Closet grow heat issues!


Active Member
Hello everyone. I was hoping I could get a little help with my closet grow heat issues. I haven't been on your forums for very long but everything I have read so far leads me to believe this is a great community. Any help would be much appreciated so thanks in advance! Here are the specs of everything involved: Closet is 6' x 3' x 3', 1x 400w HPS and two plants. I tried to make my own cool tube setup by buying a 13" hurricane glass tube from the local Hobby Lobby, some flex ducting from Home Depot and a in-line duct fan to help with exhaust. So far as I can tell everything is hooked up correctly but the temperature in my little closet will not go below 97 :-( I think the issue is ventilation so I cut a hole about 2" x 6" in the bottom of the closet to hopefully pull in more cold air but the temp still wont fall. Any ideas would be help me out so much! Until I can figure this out I haven't moved them into the closet yet because I fear that the heat will kill them!!!


Well-Known Member
my old setup i kept the door open during the day and had a fan sit on the clothes rack blowing air out. the first pic is my old setup, the second is my new the third is my ducting that i pump from outside ontop of the plexiglass(as you see in the 2nd pic)... and i keep another vortex fan in the corner... depending on the day it could be 75 others 83 highest is 87... i'm still struggling myself... i need to upgrade my plexiglass setup... during the summer i'm gettin ac



Active Member
Thanks for the quick reply =) I'll keep trying to vent it better and keep the doors open during the day like you suggested. I have some time before I need to switch to the HPS. The CFL's are working good so far. I posted a few picks of the closet and of the little guys.




Well-Known Member
Thanks for the quick reply =) I'll keep trying to vent it better and keep the doors open during the day like you suggested. I have some time before I need to switch to the HPS. The CFL's are working good so far. I posted a few picks of the closet and of the little guys.



Active Member
I scavenged up some CFM computer fans and power supplies from a friend and at work today. Hopefully this will help with the ventilation and heat issues! I really want to start using my HPS lamp that I dropped $100 If anyone has any ideas or has run into the same issue as me and has come up with a solution please let me know. If I get this solved on my own then I will be sure to post what the resolution is.


Well-Known Member
Just replace the air in your room quickly with air from the outside room. Keep your place cool, like 65 and wear a sweater... That way you are drawing in cooler air!


Active Member
Just replace the air in your room quickly with air from the outside room. Keep your place cool, like 65 and wear a sweater... That way you are drawing in cooler air!
That's what's kinda pissing me off is that my place is kept at or around 68 and the wifey im pretty sure will get pissed if I try and keep it any I try and keep her as happy as possible which in turn keeps me happy :lol: Once I get home from work I'll install those fans and see how more ventilation works out.... to be continued.


Active Member
Well.... I finally got it all figured out. As a first timer AKA n00b to all this I've been learning a ton. Ventilation and air flow are It sounds like an obvious statement but sometimes it's not so obvious to see why something isn't working like it you think it should. Temps are consistently in the mid to up 80's. All I need to do now is keep the kids alive :bigjoint: