? If so how long?
    How far from the surface should the light be?
    Im using pro mix bx soil, Is that alright without perlite ?​



Active Member
1. plant it about an inch and a half under the soil, but germinate first!
2. Water immediately and then water when it's dry (you can tell by putting your finger in the soil all the way down to your knuckle. If it's dry all the way down, it's ready to be watered.
3. i like to leave my plants by the window for a week or so at first, and once it's gotten it's first set of leaves I like to give them light. Or if you want you can use one CFL bulb to start...Personally after it sprouts I give it about 2 weeks until I start using mass quantities of light.
4. Light distance is controversial. Some say an inch from the leaves, some say 2-4 inches. Anywhere 1-3 inches from the plant usually works fine in my opinion. If the light is too far they will stretch to it and get lanky. If it's too close you risk burning them.
5. I don't usually give nutrient soil to my plants for the first two weeks. After two weeks I like to transplant them to nutrient rich soil. If you give them nutrients too young they can get nute burn!


Active Member
I think you should always have perlite. Perlite does wonders. Nutrient rich soil is soil with a lot of NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium). I like to have my plants in soil with very few nutrients when they're just growing because they can get nute burn (nutrient burn) and die easily. After that I use soil with a fair NPK mixture.