Y'all are speakin' my mind for me, heh. I'm in the exact same boat, guys. Isolation due to illegalization. Fuck that. I am soooo tired of not being able to make connections and to talk about what I wanna talk about with people who know what's up... I'm really looking forward to getting to CO, or at least a card so I can chat up the medicinal peeps. More likely CO though, I was really happy to see that link to Obama's commentary, it is about time he spoke the fuck up!
I got "family" out there already... friends who moved out there to pursue the pot trade... my buddy grows for a dispensary, he runs the veg. room, another dude does flowering. And his girl works at hte corresponding disp.

They keep tellin me the y will get me work if I come out, it's just a matter of time. I've been trying to get my gf on board for a while and she just said a few days ago that we can go, haha.
My family is actually pretty chill... well, my mom's side... I stopped talkin to almost everyone on my dad's side when i was like 12, haha. Too much negativity. It drove me away. Anyway... yeah... my mom's side is mad chill, all my uncles basically smoke weed, that's what I've found out over the last several years. My step dad does. So basically every single male I will see at Christmas, smokes dem trees. The women all don't, but they're all for freedom and rights and wouldn't be a problem.
Still, I keep my revelation to individuals, one at a time, when I feel it is right. Mostly I don't tell anyone. Basically one uncle and my step dad know, and my mom and sister.