So I live in an apartment building and was considering a PC Grow in my room, but was hesitant because of the low yield. Smoking with my friends one day, though, it came up and now I have a closet space to grow in.
The closet is 2 feet deep, 40 inches wide. Comes to a little over 6 square feet of usable space. It's very tall (prob 10 feet), but there's a metal rack in it around 5'6" up that is perfect for hanging a light. So that's my usable space.
I know I need odor control. The room always smells like weed and no one's going to come knocking, but I still can't have it smell horrible. Obviously I'm going to go with a carbon scrubber (probably DIY). I also have super activated carbon from the lab I work in (I don't use it, but am curious if it can be used or if I should just use sheets)
The closet is 2 feet deep, 40 inches wide. Comes to a little over 6 square feet of usable space. It's very tall (prob 10 feet), but there's a metal rack in it around 5'6" up that is perfect for hanging a light. So that's my usable space.
- Hang a 400W HPS Bulb (is it worth a conversion MH for vegging?) on the rack giving my approximately 5 feet for growing.
- 5 gal planting bags (Cause I'm cheap) giving my plants a max height of around 4' (I think that's plenty)
- I'll have the bags in some sort of plastic container to catch water because its carpeted and it will evaporate from there I imagine.
- This leaves around 4 feet of space above the light (maybe closer to 3) thats empty for wiring and ventilation.
- The walls will be covered with Mylar and because it isn't my room and I can't babysit it all the time, I will use velcro strips to mount another mylar sheet across the door (That way if it gets opened during their sleepy time they won't go hermi on me)
- Also, I will be using a small bucket of yeast/water/sugar with an oxygen stone to produce excess CO2. I figure this will protect me against too much heat build up if there's a problem and it can't hurt the plants until it gets around 2400ppm so I should be OK.
- I will also add blackstrap molasses during flowering because I've heard it does good things.
I know I need odor control. The room always smells like weed and no one's going to come knocking, but I still can't have it smell horrible. Obviously I'm going to go with a carbon scrubber (probably DIY). I also have super activated carbon from the lab I work in (I don't use it, but am curious if it can be used or if I should just use sheets)
- The problem is that I can't get any sort of ventilation out into the room because its contained. There's a door and its not "ours" per se and I can't drill a hole in it. I was thinking about venting to the top area and using a carbon scrubber there (maybe some ona gel for good measure). So any ideas on that?
- I need a good soil mix. I have no idea what to look for exactly (Yea I know NPK and all), but if someone could recommend something to me I'm sure it would work. I've heard good things about pro-mix, but I can't seem to find it here.
- Last question, also the most important. How many plants can I do in this area with a 400W? I know its a question everyone asks and no one can answer for sure, but I was thinking at least 4. I'm buying a pack of 5 femmed seeds from Nirvana so feasibly 5 if they all work out. Is this realistic?
- Bonus question: What strain should I go for? I want something Sativa-ish because most stuff around here is indica, but I haven't got a clue as to what strain to pick; they all have such lovely names