Closet Grow of Chronic

chronic luka

Well-Known Member
What's happening guys? Well I won't have any pictures for this post but I can say that this is my first time growing that I've been serious about it. As of now I have two plants that look gorgeous that have been out of the soil since about October 24th of 06'... They're going on their second week of 12/12 lighting right now.. these plants seeds were mystery.. they may be dank, or just good schwag... but i'm growing and looking after them carefully so I think they'll bud either way.. hopefully I'll be able to tell their sexes here in the next couple days..

I also have another plant growing.. it's been out of the soil since January 23 of 07'... this plant is already gorgeous.. the stalk has a shit ton of felt like stuff already all over it.. the leaves are a gorgeous green that my other plants weren't even close too... and it's growing FAST! It only took a day and half to get it to sprout and when I planted it after that day and a half the sprout was about half an inch long! I actually managed to get these seeds by coincidence out of a quarter sack of fire i bought... it came from california and all the buds were had bright oranges and reds and it had some purple on it, completely coated with crystals of course.. really good weed lol... all the buds in the quarter were seedless and damn near stemless to except the last one.. i found about 18 actual california chronic seeds in the bud!! (and i still got a full sized blunt out of the bud! :hump::joint:) so i've been saving them and giving them to friends that are experienced growers that have agreed to give me half of what they grow! HELLS YEAH!! that on top of what I'm growing personally.. I'm going to have an amazing summer...

I actually got these seeds from a friend in high school that traveled with the chronic from california when she came back from school.. boy am i glad she did... some of the best weed i've smoked! and now i'm growing it!
I'll borrow my girlfriends camera soon and post some pictures! I will probably need help determining the sexes for sure.. thanks guys and I'll keep it updated!

chronic luka

Well-Known Member
now have the 3rd set of leaves on the chronic for right now.. but the stalk is already about 5 inches tall.. is this odd or do you think it may just be the genetics since its chronic? oh and as for my other plants I'm thinking that they're both female! yayyyyy!!! will get pictures soon!

chronic luka

Well-Known Member
hey guys, i've uploaded my photos to the site and I have the url's and everything.. but how can i just put my pictures here on my grow journal instead of just copying the link?


Well-Known Member
First you need to go to a site that will host your photos I suggest Photobucket It is free and will hold lots of photos. Next come into your journal and click the button above your type in your post that looks like a yellow square and has mountains. Paste the URL of your picture into that and Congrats. I saw the pictures of your stuff and i have a question for you... Are you using just the two grow lights and heat light on your 12/12 cycle? Thanks.


chronic luka

Well-Known Member
yeah I am.. college kid and moderately broke.. I think it all watt wise my lights put out about 185 watts... i figured that would be enough for a couple of plants.. especially with the aluminum foil up that helps a lot i've noticed since i've put it in.. the plants are a little more springy and a nice green color.. the cali chronic plants loving the light especially

chronic luka

Well-Known Member
oh and since i uploaded the pictures onto this site I can't just use it as a host? I'd have to go to photobucket in order to get a different url?? if that's what it takes I'll do it.. My 2 plants now will be alright, but the chronic is going to be monsterous.. bwa ha ha ha!! I'll be getting some better lights and some nutes.. work my way up to a bubbleponics or hydro system soon for the rest of the chronic seeds and maybe some white rhyno? :)


Well-Known Member
EASY! Click on the picture in your gallary, then look at the bottom where all of the info is and you will see something that looks like this,
, copy and paste that into your post and you get,

chronic luka

Well-Known Member
alright.. so now thanks to some help.. i'll put my own pics up of my site and plants...

so what does everyone think? Alright for a first try? I've learned from my mistakes with them and hopefully they'll still produce something.. but atleast now I'm more prepared for the chronic i'm growing so maybe I'll get more! that's the idea isn't it? practice makes perfect buds? LOL

chronic luka

Well-Known Member
organized the grow room again.. now i have a foil top to help keep and reflect even more light since it's getting budding time... i also moved my fan from the top of my closet to the bottom.. i cut out a hole the size of the fan at the bottom corner, then have it sucking the air out, and it blows around and enters back through another whole in the bottom making a very nice little breeze for my pretties.. I love how every little thing is just making it that much better for my chronic! I love growing lol!


Well-Known Member
Hey, I was wondering if you could give me some info, and i also wanted to tell you I wasnt trying to down your lamps when i asked if that was what you were using for both veg and flowering, I asked, because I only have One of the same Grow-Lamp that you are using and i wanted to know if it was working good for you because i can spare another $20 to buy another grow lamp and a heat lamp like that, but i can not shell out $100's for a HPS at the moment... and if the three lights we are using will work, i am going to be very happy, so keep us posted on the flowering, that is what i am worried about the most... Thanks luka.


chronic luka

Well-Known Member
i'll definitly keep ya'll posted on them.. i'm fairly sure that they will flower some.. i think topping my box off with foil as well as the walls being lined since it's a relatively small grow room will be enough to get them pleanty of light.. well that's my theory anyways.. hopefully it will work out well lol

chronic luka

Well-Known Member
I grew tired of having to move my chronic plant back and for due to it and my other plants having different lighting schedules.. so i rearranged my room and have another light and little room set up under my desk.. it seems to be working really well.. I'll put some new pics up soon.. as for my other plants... Bud had 2 diffanet white hairs yesterday, and i woke up today and can easily see 6 more! mary-jane should be coming along any day now! :)...

does anyone have a guestimate of how much bigger my plants will get if i keep them on 12/12 for about another month to month and a half? thanks!


Well-Known Member
I have read around the site that they usually double in size (Might be tripple Dont remember) Durring Flowering... Not sure tho, im still a noob...


chronic luka

Well-Known Member
all of the white hairs that are popping up on bud are amazing.. they just don't stop growing.. to think all of that time spent waiting on just the first 2 and now i'm getting half a dozen a day! crazy shit but i love it!