Closet Circulation


Active Member
Well, it's in my closet, so I think ill be alright. Hopefully there wont be any light leakage anyway.


I dono if you have access to a mini fridge or freezer but i have herd of ppl putting one is there closet and cutting a hole in the door and in there grow box and connecting them using AC ducting


Active Member
What will you do about odor? - you will not believe how strong the aroma is. You sure don't want anyone else to notice.


Active Member
I'm thinking about changing my spot to a slightly larger closet. I'm thinking about running two 4" ducts out of the rear of the closet to the outside world, on for new air and one for exhaust. The closet itself is probably about 3 or four feet x 3 or four feet. Would that be alright?
btw, its 80cfm.
I think with a mere max. 16sq ft, it would be okay.


Active Member
I'm in a closet with NO ventilation just a cool breeze fan thats 24 inches tall, i run my light from 10pm till 10am temps r fine with my 600w cooltube and quatum ballast(which puts out as much heat as the light lol..JMO) Temps r between 84-86 NOT PERFECT BUT GOOD ENOUGH..Exp when u dont wanna cut holes in walls..I also have a dark sheet in my closet so that light and the heat come out the bottom of it and i can sleep at night lol..I do run an A/C when its over 85 outside durning the day and sometimes at night...


Well-Known Member
I flower in a walkin closet, and stealth is NOT an issue, although heat is. Keep that in mind.
In the flower closet I use a 400w Hortilux Eye with a cheap wing reflector. Other stuff I use, in a second.
Some good points were mentioned.
Lights on at night is good for those of us with temp issues. (5:30pm-5:30am for me)
Closet open during lights on, I tacked a heavy sheet type material on the
inside of the door frame for two reasons, one during lights on, it keeps the majority
of light from spilling out from under/around the door, second, during lights off it prevents light leaks into the dark closet. The material also breathes so the fans I run can do the job. The material can be propped from the inside to allow fresh air flow and still act as a light trap too.
Fans, I use 4 total. 1 12" honeywell hurricane type, 2 4" basically throwaway type fans you can sometimes buy for five dollars, but they last upwards of two years. These three fans run during the 12 hours my light is on. Last a 300cfm extraction fan four inch ducting. I only run the extractor fan for 15 minutes every 3 hours. The OP said holes were not an option, they weren't for me until I upgraded to 400w Hortilux bulb, so until I got that I extracted out the closet door.
My ambient room temp is 84-88 depending if the extractor is going.
Temps under my plants are not much of an issue do to fan placement and distance
from plant tops to light. I do have to water plant every three days, one of the big draw backs to higher temps. Leaves will crisp when plants are thirsty so very rarely do my leaves ever get too limp or too dry, if they do thats when they fry.
I've had to make small changes to combat heat issues since i'm not looking to upgrade lights but a perpetual grow with moderate equipment is doable in a closet.
I don't have a lot of pics of my flower room but a few of my current grow show the
basic idea, and the results so far this flower cycle.
The four plants range in age between first day female up to
four weeks female. Notice the bushy look of multi topped plants.
The grow space is 3 1/2' by 3' by 4' although I could grow from the floor doubling to
amount of height, no need to do that, my plants are for the most part under two and a half feet tall.
I should mention my electric bill runs between $90 in the winter to as high as $150 in the summer. My veg/clone closet uses cfls and at most a heating pad under my cloning dome so minimal electricity cost. With the extractor fan I have, when it runs the whole 12 hours of lights on, add $30-40 a month.


Active Member
your setup is a little larger than mine, I could probably only fix about 2 plants max. in mine. the ceiling of mine slopes from ~3 feet to ~1foot over a span of ~3 feet. Beautiful girls, though. Keep it up!


Active Member
I'm in a closet with NO ventilation just a cool breeze fan thats 24 inches tall, i run my light from 10pm till 10am temps r fine with my 600w cooltube and quatum ballast(which puts out as much heat as the light lol..JMO) Temps r between 84-86 NOT PERFECT BUT GOOD ENOUGH..Exp when u dont wanna cut holes in walls..I also have a dark sheet in my closet so that light and the heat come out the bottom of it and i can sleep at night lol..I do run an A/C when its over 85 outside durning the day and sometimes at night...
By the sounds of your setup, mine should be alright with the two 4" duct fans blowing in/out. What about smell? Is that an issue for you?


Well-Known Member
There's no way of growing quality buds without circulating fresh air because that is what plants need (fresh co2). So if you are not willing to cut holes u will have to open the door atleast once a day to let fresh air in (assuming your closet isn't to big and ur temp doesn't gett to high while doors shut and liights are on). So if you willling to change your mind you can just cut one 4 inch exhaust hole and one 4in intake (that's what im running in my 2x4x8 closet). Holes are very easy to patch up with some drivewall and mud.


Active Member
By the sounds of your setup, mine should be alright with the two 4" duct fans blowing in/out. What about smell? Is that an issue for you?
Yeah it stinks but i smoke all day anyway..Get some ONA gel or GONZO bags from homedepot..U'll be fine man dont stress over the little things..


Active Member
There's no way of growing quality buds without circulating fresh air because that is what plants need (fresh co2). So if you are not willing to cut holes u will have to open the door atleast once a day to let fresh air in (assuming your closet isn't to big and ur temp doesn't gett to high while doors shut and liights are on). So if you willling to change your mind you can just cut one 4 inch exhaust hole and one 4in intake (that's what im running in my 2x4x8 closet). Holes are very easy to patch up with some drivewall and mud.
Goes to show u just what u dont know..And im pretty sure he will have the closet atleast cracked throughout the lights on cycle...Cant stand people when they say ohh u need this and this...U dont need a scrubber or cut holes in walls to grow quality herbs...OHH yeah whats drivewall????LMAO..And its not that easy to patch holes...


Well-Known Member
I just harvested my 5th crop in my closet. I have NO holes in my wall or door. I just leave the door open a bit and turn on the air conditioner for the house as normal. My temps stay at about 83 degrees on average.


Well-Known Member
i grew in my closet for a while.....door open, door cracked, box fan blowing under the door...all a pain in the ass, skip all that, get a carbon filter and an inline fan and cut a whole in the ceiling of the closet, use insulated ducting from lowes/homedepot (20-30 bucks) and pump the air back in somewhere else in your house. (reason to pump it back in is unless you are using extremely high watts in that small of a closet it is still going to be cooler than outside air, and a lot better than pumping AC air into the attic) I used a 435 cfm inline fan so i woudln't have to worry about the fan being strong enough, keeps the closet the exact same temp it is in the living room with a 400w MH in it.


Active Member
You have to leave the door open if you plan to run a 400w HID and don't want to put any duct's in the walls. It will get way to hot in there for your plants if you can't exchange the air. You could leave it open a crack and use 6" dryer ducting to channel new air in and hot air out or consider using a different lighting.


Active Member
I've decided (I think) to cut two 4" holes in the back of my closet (its connected to crawlspace, to roof, to outside). I'm also thinking of a double rubbermaid stealth setup. like, one on top of the other to make a container for the plant+ light, cut two holes in that too, minimize air leakage b/c of smell. I think I got this.


Active Member
I'm trying to figure out the same thing. I'm renting and not handy, so I'm not going to cut holes in the building. I'm pretty sure that I'm going to seal off the closet with mylar and cut a couple holes in it to intake and exhaust.