CLOSET GROW - Problem - Fan leaves falling off, others look to be drying up WHY?


OK Wow, I was not aware the cover comes off of the Aerogarden. I removed the cover and found that the roots were getting sucked up into the pump. This means the pump was actually sucking the moisture out of the plant by the looks of it. I moved the roots out of the pump area, lowered the plant now so that mass of roots are submerged, and installed a proper airstone. I'm still seeing a lot of wilt, but that is likely from the damage already done. Hopefully this turns things around and she'll be back to recovery. I have seen not much new growth at all in the past 4 weeks, no height increase at all, and only some small new leaves forming around the lower branches. I hope this was the problem. Also got my 11-40-20 food today so that should really kick it into overdrive!