Closet Grow questions


Active Member
I plan to install a carbon filter with a 4'' inline fan in my closet. I want to attach the intake side to the carbon filter and on the exhaust side attach ducting leading into the attic. My idea was from inside my closet cut a 4" hole in the ceiling which leads to the attic and get all the heat and left over odor into my attic.
Anybody ever attempt this? Good results or Bad results? Any tips I should know before I do this?
Thanks :mrgreen:


Active Member
Why not just use the carbon filter on the outtake to get rid of the odor when exhausting the air? I dont understand why you would need a carbon filter on the intake so much instead of the outtake, im no expert though so i would suggest waiting for more replies :)


Well-Known Member
you need the exhaust going through the carbon. putting the filter on your intake will not help the plants at all. If you are trying to prevent pathogens from entering through the intake you want something like a UV filter...

I have this same setup. closet, vent in the door (intake), cut a hole in the ceiling to the attic (8" ducting). Got a lift-off, afixed it, and used that spray foam to seal the lift off into the hole. From there it's all insulated flexible duct from the light to the exhaust fan. The hardest part is cutting the hole, and to do that I just did a google search and followed the instructions for installing a bathroom fan (think it was on the This Old House website).
gobbly, just answered your question complety. The main question now is if your up to the job of drilling a hole in your ceiling xD


Active Member
i think he means that he attached the intake side of the fan...As in, the air being pulled the air would be pulled through the carbon filter, and exhausted out through the attic.

This will work, but you might heat up your attic alot, depending on heat, season, etc...

Careful...IF it snows on your roof in the winter, excess heat can melt the snow...and that would give you the only bare roof on the street, kinda suspicious, but if its just a 4" in a medium sized grow room, then you should be fine.


Well-Known Member
I exhaust into the attic and it works just fine. I used a pencil to outline the proper circle and then cut it with a saw.