Close to harvest ? Yellow leaves ?

Hello All !!

This is a Blue Mystic and it's just over 10 weeks old. Some of the leaves are starting to turn yellow. This is my first grow. Is it time to start flushing the nutrients and just run straight ph'd water ? All the trichomes are still clear. I'm not sure when the right time to harvest is. I'm running DWC. HELP !!!



Well-Known Member
Not ready yet man, the yellowing I see doesn't look like end of life yellowing either, more like a deficancy.

Guessing its a cfl grow? Looks alittle under developed for 10weeks. But other than that man she looks really pretty.
Grats on your first grow man, Goodluck with the rest of it

edit: did you mean 10weeks old or 10weeks of 12/12
Actually it started out as cfl. I didn't learn about ph until
The third week in so the first few weeks was kinda rough. I just switched my lighting system 2 weeks ago. I'm running the 240w black star led panel now. The only change I've made to my nutrients in the past few weeks is that I have added a little bud candy and I did that about a week ago


Well-Known Member
Actually it started out as cfl. I didn't learn about ph until
The third week in so the first few weeks was kinda rough. I just switched my lighting system 2 weeks ago. I'm running the 240w black star led panel now. The only change I've made to my nutrients in the past few weeks is that I have added a little bud candy and I did that about a week ago
Oh, badass dude sounds great

10 weeks since I planted the seed.
It's an auto flower strain
ok awesome, yeah when I saw blue mystic I thought it might be the auto, in that case you're right on track man, I'd say at least another 4-6 weeks before its ripe buddy
When did you switch her to a 12/12 light cycle?

I just did a quick google and found that the strain has a 9 week flower period. So she should be ready to harvest about 9 weeks after you switched her to 12/12 light cycle. (However, I would check with the seed company to confirm the flower period)

As Xrangex said, the yellowing looks like a deficiency. Also, your temp might be a bit high as the leaves look curled and dry but this could be due to a deficiency.
Your temp should be about 74-75 degrees fahrenheit when lights are on.

Edit: Forget what I said about switching to 12/12 etc.. I have just read your other new comments. I have no knowledge of autoflower. But she is not ready yet.


Well-Known Member
I just grew my first BM plant; it flowered in 8 weeks. It started growing male flowers at 8 weeks so I cut it down; probably should have gone to 9 weeks. Expect to flower (12/12 light cycle) for at least 7 weeks. Anyways. You should try not to overthink things (you haven't yet but you're headed in that direction) and your plant looks really small/ under-developed; as you learn more you'll have stronger plants so don't worry about it. Blue Mystic is a great strain; I haven't tasted it yet but the final product looks just great. GL man
Now I have a stupid question ? With auto flower strains you don't have to change the light cycle do you ? I have a couple other very young plants in my box as well and don't want to screw up there veg cycle