Closet 2.0: Dialed in. Back with more PAR T5's, Sannies Genetics, Earth Juice, ++


Well-Known Member
LoL... no profit margin talk plz, self-supply only, right guys? haha.
i meant that metaphorically, as in you will profit emotional and psychologically ;)

but really ill be honest i have no reason to continue growing them soon once i get enough to store away for myself for my medical condition(cluster headaches) ill stop growing, so im not really doing it for profit..


Well-Known Member
LoL... no profit margin talk plz, self-supply only, right guys? haha.
i meant that metaphorically, as in you will profit emotional and psychologically ;)

but really ill be honest i have no reason to continue growing them soon once i get enough to store away for myself for my medical condition(cluster headaches) ill stop growing, so im not really doing it for profit..
You have no reason to continue but you knows you want to lol


Well-Known Member
Some new shots of the yellowing... anyone want to hazard a guess? Is this an over-fertilized situation? I think I have too much N and it's starting to creep on the leaves... don't know what I can do about it though, since it's in the soil in worm castings form. I think I made a stupid move, because I added a little grow to the last bloom feeding in case I was seeing nitrogen deficiency... pretty damn sure it's not at this point...

Sigh. I am having trouble feeling optimistic today. If y'all want to offer any input on what this looks like, i'd appreciate it.

Here's some pictures;



Well-Known Member
get your ph in check IMO asap.......need to know if it's a lock before trying to fix/add anything........good luck grower


Well-Known Member
get your ph in check IMO asap.......need to know if it's a lock before trying to fix/add anything........good luck grower
I have a liquid test kit... test run off? I ph'd the runoff water the last week and it was a little on the basic side, maybe closer to 7 than 6.5... as far as I know that's where I'm supposed to be, more or less...

I will test it again today...

Edit: Just tested run off, I'd say it's about 6.8... sigh.

I tested the water I am using too, and it seems to be about the same. I am not the best judge of color, it could be closer to 7.

Should I be ph'ing my water down before I'm watering?

Appreciate the help... would like to get it fixed...

If it is 7, is that my problem?


Well-Known Member
My seeds haven't popped yet either. Everything goes to shit at once, I swear... I want to punch life in the balls right now...

Anyway. I flushed all the plants with a bit of extra water today to try to reduce to the N content... might not have been any point in that though, especially if I should have been correcting the ph of that water before flushing... :facepalm:


Well-Known Member
Throw the liquid tester in the trash..........runoff means nothing. Need to know the MEDIUMS PH by using a soil ph tester, depending on your $$$ situation I recommend the following : expensive but dead accurate, if your planning on growing in soil long into the future it's worth the investment. cheaper and still quite accurate but has a short prefer to hit the root zone cheapest and still kinda accurate IF you polish the shit out of the probe with fine grit sand paper before each use, Can also buy the analog versions at HD or lowes for $15 bucks but you must use the sand paper and test RIGHT AFTER you water the girls...

test asap and see if your between 6-7.....then fix what's necessary(looks like a K def too me)..........good luck grower


Well-Known Member
Well, fuck it. I can't be stressed by this any more, so what ever happens happens... if someone thinks they see what's up, I'm still open to suggestions, but otherwise I'll get whatever the fuck I get out of this... god damn, I hate being out of meds. I'm basically bi-polar now, hooray!


Well-Known Member
Fuck, I really can't afford that expensive ass tester, but it seems like the only one that's going to give me good readings. I guess I could go with the cheap analog tester for now. I had one once, I don't know if it's still around anywhere. Everyone told me to throw THAT in the trash, which is why I got the liquid test. :facepalm:


Well-Known Member
looking like a k lockout lower the pH. stick to your feed schedule for now wouldn't change anything looks like the ph is just a little too high. as for how to ph your water that would depend on the nutes your using if they are buffered solutions(most are) at ph of 6.5-7 you should ph down, just use a few drops of ph down or a tsp of lemon juice will be fine. i dont ever pH, because, i use nute that are made to pH the water for you when mixed properly, regardless they lower ph and also because i make compost teas which can get very acidic some time. i feed daily so my plant are always receiving nute water at a lower pH than 7 but if i did use plain water only, i would pH it down, especially with a fresh batch of soil, and the dol lime is at its most efficient point of buffering water to 7.0.


Well-Known Member
Using earthjuice organic, bubbling 12-24 hours before feeding... not sure about it's properties though.

I ordered the 30 dollar rapitest... I have to work within pretty tight parameters cost wise right now... I'll fine sandpaper it like you said psuagro...


Well-Known Member
Again, thanks guys, I appreciate your holding my hand through the aspects I haven't figured out yet. I'd probably be freaking out a lot more if I didn't have y'all in here.


Well-Known Member
Yeah they told you it's trash because they didn't use sand paper on the probes.........they tarnish even in the packaging and are inaccurate with that tarnished film on them/hence the bad rep....once polished(even the crappy pads they supply suck) to bright and shiny all over they are accurate(i've tested it against my friends blue) within .5(not shabby)


Well-Known Member
Yeah they told you it's trash because they didn't use sand paper on the probes.........they tarnish even in the packaging and are inaccurate with that tarnished film on them/hence the bad rep....once polished(even the crappy pads they supply suck) to bright and shiny all over they are accurate(i've tested it against my friends blue) within .5(not shabby)
Makes sense... wish I'd known that way back when I got rid of my tester. Honestly it might be kicking around somewhere but I don't have the foggiest idea where, so. Oh well. The digital rapitest one is on the way...


Well-Known Member
it seems earth juice has a low pH to start with that can skyrocket when bubbled i recommend, mixing your earth juice immediately before use instead of bubbling it.
(reading from other peoples experiences on google; earth juice grow pH)


Well-Known Member
it seems earth juice has a low pH to start with that can skyrocket when bubbled i recommend, mixing your earth juice immediately before use instead of bubbling it.
(reading from other peoples experiences on google; earth juice grow pH)
Alright, interesting... I thought the whole point of bubbling was that I was in danger of going too low... now it seems i'm on the other side of the coin after all... would I be better off keeping the bubbling but adding the tsp of lemon juice after it's bubbled? That way the microorganisms still get a head start?

I will definitely take it under advisement... fucking just flushed all my plants with water that was probably a shade on the high side... :facepalm:

It's times like these I wish I knew what the fuck I was doing. Ho ho ho.

Thanks man.


Well-Known Member
itll be alright man, i just wouldnt bubble it IMO, im sure they "prebrewed" it then stabilized it for storage so it would become active immediately, it probably has to do with the fact its instantly active once it hits the water and they start pumping off enzymes and shit that raises the pH had they a different food source like the soil he reaaction may not be the same.

but yeah in the end you could go about it like that and bubble it then add some lemon juice afterwards to bring i back down, either way the microbes dont really need a "head start" they will do better in thier enviroment in the soil than they ever could in the water, those kind of factors are more for decompising organic matter, im pretty sure liek i said prebrewed that their mix is probably alread half decomposed by the time you get it, but that more play into the marketing factor, everyone want their nutes to be "instant" or at least thats what they expect.


Well-Known Member
Alright, thanks. My understanding of why one might bubble was apparently off!

Yeah, I'll try it straight up next time, that sounds like a good idea... also considering cutting to a lower dose and feeding with every watering, that sounded like a good idea to avoid ph swinging...


Well-Known Member
Whats up altar, sorry to see that your having so much problems. You don't need an expensive ass meter. Get a Milwaukee ph600 and I guarentee you wont have problems. Oh and that is a severe K deficient plant, this I know for sure because I once had the same problem. It's due to high ph locking it out.

Ph your water/nutes to 6.6 and you wont be facing these kinds of problems. Flush with a complete nute and then slowly go back. When I flush I use dyna gro as it's the most complete nutrient I've ever used and it works really well at fixing a deficient plant. Oh and yes make sure you ph down/up your water/nutes before watering. Also try using a little dolomite lime as a buffer in your soil to stabilize any creeping ph levels.

If you need any help altar feel free to pm me. I've been where you were and wanted to kill everything in site lol.

Here take a look at this chart.

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