closet grow on budget


Active Member
this is my current grow. im growin 1 g13 plant and two dominaca cess plants from seeds i got on a trip. i only have 2x 2 ft. floro tubes at 20w each (one plant bulb one daylight) and 4 cfls ( 2x 42w 2700k and 2x 27w 6500k)

the plants recieve constant fresh air supply and a gust every now and then through the means of an access hatch to the attic. (was thinking of moving it into the attic when the weather getts warmer)

Temperatures stay around 80 when lights are on but im not sure how much its drops when the lights are out. its winter right now and im conserned that the cold air coming in is stunting the growth of my sprouts. (comtemplating on weather its worth it to keep the hatch open)

Here are some pics of the plants after 7 days.(seem kinda small not sure if its the temperature drop, light available, or lighting periods) i had them on 24/0 and recently changed to 20/4 havent really seen a big change in growth rate.

G13, 7 days after from germination

Domi #1, after 7 days from germination

Domi #2, after 6 days from germination

Will continue to document my progress with photos. This is only my second try at an indoor grow, bare with me.:roll:


Active Member
Any questions, comments, or advice would be greatly appretiated not to mention needed. Reading is one thing but responses are another.


Well-Known Member
wow not even a comment... hook me up RIU nation pls
Those seedlings look about right. They look like they are in a big pot so it will take awhile for the tap root to get to the bottom of the pot and start spreading out. When this happens is when they explode in growth. Im not sure how cold it gets but unless it is getting below 60 it isnt anything to worry about. Thats plenty of light for veg. However when you flower I would definitly swap the two 23 watters out with 2-4 more 42 watt 3000k bulbs from walmart. Other then that everything looks good. What soil you using? What nutes will you use when they are older? They look healthy. Just be patient and dont be to over analytical. Im not sure if this is your first grow? I assume it is. Just dont freak out when something doesnt look 100% alright. Just remember weed is just that a WEED, like those annoying yellow dandylions or crabgrass or other pesky shit you get in a garden. It will grow on almost nothing. A lil TLC and ganja will grow beautifly for you.

Pce and good luck, ill be watching


Well-Known Member
scratch my comment on "I assume this is your first grow" I'm real tired and didnt notice you said "this is my second attempt at an indoor grow"



Well-Known Member
I'd be a bit concerned about the position of you bulbs, as your plants will lean toward the light. Unless you rotate the pots, I would look for a more centered position


Active Member
Thx sexologist. I decided to check the temp. last night and it was still 66 while -10 air was supplying the closet so the temps in the right range. As for the bulbs, ill definetly do as u suggested and cop two more 42w 3000k. Was wondering though, would it benifit the plant to supply 6500k lighting as well during flowering? or does MJ just use the 2700k- 3000k light? I read somewhere that the plants dont need nutes in the first six weeks so i have Scotts potting soil with nutes of:
0.07-0.01-0.03 (slow release). Also i have sourced a Schultz brand liquid nute at : 10-15-10. When should i start and should i even use this schultz brand? Lots of Q's I knwo and I hear what ur sayin bout patients too but its kinda like u wana do everythign u can before problems occur. thx again for lookin mad respect


Active Member
o yea i turn the plants everyday when i check them mpdegn, they seem to favour the 27w @ 6500K. Natural daylight i guess


Active Member
Back with an update on my low budget grow. I've added 2 computer fans to the closet to bring down temps in the heat of the day, circulate the air, and to help the stems grow. Havent started nutes, yet plannin to start in a week or so. Neways here are some pics>>

Domi #1 @ 12 days

Domi #1 close up

Domi # 2 @ 12 days

Domi # 2 close up

G13 @ 12 days

My two dominica plants seem to b growing quite quickly however the g13 starin looks to be strugling still. Has anyone grown this strain before? Also i have switched to 18/6 to see if it increases growth and will start nutes soon. The g13 is indica dominant while the dominica plants are sativa, could this be a reaon its not keeping up?


Active Member
heres another update: ive recently started on nutes (10-15-10 schultz brand) plants seem to love it. Plants are begining to bush up with new growth an dive added some pop can reflectors to direct the light. we'll see how much this affects the abilty for the bulbs to cool and the overall temp of the room.

heres some pics:

Domi #1 @ 15 days

Domi #2 @ 15 days

Started LST'in it toady

G13 @15 days

Haven't seen many suggestions yet not sure y but any suggestions on how i started LST'in my dominica cess would b great


Active Member
looks like a personal journal at this point but neways ive added 4 cfls to the sides of the fixture to add a total of 61W @ 6500K and 23 @ 2700K. will soon cop more 2700k bulbs, swap them with the 6500k's, and start 12/12.. but for now i n i alone chaat the rocky road, patiently>>



Active Member
Hey man, thanks for the comment on my grow, its my first and am just going by the info I have read on RIU, your looking great. I would just say keep the lights close, stay on water for the first few weeks, test the soil to see if they need water, I didnt begin nutes until about 4 or 5 weeks. I didnt begin flower cycle until week 7. The Plants really have come on in size since the 12/12 cycle began. I wish you the best of luck and I'll keep up with your progress.

Steady as she goes Dude



Active Member
does anyone know if its possible to flower with more blue spectrum bulbs than red. i would only do this to avoid the cost of replacing 5 of my 8 bulbs


Active Member
had a number of pics i havnt posted yet so here it goes.. plants look quite droopy curling tips and curled up leaves have also been spoted.

plant problem 1

plant problem 2

domi #1 @ day 24

domi #2 @ day 24

g13 @ day 24

All plants have began LSTing at this point


Active Member
k so today i checked on my plants and i realised one of the LSTing ties had begun cuttin about half way through the stem. the tie is right at the bottom. i took off all ties on this plant and feed with nutes. will the plant be able to heal from an injury like this??


Active Member
yea so the self controled, self improved, and self sustained experiment continues. Its day 31 of veg. Dominica 1 is still doin quite well while Dominica 2 is steadly getting worse as i continue to water and stimulate with nutes. G13 which started out with slow growth is florishing. im pretty sure the roots have taken up all the space in these 1 gallon pots so i will be trans planting tomorrow. heres some pics>>

Domi #1

Domi #2



Active Member
the ladies (hopefully) have a new how in some bigger terra pots and the love it. I've seen improvements in Dominica 2 and will continue to watch carefully. Im now running 4x 23W 2700K, 2x 42W 2700K, and 2x 27W 6500K (help redduce height) bulbs. Switching to 12/12 today to enter the flowering stage for the first time. Quite anxious to see the growth rate diffence of 12/12 lighting periods. Pics>>

New Home

Domi #1 @ day 32

Domi #2 @ day 32

G13 @ day 32

Will continue to post.. a comment or two would be nice