Closet grow, 250w - 2 Green Bud, 1 Commercial


Light: Dual spectrum 250w Sun-master

Soil: Normal bedding soil from local

Fans: 2 blowing in, 1 is 80mm the other 120mm. And 1 80mm extracting at the top

Temps are...well, i dont have a thermometer but i guess there fine haha!

Seeds are from CH9 feminized website, 2 are Green Bud and 1 is Commercial. All 3 are of course feminized.

Any other questions about the set up just ask...Its pritty basic at the moment but as the plants get bigger Ill put more time and money into it.

Im vegging 24/0 for aprox 4 weeks depending on growth and keeping the same bulb for cost reasons.

I germed with the paper towel method and it worked a treat. Ill be keeping this journal updated probably twice a week for my interest and in there growth and for ur help/advice of course :leaf:

Now for sum pics :)

Day 1 - 24/0 :joint:



Well-Known Member
Hi, I would def recommend you build yourself a new cab. HPS + carboard box is not a great idea.
Thats the number one thing I would say needs to be changed but just for info, you dont really need fans blowing air in. Just focus on having fan(s) blowing air out. Just leaving holes will allow air to get sucked in in the process.


Thanks for the reply man, I spose thats because of the fire risk? Good point about the fans too, didn't even think of that!
i dont know if i would veg for 24/0. plants need a dark period for respiration. leaf and root growth are also most rapid during the dark period. i would go 20/4 or even 18/6.

things look good so far. keep it up!


Well-Known Member
All you need to make up for the £60 is 6gs more yield and a nice setup will easily get you there.
And there has been and always will be the fierce debate whether or not 24/0 or 18/6 hours of light is better. More or less it is both the same, neither is better than the other. ALTHOUGH I am more in favor for 18/6, because you will get the same results and save 8 hours of electricity a day.


So i got my 0.8x0.8x1.6 grow tent, set it up.

I still have the same 3 fans, although I fear they are too small and not doing a good enough job. Im not sure how to run a set up like this so ive included some pics and would love sumone who knows a bit more than me or has done something similar to help me out here. Still running the 250w dual spectrum, one of the plants leaves are starting to curl up now. Is this because its too hot? or cold?


Day 4 - 18/6



Well-Known Member
The curling could def be from heat, you have a thermo in there to measure temp? Im not an expert with HPS yet but I dont think its possible to use one without real ventilation. Not sure what the cheapest fan would be if money is tight. You could possibly build something out of a regular household fan. I would start a thread (or search for existing ones) in indoor growing about what you could do for ventilation with a 250w hps.
Also, your reflector is pretty bent, looks like it should be spread apart more.
View attachment 1198225
The curling could def be from heat, you have a thermo in there to measure temp? Im not an expert with HPS yet but I dont think its possible to use one without real ventilation. Not sure what the cheapest fan would be if money is tight. You could possibly build something out of a regular household fan. I would start a thread (or search for existing ones) in indoor growing about what you could do for ventilation with a 250w hps.
Also, your reflector is pretty bent, looks like it should be spread apart more.
View attachment 1198225
i agree. you definitely need a duct fan for your set up. i am currently using a 150w hps and an 80cfm fan works great. i might suggest the 6inch fan from as it has 160cfms and would work great for your setup.


1 week veg today :)

Lots of growth...leaves still curling a bit/drying up at edges. I think it can only be wind stress as the fan lower down was blowing right on to them, ive tried fixing the problem, hopefully it will work! Thanks for all the help tho guys, ive bent my reflector out a bit more too :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Hey man..great little journal so thing that caught my eye, was the fact that you said their is curling/drying. This to me means too hot. PLEASE don't bite my head off....I have yet to grow BUT from everything I've read so far that's what it could be...possible nut burn but I think they would be more yellowish. Also I have had some stuff that looked exactly as you describe and the grower said it was a heat issue.


Yeh thanks for ur input man :) The other possibility im thinking is that im using tap water every day and a lot of the water dries on the leaves, chlorine and other stuff the in water could be damaging the leaves?..


Well-Known Member
just a suggestion or two RE: chlorine and tap water...invest in a good PH meter (I paid $85.95 for mine) I know sounds like a lot but PH seems to play a HUGE role in the overall plants health. Also if you want to go the more work less money route try just leaving the tap water out for a day or so....lid off so the water can evaporate. HTH


Put some up after 3 weeks? Try distilling the water, chlorine levels may be too high in your area, this should iron out any problems.


2 weeks flowering about...Plants have been very stressed moving in/out of garage. Had a frost but seemed to be hard enough to survive :)

Im using biobloom nutes now as I had some yellowing at the bottom of the plant. 1 of them has pretty red stems as well. Anyway sorry for the late update, had a camera problem. Feel free to tell me what you think:
