Closet grow journal - KC Brains Northern Lights Special, CFL

Hello! After getting some questions answered here I got my seeds and have successfully germinated the one I will use for my first try, a KC Brains Northern Lights Special.

I planted it about a quarter inch down, with the taproot oriented like this picture:
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I'm using Fox Farms Ocean Forest, starting in a plastic cup with 5 drain holes. I plan to grow the seedling under 2 23 Watt 6500K CFLs for about a week, and then switch those bulbs out for a pair of 105 Watt 6500K CFLs, and after another week I will add two reflectors on the sides, each with 2 of the 23 watt bulbs. I'm hoping that will be enough to veg my plant until flowering since I will be using LST, but if it starts getting bigger I will add more reflectors. Lighting is going to be 24/0 during seedling and veg state because I read that Cannabis is a C3 plant that does not need to exhale CO2 at night.

Since it's my first time I'm hoping not to make ignorant mistakes. Below is a pic of the setup I have right now, with the seed just planted. Is that looking good for the very early stage of life? Are two 23W bulbs enough for now? Also, when it comes to watering seedlings, do I use the standard technique of watering until some starts to drain out the bottom, then wait for the soil to be dry up to the first knuckle until I water again? Or do I need to keep the top of the soil constantly moist since the roots are so shallow when it's this young? I've heard conflicting answers to this.


Anyway thanks for reading, I will update this thread with future developments.


Well-Known Member
I like to keep the top soil moist and warm until the plant sprouts. Watering once a day should be fine. Your lights should be fine for the first 1-2 weeks.


Active Member
Awesome got a good amount of space and that area looks very reflective those white walls and all and 2 23 watts is fine for them so far . Goodluck your grow , just remeber that cfl`s dont penetrate far they can get realy big on 24-0 so maybe you may not wanna run that cycle for too long .


New Member
Hello! After getting some questions answered here I got my seeds and have successfully germinated the one I will use for my first try, a KC Brains Northern Lights Special.

I planted it about a quarter inch down, with the taproot oriented like this picture:
View attachment 2264646

I'm using Fox Farms Ocean Forest, starting in a plastic cup with 5 drain holes. I plan to grow the seedling under 2 23 Watt 6500K CFLs for about a week, and then switch those bulbs out for a pair of 105 Watt 6500K CFLs, and after another week I will add two reflectors on the sides, each with 2 of the 23 watt bulbs. I'm hoping that will be enough to veg my plant until flowering since I will be using LST, but if it starts getting bigger I will add more reflectors. Lighting is going to be 24/0 during seedling and veg state because I read that Cannabis is a C3 plant that does not need to exhale CO2 at night.

Since it's my first time I'm hoping not to make ignorant mistakes. Below is a pic of the setup I have right now, with the seed just planted. Is that looking good for the very early stage of life? Are two 23W bulbs enough for now? Also, when it comes to watering seedlings, do I use the standard technique of watering until some starts to drain out the bottom, then wait for the soil to be dry up to the first knuckle until I water again? Or do I need to keep the top of the soil constantly moist since the roots are so shallow when it's this young? I've heard conflicting answers to this.

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View attachment 2264650

Anyway thanks for reading, I will update this thread with future developments.
Cassette tape cases?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
i usually do the papertowel method.. don't have to worry bout how the seed goes in or keeping it moist.... i like as well the amount of room you have ceiling wise.

also do you know what strain it is?
Awesome got a good amount of space and that area looks very reflective those white walls and all and 2 23 watts is fine for them so far . Goodluck your grow , just remeber that cfl`s dont penetrate far they can get realy big on 24-0 so maybe you may not wanna run that cycle for too long .
Yeah I realized how great this closet would be with the white walls, and that shelf comes apart perfectly to form a little lip to clamp the light on over the cup. Thanks for the luck! Quick growth would be good news, I don't want to grow that big so I guess I will just have my buds sooner!

Cassette tape cases?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Haha I keeps it retro, didn't have an ipod until last year so I would go around with an old walkman. They're good for keeping that cup elevated to drain though!

i usually do the papertowel method.. don't have to worry bout how the seed goes in or keeping it moist.... i like as well the amount of room you have ceiling wise.

also do you know what strain it is?
Yep, I planted after doing the paper towel method for 2 days and getting the taproot to peek out, so I was wondering if the soil had to be kept moist when it was just a little sprout poking above the surface. Strain is KC Brains Northern Lights Special, I read it had a high yield, quick life cycle, potent but not too much smell, short and bushy, etc., so it sounded good for a first grow.
It's alive!

Looking a little sickly though maybe? The cotyledons haven't really opened up for about 12 hours and the top one looks a little yellow. Any tips or am I just worrying way too much?


Well-Known Member
Looks good bro!! +rep and +subbed Check out my grow in my sig, I just started my self. Hopefully we can compare at the end!! Running them under T5HO's, 3 AUTOs and a bag seed but did start with the CFL like you. My only advice would be too mix a little perlite in that soil for drainage and air. I'll be switching the the FFOF, I here its the shizz!! good luck and I will be checking in foo shoo :)
Thanks mate! Subbed to you as well. I'm playing the Muslim call to prayer 5 times a day in the grow room and I think it's making her feel at home. Growing strong and healthy so far.
Thanks, that's great to hear! Looking good in this pic from today, those leaves grow fast:

Also Weeds that Please was a huge help in my research, that site rocks.
Hi i'm using the same method you are. I have one plant from bag seed and it about 3 feet and flowering nicely. i'm using 5 23w cfls two from above and 3 around the side's. Good luck!
1 Week Update

Here's my seedling:

I had two 105W 6500K bulbs coming in the mail, but one showed up broken. So today I put my plant directly under my one working 105W bulb, with two 23W bulbs on one side. Here are pics of the new set-up:

So my concerns are:
1. Heat. I'm checking the temperature under the bulb with my hand every half hour or so to make sure being this close to the 105W bulb doesn't burn up my seedling. The 105W is comically large. Do you guys think it is too close, just based on the pictures?
2. Uneven light. With the 23W bulbs on one side, should I be concerned about my plant growing off horizontally instead of straight up? Again, I'll be checking regularly.
3. You'll notice all the leaves are curling. I did some research and a lot of people say this is totally normal for young plants and that the leaves will flatten out again soon. Since there doesn't seem to be any discoloration, I don't think it's nute burn from whatever ferts are already in the Fox Farm soil. But does it look like a problem to anyone? I've been watering when the soil goes dry a knuckle deep and also sprinkling water on with a spoon when the top soil runs dry.
Looks like I have some 3-point leaves growing out of the same node that the original leaves grew out of:

Do I need to move the light up just a little so they can stretch more and have more room for growth?
Someone on reddit told me to check my pH because it can cause deformities, so I tested my water and it was over 7.6. Lesson: if seedling looks freakish, check your pH.